A Chinese medicine director’s sincere words: these few moves, can determine the true level of a Chinese medicine doctor

A Chinese medicine director's sincere words: these few moves, can determine the true level of a Chinese medicine doctor

Teach you a few ways to judge the true level of Chinese medicine doctors

I have always believed that the current situation of Chinese medicine is worrying, not because of a few flies from outside, but mainly because the actual level of Chinese medicine practitioners cannot be improved, and what is more terrible is that some people who have not started at all are more influential in the public than the real level of Chinese medicine practitioners through commercial packaging.

From the public’s point of view, if you entrust your life and health to the so-called famous doctors who appear to be qualified but are actually just commercial props, the money will be taken out of your pocket, but if you miss your health, it will leave endless consequences for your life, which is really sweaty to think about.

The key to the revitalization of Chinese medicine is to let more people get health benefits from Chinese medicine, and to get health benefits from Chinese medicine, the public needs to have a way to judge the true level of Chinese medicine.

It is really difficult for amateurs to judge the business level of insiders, especially in Chinese medicine, because its theory is far from the modern knowledge that modern people learn, and those modern people who do not engage in Chinese medicine profession are basically difficult to contact in their lifetime, so it is even more difficult.

Here I give you a few points, I hope it will help you choose Chinese medicine.

One, do not be confused by the reputation.

A good reputation needs to be run. If you are attracted to the operation of fame, you tend to neglect the study of professional knowledge. Reputation is the least reliable way to judge the standard of a TCM doctor.

Two, do not be confused by ancestral traditions.

The sons of famous doctors in history are basically not famous doctors.

Ancestral tradition is basically unreliable, as can be seen. Therefore, by playing the ancestral card of Chinese medicine is generally no card to play, must not be superstitious.

Three, do not have age limitations

Becoming a good TCM practitioner requires enlightenment.

Wang Mianzhi, the old director of the prescription teaching and research department of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said that if a person does not learn to take a pulse within three months, he will not learn to take a pulse for the rest of his life. Therefore, boiling age has practically no effect on the growth of skills in the profession of Chinese medicine.

Four, the most critical point: whether the people around the TCM doctor seek him out for treatment

The best way to see if a TCM doctor is worthy of your trust is to see if the people around him are seeing him.
If a Chinese medicine doctor is very famous and people from far away come to see him, but the people around him do not see him, this Chinese medicine doctor is certainly not trustworthy. The reason is simple, people from outside the country to see a doctor who happens to be well once, loudly, will bring more newcomers, those without efficacy will also say, but can not resist the psychology of anxious people to try, so basically can not stop the arrival of more unknown patients.

Five, a difficult problem for many famous Chinese medicine practitioners

Some of my university teachers (who are all famous figures in TCM) have always advocated TCM on various occasions because of their profession, especially when TCM is under attack. But they are also always stuck with the same question. Often, listeners would ask whether their children took Western medicine or boiled Chinese medicine when they had a cold at home, and they would not dare to say more because they were basically using Western medicine.

In fact, a person who has a better comprehension of TCM is reluctant to use western medicine when he has a cold, especially the infusion that is popular nowadays, and is categorically reluctant to use it. The treatment of colds in TCM is very fine, divided into many types such as wind-cold colds, wind-heat colds, damp colds, qi-deficiency colds, yin-deficiency colds and so on. If the certification is accurate and the prescription is reasonable, the effect is very significant, and generally a pair of drugs can solve the problem.

Six, pay attention to the behavior of the Chinese medicine doctor when diagnosing the pulse

Cutting the pulse is a very important diagnostic tool for TCM doctors. However, according to my observation, at least 80% of Chinese medicine practitioners do not know this diagnostic technique.

There is a folk saying that the pulse is left for men and right for women. But if a TCM doctor only feels your pulse on one hand, you should not trust him, you can just get up and leave. A real Chinese doctor can only make a diagnosis after carefully feeling the pulse of both hands. Those who do not feel the pulse at all, nor look at the tongue, ask you about your condition and then prescribe you medicine, not to mention.

Seven, pay attention to the reaction when taking medicine

If the Chinese medicine is very correct, there is usually a quick response. It is not a legend that TCM doctors are slow practitioners.

If there is no reaction to the medicine after taking three or four pairs, good or bad, it means that it is not the right way. Of course, this does not necessarily mean that the doctor’s level is poor. You should reflect this to the doctor truthfully in order to adjust the direction, and if there is still no response after 2-3 times of adjustment, you can consider changing the doctor. Remember, herbal medicine is not slow and should respond in 3-4 times, no matter how good or bad it is.

Eight, it is better to understand some TCM medical theory by yourself

If you can understand some of the basic principles of Chinese medicine, it will be easier to judge.

From the current situation in China, it is better to learn Western medicine to make money, but learning Chinese medicine is more beneficial to your health, even if you are not engaged in the medical profession, you should learn some Chinese medicine theory. There is a medical book in ancient Chinese medicine called “Confucianism”, which says that to honor your parents you must know medical theory.

Nine, choose a good TCM doctor and stick to it

Chinese medicine has a coherent understanding of the human body and disease, and there are systematic theories on health and disease prevention. It is a blessing to meet a good TCM doctor who is indeed coherent in medical theory.

This is the time to let the TCM practitioner assess your physique comprehensively, then develop a set of health care treatment plan that is in line with your physique, and regular health care, conditioning, and adherence to it, will certainly have great benefits to your health!
The health benefits will be enormous.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/understandingtcm/a-chinese-medicine-directors-sincere-words-these-few-moves-can-determine-the-true-level-of-a-chinese-medicine-doctor.html

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