How to cure stubborn constipation? Chinese medicine treatment has the miraculous effect, helping you solve the problem of constipation

At present, there are many treatments for persistent constipation, and there are also many prescriptions that apply in Chinese medicine, so when constipation is found, you can seek Chinese medicine treatments to help relieve the symptoms and get out of the torment as soon as possible.

How to cure stubborn constipation? Chinese medicine treatment has the miraculous effect, helping you solve the problem of constipation

Stubborn constipation, as the name implies, is a more serious constipation symptom, and easy to recur, so it often affects the life and health of patients. For stubborn constipation, many people are often at their wits’ end, and taking laxatives can damage the body, so let’s see what Chinese medicine can do for stubborn constipation.

What are the symptoms of intractable constipation?

Stubborn constipation in the clinic is also prone to recurrent attacks, not easy to cure constipation, usually appears as dry stools, and intestinal peristaltic function is weakened obvious symptoms. In Chinese medicine, intractable constipation can be caused by a variety of reasons, and the symptoms of constipation vary from one cause to another. In TCM, the understanding of intractable constipation is more refined, and therefore the treatment is more complete. In addition to the common symptoms of dry stools and abnormal bowel function, intractable constipation often presents with different symptoms such as abdominal distension, poor circulation, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, and sometimes direct urinary abnormalities, causing dysfunction of the entire urinary system.

What are the methods of Chinese medicine for treating intractable constipation?

1. Strengthening the spleen

When the spleen is weak, the ability to transport water and grain essence substances becomes weakened, and weakness of qi and blood can lead to poor bowel movements. In this case, even after helping defecation treatment, the symptoms will recur due to the weakening of the organ, and in serious cases, the condition will even gradually deteriorate and become more and more difficult to control. For this condition, Chinese medicine often uses the treatment of strengthening the spleen and moistening the intestines, you can choose some drugs to help with defecation, followed by drugs to strengthen the spleen and benefit the qi to prevent recurrence of the disease, to solve the disease from the root.

2. Warm the kidneys

The kidney is the innate essence of man and directly affects the metabolic function of water and fluid. Therefore, a deficiency of kidney yang will cause a deficiency of fluid in the intestines, which will also lead to constipation. In constipation caused by weak kidney yang, the patient’s symptoms may also include cold extremities, soreness, and weakness of the waist and knees. In addition to relieving the symptoms of constipation, treatment is also needed to warm the kidney yang, nourish the blood and replenish the qi. Usually, such treatment also needs to be drug-based, nourishing the kidneys will be able to have significant relief.

3. Softening the Liver

As the Spleen regulates Blood and the Liver regulates Blood, a loss of harmony in the Liver can also lead to abnormalities in the Spleen and Kidneys, making it easier for dry stools to occur. Constipation caused by this condition often affects the function of the kidneys after prolonged episodes, and the disease becomes more complicated. In the early stages, it can be treated by nourishing the blood and softening the liver.

At present, there are many treatments for persistent constipation, and there are also many prescriptions that apply in Chinese medicine, so when constipation is found, you can seek Chinese medicine treatments to help relieve the symptoms and get out of the torment as soon as possible.

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