How to maintain a bad stomach? Teach you 4 moves work!

The impact of stomach disease in the body is very big, can cause nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain and other symptoms, greatly affecting the efficiency of work or study.

How to maintain a bad stomach? Teach you 4 moves work!

The stomach is one of the most important organs in our body and is the key to absorbing nutrients. If the function of the stomach is damaged, it will cause a lack of nutrients in the body, which in turn will affect the normal work of other organs. Diet is a decisive factor in the health of the stomach, to maintain a good stomach, in the daily must pay attention to eating habits, to pay attention to three meals a day regular diet.

How to maintain the stomach in normal times?

1, Eat less and more meals

It is recommended that we do not usually eat too much, as long as you eat seven minutes full is enough. Eating too much will bring burden to the stomach, resulting in the body accumulation of fat, but also the formation of obesity.

2, Meals on time

Life has a lot of people who want to lose weight quickly, like to diet to lose weight, think not to eat to lose weight, which is actually the wrong idea. Dieting will make the stomach contraction, damage to the stomach function. So no matter how busy you are, we must eat three meals a day on time, so as not to damage the health of the stomach.

3, Active food therapy

Warm foods such as mutton and dog meat have a certain effect of nourishing the stomach, and it is recommended that patients with stomach cold disease can eat more. Garlic has a certain anti-bacterial and anti-toxic effect, so it is recommended that patients with inflammation eat more garlic to relieve inflammation. In addition, the life of the stomach food also includes red dates, walnuts, wolfberry, silver fungus, etc..

4, Quit smoking and drinking

Smoking and drinking can be a great stimulus to the stomach, and is the root cause of many stomach diseases. Smoking and drinking can lead to gastric vasospasm and damage to the gastric mucosa. Therefore, to prevent stomach problems, you should quit smoking and drinking in general.

What is good to eat for the stomach?

1, Spinach

Spinach is rich in fiber, can promote the stomach and pancreas secretion, is conducive to increase appetite, help defecation. However, note that the oxalic acid content of spinach is extremely high, and can not be eaten with purple cabbage, tofu and other high calcium foods.

2, Pumpkin

Pumpkin is rich in pectin, can adsorb bacteria and toxic substances in the stomach, the role of detoxification. At the same time pectin, can also protect the stomach from damage, reduce stomach ulcers.

3, Carrot

Carrots are rich in carotene, can be converted into vitamin A in the body, can enhance body resistance, prevent respiratory diseases.

4, Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes have the effect of purging and warming the stomach, but also can promote intestinal peristalsis. Its starch content is very high, and can be used as a staple food.

The impact of stomach disease in the body is very big, can cause nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain and other symptoms, greatly affecting the efficiency of work or study. In fact, stomach problems are also closely related to a person’s emotions and state of mind. It is recommended that we keep our spirits happy and stable emotions and avoid the stimulation of bad emotions on the body.

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