Chinese medicine tell you! Men 45-55 years old commonly used 4 kinds of Chinese herbal infusions to help maintain the kidneys

Chinese medicine tell you! Men 45-55 years old commonly used 4 kinds of Chinese herbal infusions to help maintain the kidneys

The kidney is an important organ of the human body, the basic function is to generate urine, excrete metabolic products and toxins in the body, while the absorption function will retain water and nutrients, such as protein, amino acids, sodium ions, etc., as a way to regulate the body’s water-electrolyte balance and maintain the acid-base balance, these functions of the kidney to ensure the stability of the internal environment of the body, so that the metabolism can be carried out normally, the most important function of the kidney for men is to generate androgens, to promote the growth and development of the body.

Retired Chinese medicine practitioners recommend that men 45-55 years old, as the body metabolic function declines with age, so pay attention to health, maintenance of kidney health, commonly used 4 kinds of herbal infusions to drink, help to maintain the kidneys.

Commonly used 4 kinds of Chinese herbal infusions to drink

1, lock Yang: lock Yang is a relatively precious Chinese medicine, with the role of kidney benefit, men to 45-55 years old, with the age of the body resistance declined, the body often appear waist and knee weakness, limb weakness, poor mental state, etc., which is caused by the lack of kidney gas, retired Chinese medicine advice, commonly used lock Yang drink water, can replenish the kidney gas, improve the waist and knee weakness and other symptoms, help to maintain the kidneys, suitable for health.

2, Dihuang: Dihuang has the role of nourishing yin and generating fluid, kidney deficiency Dihuang contains diosgenin, mannitol, iron, vitamin A and other nutrients, can promote the chemistry of blood, to maintain the adequacy of kidney energy, help nourish the body functions, to enhance immunity, enhance body resistance, to maintain a strong body, retired Chinese medicine recommended that men commonly drink Dihuang infusion, to help enhance the metabolic function of the kidneys, to maintain the normal functioning of the kidneys, to help the daily health.

3, Baji Tian: Baji Tian, taste pungent, sweet, slightly warm, to the liver and kidney two meridians, with the role of kidney Qi, strong muscles and bones, Baji Tian can nourish the kidney cells, replenish the kidney Qi, promote blood circulation, accelerate kidney detoxification, keep the normal functioning of the kidneys, Baji Tian in the extract can increase the blood corticosterone content, promote androgen production, retired Chinese medicine advice, commonly used Baji Tian drink water to help improve the kidney Yang deficiency, keep the kidneys healthy.

4, chasteberry: chasteberry is a common Chinese medicine, with the role of nourishing the liver and kidneys, chasteberry can promote the secretion of androgens, male endocrine disorders caused by the decline in kidney function, lower metabolic function in the body and other diseases, retired Chinese medicine advice, male daily maintenance of the kidneys, often chasteberry infused water to drink, help nourish the kidneys, to maintain the adequacy of qi and blood, to maintain the normal circulation of the body qi and blood, to avoid the symptoms of aging, help maintain the kidneys.

Men to 45-55 years old, family and work chores more, the body is under high pressure for a long time, it is easy to cause the internal organs to reduce the function of the kidneys, resulting in a decline in kidney function, so men in daily life, more attention to the health of the kidneys, do a good job of kidney maintenance, retired Chinese medicine recommended that men to 45-55 years old, commonly used lock Yang, Dihuang, Baji Tian, chasteberry, these four Chinese medicine bubble water to drink, help nourish the kidney cells, to maintain the normal functioning of the kidneys, to help maintain the kidneys.

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