How does traditional Chinese medicine treat hypertension? Emphasis on syndrome differentiation treatment and daily health maintenance.

In summary, patients with hypertension should maintain regular daily routines, avoid excessive physical labor, avoid extreme temperatures in winter and summer, cherish their essence and vitality, abstain from excessive sexual activities, keep emotions in balance, eat a light and balanced diet with moderate salt intake, in order to better control blood pressure.

How does traditional Chinese medicine treat hypertension? Emphasis on syndrome differentiation treatment and daily health maintenance.

With the arrival of summer, many patients with hypertension may feel relieved, thinking that their blood pressure may be relatively lower during the summer and they can relax their daily management of hypertension. However, this practice is actually incorrect. It is important to remind everyone that even during the summer when blood pressure may be relatively lower, patients with hypertension should still take proper precautions and prevent blood pressure from rising again.

How does traditional Chinese medicine treat hypertension? Syndrome differentiation treatment is the key.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes syndrome differentiation treatment for hypertension. According to traditional Chinese medicine, hypertension is related to wind, fire, phlegm, and deficiency. For example, when patients with hypertension experience sudden episodes of dizziness, it is considered as “wind” in traditional Chinese medicine. Patients with hypertension often feel dryness and bitterness in the mouth, which is a manifestation of excessive liver yang, or “fire” in traditional Chinese medicine. Obese individuals are also more prone to hypertension, as obesity is associated with phlegm dampness in traditional Chinese medicine. Older individuals may also be prone to hypertension due to arterial sclerosis and poor blood circulation, which are considered as deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine. Therefore, for patients diagnosed with hypertension, syndrome differentiation should be followed, and individualized treatment should be conducted based on their specific manifestations in order to achieve better treatment outcomes.

Daily health maintenance is also important for patients with hypertension.

In addition to using Chinese herbal medicine and Western antihypertensive drugs for treatment, incorporating certain lifestyle adjustments in daily life can help patients achieve better treatment outcomes, and the focus may vary depending on individual circumstances.

1. Those who have a diet high in fat and sweets need to change their eating habits and adopt a light and balanced diet.

2. Those who lack regular physical exercise need to increase their physical activity, engage in appropriate exercise, promote blood and qi circulation, and nourish the mind and body.

3. Those who are overweight need to lose weight, those who consume excessive salt in their diet need to limit their salt intake, those who have a drinking habit need to control their alcohol consumption, and those who have large mood swings need to stabilize their emotions.

4. Patients with hypertension who have other underlying conditions that may contribute to hypertension need to actively treat those conditions.

In summary, patients with hypertension should maintain regular daily routines, avoid excessive physical labor, avoid extreme temperatures in winter and summer, cherish their essence and vitality, abstain from excessive sexual activities, keep emotions in balance, eat a light and balanced diet with moderate salt intake, in order to better control blood pressure.

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