Really great Chinese medicine doctors are “fortune teller” master!

Really great Chinese medicine doctors are "fortune teller" master!

Medicine and yi have the same origin, the same religion, the same method, and the same structure in their philosophical view of the evolution of the universe. yi’s way of thinking has an important influence on the formation and development of Chinese medicine.

The difference between the two lies only in the fact that “Zhou Yi” explores the process and mechanism of the formation of all things in heaven and earth, including human life, while Chinese medicine mainly focuses on the process and mechanism of the formation of human life. Therefore, it is said that one cannot be a doctor without knowing Yi.

Chinese medicine is not fortune-telling, but Chinese medicine has a diagnosis, there are five movements and six qi, a good Chinese medicine doctor can know what disease you have, dangerous or not, you have a disease natural energy is not enough, luck is not too good, so that Chinese medicine can also tell fortunes.

The most amazing thing in Chinese history is “Bian Magpie’s Diagnosis of Guo”, when everyone thought that Prince Guo had died and was about to be coffined, Bian Magpie came and asked “When did he die? But when the magpie came, he asked, “When did he die?

Because the magpie mastered the secret of the relationship between human qi and blood and time, the rooster crowing time is the time when human qi and blood yin and yang are fighting.

So he first needled Prince Guo’s “Baihui point”, which is the first important point where the human body’s yang energy gathers, and then started from the human body’s Shaoyang, and applied hot compresses to Prince Guo’s two woes …… Thus, a Chinese doctor who has been passed down through the ages The story of “raising the dead” has triggered the infinite admiration of countless masters in later generations!

The Chinese medical sage Zhang Zhongjing, while lamenting the miracle of the magpie, also had a divine calculation circulating in the community. Zhang Zhongjing once met Wang Ch’ung, a talented young man who was one of the “Seven Sons of Jian’an”, and knew that he was ill by looking at him and prescribing a prescription for him to take. He refused to take the medicine because he hated being told that he was sick.

So Zhang Zhongjing compassionately asserted that in twenty years Wang Ch’ung would lose his eyebrows and die six months later. …… When everything unfortunately comes to pass, our reason really feels greatly confused. These great doctors of our ancient times seem to have surpassed the limits of modern technology, and the extraordinary power of their perspective is beyond the realm of our understanding, are they gods?

In fact, all this does not deviate from the so-called rigorous path of medicine; everything is traceable.

In the first story, Bian Magpie is the master of “yin and yang”, while Zhang Zhongjing has the “six meridians” as the basis for his discernment.

The miraculous “diagnosis” of Chinese medicine

Whether it is the way you walk, the sound of your voice, or every movement of your body that will reveal the movement or blockage of your five organs, nothing can escape the eyes of the Magpies and Hua Tuos.

“This is the way of Chinese medicine: “To see and know is to be called God. It requires you to activate all your spiritual energy, to see and understand with your heart. This way of Chinese medicine is subtle, but it contains a certain truth of life.

Because in Chinese medicine, the body is not a meaningless, passive walking corpse, it is rich in intelligence and an open giant system that freely exchanges information and energy with the outside world.

For example, when seeing a patient with sallow lips and mouth, TCM practitioners can determine that the person’s spleen qi has declined and stomach yin has been exhausted, and the prognosis is poor. Because TCM believes that the spleen is open to the mouth, and its Hua is in the lips, the changes in the mouth and lips can reveal many problems of the spleen and stomach.

In addition, from the facial color, the stomach disease is “black in the face”, that is, the forehead and skull is black, and there are black spots in the circulation area, and if it is serious, “the mouth is crooked and the lips are gizzard”; the pulse of the heart and hand Shaoyin is “tied to the eye system”, and the eyes are straight and inflexible when the disease is present. If the Heart Hand Shaoyin Vessel is tied to the eyes, the eyes become straight and inflexible. The color of the pulse of the Kidney Foot Shao-Yin is “the face is like lacquer wood”; the color of the pulse of the Gallbladder Foot Shao-Yang is “the face is slightly dusty, the body has no cream”; the color of the pulse of the Liver Foot Conjunctive Yin is “the face is dusty and decolored”, which is an image of blood deficiency that cannot be glorified. …… In fact, these abilities are the basic skills that every person familiar with Chinese medicine should have. In fact, these abilities are the basic qualities that every person familiar with the classics of Chinese medicine should have, but “today’s doctors, do not think about seeking the purpose of the scriptures”, ignoring the classics, only “short-term unknown to determine the diagnosis, the nine waiters had no imitation, …… the husband wants to see death and life, it is difficult. “

Chinese medicine and the “Fang Shi”

Chinese medicine doctors in the earliest days of the “Fangji” name, engaged in “Fangji” people called “Fang Shi”, they are not only proficient in medicine, but also proficient in astronomy, calendar, five elements, miscellaneous accounting, feng shui etc.

In ancient times, there are many famous doctors are proficient in feng shui fortune-telling, such as the Ming Dynasty famous doctor Miao Xiyong is a representative of the feng shui school of reasoning, the Qing Dynasty famous surgeon Wang Hongxu is proficient in divining yarrow, the Republic of China famous doctor Yuan Shushan known as “fortune-telling giant” and so on.

Therefore, the great doctor Sun Simiao said: to be a great doctor, must be a good understanding of yin and Yang, Lu life, phase method, Zhou Yi…… that is, Chinese medicine should be astronomy and geography know everything, divination and astrology know everything, which is actually the high standard of the cultural quality of Chinese medicine doctors, strict requirements.

As a time-orientation medicine, TCM uses the unique theory of the five movements and six qi to explain the impact of natural climatic changes on human life.

The Five Luck is the use of each of the five elements of wood, fire, earth, gold and water with the heavenly stems to project the yearly luck of the year. The six qi are wind, heat, fire, humidity, dryness and cold, each with an earthly branch, to project the yearly qi.

The ancients believed that if a doctor did not know the yearly luck and the yearly qi, he could not be a doctor, but if he knew “the year’s plus, the qi’s strength and weakness, and the real and imaginary origin”, he could treat the disease like a god.

First of all, he should know the annual luck of the year, so that he can project the basic situation of the occurrence of diseases in that year.

For example, 2004 is the year of the Chinese lunar calendar A Shen, every A year, the year of the self, are earth transport, A for Yang earth, so but in the six A year (A Zi, A Xu, A Shen, A Wu, A Chen, A Yin) for the earth transport too much, too much earth transport, then water and wet epidemic, water and wet epidemic of the year.

For example, in 1954 (Jiawu) Shijiazhuang was flooded, and B brain epidemic. And whenever the six hexagonal year (hexi, hexao, hexu, hexu, hexu, hexu, hexu) is the year of the earth transport is not too much, wood grams earth, it is windy, prone to tendon straightening, muscle spasms and other diseases.

For example, in 1979 (hexwei) some areas of our country on the occurrence of meningitis neck straightening, limb spasms and other diseases.

After the yearly transport is determined, the yearly gas should be determined according to the earth branch, the year’s earth branch is Shen, Shen for the Shaoyang phase of the fire division of the sky, the Zheyin wind wood in the spring. An earth transport too much, a phase of fire in the sky, a wind wood in the spring, this is the general situation of this year’s qi.

The phase of fire in the sky, the wind and fire on the incitement, easy for disaster. Fire upwards, it will headaches, respiratory diseases, such as consumption and other diseases increase; fire depression in the blood vessels, it is sores, malignant tumors, eye disease, ear disease will be more ……

Wind and wood in the spring, wind win and liver disease, there will be some of the two urgent and heart pain, wood and earth, people’s spleen and stomach of the earth will also be subject to evil …… This is the general trend of disease in the year. And the person born in this year will also reveal the characteristics of this year’s annual luck, which is a bit like fortune telling.

People born in this year on the physiological fate of earth, fire, wind image, from these images can be projected not only the strength and weakness of the five internal organs trend, but also can be projected character, of course, more detailed changes to refer to the main guest of luck plus Lin.

In a word, the soul of Chinese medicine is to be able to see the divine, and the standard of operation of Chinese medicine is to be random.

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