Why are more and more people having trouble getting pregnant? This famous Chinese doctor’s health scripture, hurry up and collect it!

The best age for women to have children is between the ages of 25 and 32, with a watershed at 35, when ovarian function begins to deteriorate and many women find it difficult to get pregnant.

Why are more and more people having trouble getting pregnant? This famous Chinese doctor's health scripture, hurry up and collect it!

Modern women are busy with work and family while under all kinds of pressure to delay pregnancy as long as possible.

As women age, the probability of uterine and ovarian lesions increases.

In China, the infertility rate among couples of childbearing age has climbed from 2.5%-3% 20 years ago to about 12%-15% in recent years, and there are about 50 million infertile people, and the number is still increasing.

A. 1 minute self-test of your “fertility rate”

01 Whether your menstruation is normal

Many women suffer from menstrual cycle confusion, abnormal bleeding or menstrual pain, but do nothing about it. Do you have any of the following conditions?

(1) A menstrual cycle of 20 days or less or 40 days or more.
(2) Are menstrual cramps so severe that you can’t even get out of bed
(3) Whether you have non-menstrual bleeding
(4) Whether the amount of menstrual blood is too much or too little.

If you meet 1-2 of the above items, it is recommended to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department for a checkup, and 3-4 items are recommended to go to the infertility specialist clinic immediately.

02 Whether you have had an abortion

After repeated miscarriages or abortions and undergoing curettage, a woman’s internal uterus and fallopian tubes can be damaged, causing adhesions inside the uterus and blockage of the fallopian tubes, which can lead to infertility. Do you have any of the following conditions?

(1) Have you experienced more than 3 miscarriages?
(2) Have been diagnosed with infertility
(3) Have had more than 2 abortions
(4) Have you had an abortion when the fetus was more than 4 months old?

If you meet 1-2 of the above items, it is recommended to visit the obstetrics and gynecology department, and 3-4 items are recommended to visit the infertility specialist clinic immediately.

03 Whether your lifestyle is healthy or not

Lifestyle habits also have a great impact on women’s pregnancy power. Among couples who are worried about infertility, one out of five is infertility caused by irregular lifestyle habits. Please take the following test.

(1) Whether your hands, feet and waist are cold in high summer.
(2) Whether you have lost 10kg in a short period of time.
(3) Whether you have anemia.
(4) Whether you often feel stressed about work and relationships.

If you meet the above items 1-3 suggest to improve your lifestyle habits, 4 items indicate that stress has already had a great impact on your body, suggest to go to the obstetrics and gynecology department for a checkup.

04 Whether male function is to be enhanced

Among couples with infertility, about half of the causes are also in the male partner. Men are invited to take the following tests.

(1) Whether he is unable to get an erection during intercourse and cannot ejaculate.
(2) Whether the semen is dark yellow or even somewhat red in color.
(3) Whether the testicles are smaller or lighter.
(4) whether or not you have been infected with an STD.

If you meet 1-2 of the above items, it is recommended to go to urology for examination, and 3-4 items are recommended to seek immediate consultation at the infertility specialist clinic.

The best age for women to have children is between 25 and 32 years old, but 35 years old is a watershed, after which women’s ovarian function begins to deteriorate and many women are found to have difficulty getting pregnant.

B. Why are more and more people “difficult to get pregnant”?

01 Women sleep too late, ovaries prone to premature failure

Many women are irregular and stressed, leading to irregular menstruation, premature aging, and even childbirth has become a problem. If you sleep late, you will not sleep well, and it is useless to make up for it.

And now women are busy at work, mental stress, often stay up late at night, these bad habits, psychological stress often lead to premature ovarian failure in women.

If you want to have children and want to be beautiful, don’t stay up late. When you are young, you owe too much sleep debt, which will affect the quality of your eggs; estrogen levels drop, and women age faster.

02 sweets eat too much, affecting the endocrine

Because of the pleasure that sweets bring to people, women tend to prefer to eat sweets. But women who eat too much sugar are prone to many diseases, such as the common vaginitis.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, sweets are thick and fatty, and they tend to accumulate phlegm and dampness when eaten excessively, which can affect the ovaries and cause ovulation and endocrine disorders, thus affecting the uterus. It will also affect the secretion of estrogen levels in the body and affect ovarian function.

03 usually always sit, easy to stagnant blood stasis

The more you sit for a long time, the worse the circulation of blood and qi will become, the longer you are not relaxed and comfortable, when there is stagnation of blood stasis phenomenon, the health of the period, the uterus are not good.

04 too much fried food, resulting in hormonal disorders

Too much fried food, coffee and cola can also lead to hormonal disorders in the body and trigger polycystic ovary syndrome.

The chemicals in fried foods can affect the body’s control of blood sugar, thus nearly doubling a woman’s chances of developing diabetes during pregnancy. And gestational diabetes can lead to premature delivery, low birth weight babies or stillbirths.

05 Excessive psychological stress can also affect pregnancy

Some women who fail to get pregnant do so because of psychological factors. The more you can’t get pregnant, the more nervous you are, using test strips to test ovulation every day, and going to the hospital to do ultrasound, a thick stack of ultrasound sheets over several months, the more nervous you are, the less likely you are to get pregnant.

06 Indiscriminate use of ovulation drugs, but affect ovulation

In order to increase the chance of conception, some female patients blindly use drugs to promote ovulation, some girls even promote ovulation more than ten times a year in order to increase the pregnancy rate!

However, the number of eggs in a woman is limited, so ovulation will cause a large loss of eggs in a short period of time, resulting in a significant decrease in the reserve function of the ovaries, and eventually even ovulation will not be possible.

The special physiological structure of a woman is a delicate flower, eating, wearing, living, using, walking, need to pay special attention, do not give gynecological disease left to take advantage of.

C. How to improve the conception rate?

Use this famous Chinese medicine practitioner’s book of health care

01 Never stay up late

Women are beautiful only when they have enough qi and blood, so sleep is beauty sleep for women. It is best to be able to get up at 6:00 a.m. every day and definitely go to bed before 11:00 p.m.

Chinese medicine believes that, starting at 11 p.m., the liver enters the most vigorous metabolic time, when rest is not good, the body’s blood production function will decline.

02 A glass of hot milk before bedtime

After reaching the age of 40, all aspects of function will go downhill. Estrogen decline, began to gain weight, fat around the belly a circle; people slowly become shorter, this time the calcium in the bones, has begun to lose a little.

You can make it a habit to drink a glass of hot milk every night before going to bed, and for breakfast you can soak cereal in the milk, boil it over low heat and then beat an egg into it. Every morning you can eat two walnuts, usually cook some rice kernel, red dates, wolfberry porridge to drink.

03 postpartum to rest, not too strenuous

Women are to raise, period to raise, after the birth of a child more to raise. Chinese medicine especially emphasizes the supplemental blood, Chinese medicine believes that women before childbirth a fire, after the birth of a piece of ice, childbirth will hurt the blood and gas, the physique will become cold, so advocate postpartum “should be warm”.

Postpartum conditioning is good for the recovery of the body, if not pay attention, easy to cause postpartum infection, uterine detachment.

04 More exercise, keep a relaxed mood

Weekend is so good, do not stay at home, see the outside scenery.

Weekdays can do some yoga, through stretching meridians as well as breathing method to adjust the body nerves, so that the blood flow smoothly, have the effect of improving menstrual disorders and cold.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/why-are-more-and-more-people-having-trouble-getting-pregnant-this-famous-chinese-doctors-health-scripture-hurry-up-and-collect-it.html

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