Chinese medicine reveals the truth about “three highs”, high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar

Chinese medicine reveals the truth about "three highs", high blood pressure, high blood fat, high blood sugar

Our heart beats every day and sends blood to the whole body. After the heart beats the blood out, it enters the aorta, which receives the blood and keeps passing it through contractions, sending it to the arteries, capillaries, and to all parts of the body.

The most difficult to send to several locations.
1) Top of the head
(3) The end of the toes and other places farthest from the heart.

To see if a person has precursors to heart disease, feel his hands, if they are cold you know he has a problem with blood delivery. If the hands and feet are too hot, too red, or too high, again, there is a problem with the heart. Cold hands and feet indicate that the heart is beating very weakly, and too red and too hot hands and feet indicate that the heart is beating too hard, too aggressively, and too tired, all of which are dangerous.

Chapter 1: Causes of high blood pressure

When it comes to hypertension, we need to talk about what exactly is going on with high blood pressure. Blood pressure is used to transport blood, and when there is no adequate blood pressure, blood flow slows down, and only proper blood pressure can send blood throughout the body. However, if the blood pressure is too low, it will not be delivered, and if it is too high, it will cause the blood vessels to be pressured, squeezed, or even squeezed, resulting in a cerebral hemorrhage.

Many people who are declared to have high blood pressure by Western doctors have higher blood pressure on the spot, and they don’t care, they immediately start taking blood pressure medication, because Western doctors tell them that if they don’t take it, they will have a stroke, and from then on, the patient’s nightmare begins. What causes you to have high blood pressure?

Now let’s take a look at the causes of hypertension.

First, blood vessels will slowly lose elasticity due to a lack of any of protein, vitamin C, vitamin E, or calcium, turning them into a bent tube, making it difficult for blood to flow, and making it necessary to increase blood pressure to make blood flow more smoothly.

The second reason, if the blood fat, cholesterol is too high, causing the blood viscosity is too high, just like the upstream of the Yangtze River, the water flow is very fast, the water is very clear, no garbage, no sand below. At the downstream, the current slows down and there is a lot of garbage floating on the whole surface of the water, and there is sand underneath. In the same way, when the viscosity of blood increases, the speed of blood flow slows down, and many attachments are deposited on the blood vessels, more and more.
But the body does not allow the blood flow to slow down, because every cell in the body needs nutrients delivered through the blood flow before it can survive and continue its metabolism. When the blood flow slows down, the brain, hands and feet will all sound the alarm, hands will be numb, hands will hurt, head will hurt, head will rise, head will feel dizzy, all because the body is sounding the alarm, “I want nutrients ……! Quickly provide sustenance. “

So many medical practitioners often emphasize the need to lower blood pressure in patients with hypertension. He emphasizes that cholesterol and high blood fat will cause high blood pressure, but he ignores the point that cholesterol and blood fat are not capable of regulating blood pressure, high blood pressure is not caused by cholesterol and blood fat, it is cholesterol and blood fat that cause blood viscosity to increase and blood flow to slow down, it is the body that regulates blood pressure up, not cholesterol, cholesterol does not have that ability. It is the body that has to regulate the blood pressure when it finds that the blood flow is slowing down. It takes a lot of effort for the body to regulate high blood pressure. It takes the kidneys to keep secreting hormones to contract muscle tissue to increase blood pressure to help normalize blood flow.

If you casually start to take antihypertensive drugs, it means that the body has spent a lot of effort because the body’s cells are not nourished and are crying out “send nutrients here quickly”, so the body has to adjust the blood pressure up. You are working against your body.

If your body could talk, it would jump up and slap you twice and ask you, “What the hell, I’ve worked so hard to raise my blood pressure to protect you, and you’re working against me!” This is the truth, this is why for so many years hypertension has become an incurable disease, why hypertensive patients have to eat a lifetime of drugs. Because hypertension take medicine is not used to cure the disease, but to fight against the body, to fight against the life.

Hypertensive patients are often very happy, “Oh, my blood pressure is normal!” But look at him, he doesn’t look normal, his strength is not normal, his spirit is not normal. Many people are silly, he thinks that if his blood pressure is normal he is normal. What you want is a normal physique, not simply judged by blood pressure. We are not going to lower blood pressure easily. When the blood pressure exceeds 170 to 180, he will have cracks because of the lack of elasticity of blood vessels, lack of vitamin C, lack of vitamin E, more fragile, it is likely to be squeezed in the state of high blood pressure, producing cerebral hemorrhage, producing internal bleeding in the body, causing incurable diseases. But the point is that blood pressure also can not easily go down.

There is a contradiction here. So how should it be handled?

The first thing is not to lower the blood pressure easily, but to find ways to change the speed of blood flow. Once the blood flow rate is changed, your body does not go to regulate blood pressure. As soon as the blood flow returns to normal, the blood pressure naturally returns to normal. There are two keys to regulating blood flow.

The first is to restore the elasticity of the blood vessels. And by lowering down the substances in the blood vessels that are causing the increased viscosity of the blood, by making the blood a little bit thinner, the blood flow is accelerated. All the nutrients that can help lower blood cholesterol and blood fat are increased, and blood fat can naturally come down.

The second is to increase exercise to increase blood flow rate.

The third one is to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, increase protein, basic nutrients, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium tablets, vitamin E, etc. can increase the elasticity of blood vessels.

So hypertension is not difficult to cure. Don’t mess around with it, the more you mess with it, the harder it is to cure. The more you get into your kidney failure. Take antihypertensive drugs will definitely cause kidney failure, because the kidneys can easily adjust the blood pressure up, you give it down, so the kidneys are busy every day to adjust blood pressure, have no time to do other things. Finally, the kidneys will definitely fail.

Once the kidneys fail you announce …… because you will not treat hypertension, you start treating the kidneys. The treatment of the kidneys began dialysis, a dialysis means that a large number of nutrients in the body is not recycled by the body, all with the dialysis out, so the nutrient supply is not enough. If the supply of nutrients is insufficient, the kidney will not have the material to repair. When the kidneys have no material to repair, the kidneys will become even more desperately depleted. Extreme failure will then dialysis …… so vicious cycle, until you can not afford the economy (at least hundreds of thousands of kidney replacement), the body and mind can not bear (money is not necessarily a kidney replacement, waiting for death), announced ……

Remember, everyone, our body is trying to restore health, you do not take the body apart to cure one by one. To really cure, connect the body into a system and take good care of it.

Chapter 2: The Truth About Diabetes

According to relevant surveys, the number of Chinese diabetics has now reached 114 million, ranking first in the world!
Among them, 11 million are suffering from strokes and coronary heart disease!
79.4% of people will get diabetes after the age of 45!
Every 12 seconds, a person with diabetes dies in China!
Diabetes kills 3 million people every year!
China has surpassed India as the number one country with diabetes, and an unprecedented “sweet crisis” is coming our way! There is an urgent need to solve the diabetes health crisis.

Diabetes is scary, but complications are scarier
Diabetes brings us not only a problem of high or low glycemic index, but also the emergence of one terrible complication after another, the plundering of health, the gnawing of life …… What are the terrible chronic complications of diabetes?

  1. Retinopathy
    Microangiopathy of the fundus can lead to microangiomas, cotton wool white spots, hemorrhage, hard exudation, neovascularization, fibrosis, retinal detachment, etc., making vision impaired and eventually leading to blindness. 30% of blindness is caused by diabetic fundopathy!
  2. Diabetic nephropathy
    Renal microangiopathy can lead to proteinuria and renal impairment, which can cause death from uremia in diabetic patients. Diabetic nephropathy is responsible for 40% of all uremic patients!
  3. Diabetic foot
    Diabetic foot manifests as foot pain, deep skin ulcers, gangrene of the extremity, serious cases require amputation, amputation rate of up to 40%!
  4. Neuropathy
    Diabetic neuropathy, mainly manifested as glove, glove-like abnormal sensation at the end of the limbs, the patient feels painful!
    If the diabetic condition is not controlled, then this will be the path of all diabetics: eventually to disability or even death. Therefore, diabetes is the second killer of modern diseases! It is only second to cancer in terms of harm to the human body!
  5. It is not high blood sugar, but the internal organs have no sugar!
  6. not to lower sugar, but to solve the problem of sugar absorption!

Diabetes requires lifelong medication! It can only be controlled, not cured! –Is that right? My answer, the refrain sings more, do not say, we must know.

The blood sugar is too much, not only two factors:
One, too much into; the other, too little out. Ask the diabetic around you, before the onset of the disease, his diet, sugar content is higher than others around? How can friends and family members who have the same diet as him not get diabetes? I believe that most of the patients who have already gotten the disease are on a low-sugar diet, but they are still unable to stop the deterioration of diabetes. Therefore, diabetes is not caused by eating foods that contain too much sugar.

Second, do diabetics excrete too little sugar? On the contrary, one of the criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes is a high urine sugar level, which means that too much sugar is excreted in the urine. Therefore, it is not a problem of excretion either. So, what is the problem?

High blood sugar, as the name implies, means that the sugar content in the blood is too high. The blood, in fact, is a transport carrier, only responsible for transporting sugar, but not using sugar, the first signs come out. Blood vessels are equivalent to water pipes, and blood is equivalent to tap water. And each organ of our body is like every household in our body, which gets (absorbs) tap water from the tap pipe every day and performs various functions. Sugar stays in the blood, which means that all organs cannot (or can only) take in a small amount of sugar from the blood.

Diabetes is a problem of “absorption”! This “absorption”, there is a mechanism, like a faucet. If the “faucet” is repaired, the water (sugar) will be available naturally! How can blood sugar be high? Too much sugar in the blood means too little sugar in the organs! High blood sugar diabetic body is surprisingly lack of sugar! ——— days! This is a shocking statement! But, now, you can also dare to believe: diabetics are sugar deficient. So, let’s take a look at how modern medicine treats “sugar deficient” patients:

One: low-sugar diet;
Two: lowering sugar ——- with hypoglycemic drugs to “burn” the sugar in the blood vessels to get rid of ~ is to eliminate rather than promote absorption. The cause of high blood sugar is not dealt with, but let the patient spend his life to eat into the blood vessels of sugar and then get out ~ like a child playing with water, and constantly scoop water into the water tank, and then scoop out of the tank. Only, the cost of the game for adults, too expensive!

The physician tells you that your blood sugar is too high and you should start taking blood sugar medication immediately, and then tells you that if you don’t control your blood sugar, it will lead to heart disease and glaucoma in severe cases.

Chinese medicine believes that the treatment of diabetes must first strengthen the kidney function, and high blood sugar must first break down the kidneys before the heart can be threatened, while all western drugs hurt the kidneys, so the more you take blood sugar drugs, the more likely you are to get heart disease.

The liver opens the eyes, and Chinese medicine believes that as long as the liver is good, there will be no eye disease, which has nothing to do with high blood sugar.

I have many patients who come to me with diabetes, and each has a history of taking medication for years as directed by Western medicine, and all have heart problems and eye problems as a result. To learn more about Chinese medicine, please follow the public platform of “Guangdong Medicine Clinical School”.

Let me explain to you: you take two cups of the same size, one full of water and the other half a cup of water, and then add an equal amount of sugar into them at the same time, the result is that the half cup of water will be sweeter, right?

So now you want to reduce the sweetness of the two glasses of water, please ask you choose to fill the glass of half a glass of water with water? Or do you choose to invent a sugar-lowering drug to lower your blood sugar?

According to the law of indestructibility, after you use the hypoglycemic drugs you think the blood sugar has dropped, you are wrong, the blood sugar has not disappeared at all, the excess blood sugar began to accumulate in your feet, as if the sugar accumulates in the bottom of the cup, the result is foot ulcers, or even serious to amputation!

There is no substitute for sugar as a basic nutrition for the human body. The reduction in its intake will inevitably lead to a reduction in the absorption and efficiency of other nutrients. Such a low-sugar diet, not to mention patients, even normal people, this way of eating, hunger can starve you across! Until starving out an “anorexia \\\’, that’s good, do not have to endure hunger, but look again: your spirit is worse, more easily fatigued, what to do, more is the inner force; desire to fight demoralized, power is not accompanied by a sense of depression, and even anorexia; your smile is less and less, the mood is getting worse, connotation seems to have declined; more easily angry, more hate wet and rainy days – ——- because that will aggravate your depression; all day long, no energy, at night when you close your eyes but can not sleep.

The muscles are getting looser and looser, and in severe cases, they are like mud! Under-eye bags, dark circles, pigmentation, wrinkles, all come early! These symptoms, for Western medicine, does not have any therapeutic significance! It only believes in the instrument, believe in the data! After some examination, it is likely to send you a —— sleep deprivation caused by neurosis (meaning that you are imagining things).

Because the data shows: everything is normal! As long as your blood sugar value is normal, blood pressure value is normal, white blood cell value is normal, XX value XX value is normal, even if you obviously feel more uncomfortable, more unhinged, or even completely across the bed ~ as long as your data is normal, that is the right treatment. Although you die, you can not shake it! Data, surprisingly more important than life!!!!

The treatment of diabetes is actually very simple: strengthen the spleen and stomach, help absorption. That’s all.

So, the main problems of diabetes.

  1. is not high blood sugar, but the internal organs no sugar!
  2. not to lower sugar, but to solve the problem of sugar absorption!

If a TCM practitioner’s main idea of treating diabetes is “lowering sugar”, then that TCM practitioner is not an orthodox TCM practitioner, but a TCM practitioner with a Chinese skin and Western bones, or a TCM practitioner who does not understand the core of TCM! If a diabetic patient’s main statement is “lowering sugar”, I would say, “Sorry! You are not qualified to see a doctor. You need to solve the problem of perception first.

The same example as before: half a glass of water or a glass of water with a tablespoon of sugar, which one is more concentrated? It must be half a glass of water. But please ask, is it more sugar or less water?

Again, does Western medicine test how much water [blood] is present? If not, how do you know if you have not enough water, or too much sugar? What will happen if you are just underhydrated and you are treated by lowering sugar? In other words, most likely, you just need to go to bed early to nourish your blood and add water, and your diabetes will be fine, and you don’t need to lower your sugar at all.

The most direct manifestation of dehydration is “thirst”. At a later stage, you are not thirsty anymore because you don’t have enough calories, the high level imbalance becomes low level balance, people become more and more weak, more and more easily fatigued and obese. The first is just a lack of water, now even the fire [to provide the body with heat for growth and development] is not enough. If the heat energy is completely consumed, the person will die.

The first manifestation is the feet become cold, and gradually numb and senseless. This is what Western medicine calls “diabetic foot”. In fact, it is a manifestation of insufficient heat energy. Heat, eat more to replenish the heat, and sleep early, you can cure the diabetic foot. Diabetic foot is difficult to heal when there is a break, but you can simply let it heal: sprinkle pure brown sugar on the wound. Western medicine says that avoiding sugar is the best way to control the disease instead of aggravating it, as it says.

So, please think, who is right and who is wrong? The healing of the skin and muscles is a function of the spleen and the lungs. The lungs are responsible for the skin and the spleen is responsible for the muscles. The energy of the spleen comes from the “sweet taste” of the diet – that is, sweetness. Only sweet taste can strengthen the spleen, promote the secretion of pancreatic islets, and promote muscle growth. The lungs are also the “son” of the spleen, and when the spleen’s energy is sufficient, the lungs’ energy will be replenished. The skin’s ability to heal is enhanced, so the wound will heal – that’s why brown sugar can make diabetic foot wounds heal. By extension, as long as the spleen is given enough sweet taste, the spleen’s transport function [equivalent to the islet function in Western medicine] will be restored and strengthened, and then diabetes can be cured.

So, if a diabetic can’t be cured of diabetes by prohibiting sugar and western medicine can’t understand it, why not try the principle of Chinese medicine, which is clearly stated, and try not to prohibit sugar and follow the methods of Chinese medicine to regulate it? Of course, in the early stage of the spleen’s transport function has not been restored, you can not deliberately take sugar, the usual food sugar is enough.

It is only necessary to change the habit of sugar that can be avoided to a normal diet. When the appetite gets better and better, the function of the spleen [pancreatic islets] gets stronger and stronger, and the decomposition and dilution ability gets better and better, the organs that are waiting to be fed on one side and the blood that is rich in sugar on the other side, once the two sides are handed over, do you still worry about the blood sugar being too high? The two sides of the handover, still worried about the gradual failure of organs, more and more powerless? These will be solved. Diabetes is equivalent to the spleen and stomach disease in Chinese medicine. Since ancient times, there is no saying that spleen and stomach disease is a terminal disease that cannot be cured. If any TCM doctor says so, he will be laughed off by his peers!

Chapter 3: Piles of meat at the back of the head and three highs

Male fat people, the back of the head mostly grow a pile of meat, touch it, or hard or soft, or pain or no pain. Further questions, I found that I am mostly associated with obesity, fatigue, brain fog, high blood lipids, fatty liver, hypertension, cardiovascular disease and other conditions.

And then look deeper into the family history, found that the family people are associated with the above-mentioned diseases, therefore, remind you, if you find yourself or your family, too much meat on the back of the head, you should be careful.

So, the back of the head pile of meat refers to where ah? To send you a picture will be clear

According to the information, Kim Il Sung died of a sudden heart attack, from the photo, the back of his head pile of meat is extremely obvious.

The back of the brain appears pile of meat, will seriously affect the blood supply to the brain, people will feel unclear brain, cloudy. This is because the back is the main channel for the bladder meridian and the Governor’s Vessel. If there is a pile of meat here, it is like a weir, which will prevent the body’s yang energy from reaching the head. At the same time, the bladder meridian, is the body’s largest detoxification channel, the pile of meat here, also represents the bladder meridian blockage, people will feel weak.

Generally speaking, this is related to lymphatic fluid. We know that lymph is the body’s detoxification organ, and its lymphatic fluid is of course the toxins metabolized by lymph, which needs to flow back to the lymph nodes, liver and kidneys for detoxification. But because the bladder meridian is blocked, so this return channel is not smooth, and thus a pile of meat will appear here.

So, out of this problem, how to solve it?
First, first open up the meridians of the back bladder meridian, you can use scraping, massage, cupping, patting method for conditioning.

Secondly, you can scrape partially on the pile of flesh area, from top to bottom, and scrape the prongs of the pile slowly away. You can also walk the can, which is the best way to solve the pile of meat here.

If there is a pile of meat at the back of the head, and at the same time between the two eyes or a nasal transverse line, or a Sichuan line, you must pay attention to the cardiovascular disease, such a person, at any time will be life-threatening. Therefore, if you find yourself or a family member or friend has a pile of meat behind the head, you must be adjusted in advance.

Chapter 4: men behind the crisis of the blessed

Men to a certain age, especially after a successful career life nourishing men, often it is easy to see the waistline thick, many people are even big belly. In fact, ah, this blessed, not a good thing, often means that you ah, have to go to the hospital to see.

When men’s waistlines first appear thick, they are often congratulated for being “blessed”. Unfortunately, the “blessing” is often the cause of the disaster, the gradual release of the waist of the pants has been proven to be a physical sign of the risk of chronic disease.

More unfortunately, “fat” is by no means the patent of middle-aged and older men, unknowingly, more and more young people, and even teenagers, with age-inappropriate waist index early into the army of the waistband widening. Now, the problem is not ordinary.

There are five major hazards beyond the minefield

Choose an early morning, get up and let your husband stand upright, use a soft ruler to measure the circumference of his umbilical level, three times in a row, take the average, this is his accurate waist circumference. Read this number, if it is greater than 90 cm, it means you can no longer ignore your husband’s waist circumference. Because it may indicate not a small 5 hidden dangers.

1, the larger the waist circumference, the greater the risk of hypertension.
20-30 years of age between the waist circumference thickening, the incidence of hypertension than the same age waist circumference normal people 1 times higher; 40-50 years of age between the waist circumference thickening, the incidence of hypertension than the same age waist circumference normal people 50% higher.

2, more likely to occur hyperlipidemia.
A study shows that abdominal obesity than the average person suffering from hypercholesterolemia, high triglyceridemia risk is several times higher. And often appear “the high is not high, the low is not low” – low-density lipoprotein, very low-density lipoprotein abnormally high, but should be high high high-density lipoprotein but reduced.

3, more likely to occur in the brain atherosclerosis.
Their brain blood vessels are hard and brittle, prone to rupture under the action of high blood pressure, causing dangerous brain hemorrhage and even life-threatening. Statistics show that the incidence of cerebral hemorrhage in men with thickened waist circumference is 3.6 times higher than normal; foreign studies show that in the case of equal obesity, the incidence of cerebral infarction in abdominal-type obese people (waist thick) is 3-5 times higher than that in hip-type obese people (hip obesity). And, compared with those with normal waist circumference, the recovery ability of the body after stroke is significantly reduced in those with thick waist.

4, the incidence of angina and sudden death is 4 times higher than those with normal waist circumference.
Some scholars suggest that those whose waist circumference exceeds the standard waist circumference by more than 30% have a much higher chance of developing coronary heart disease within 10 years.

5, may occur diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes.
The prevalence of diabetes in men with thick waists can be as much as four times that of men with normal waist circumference. On the other hand, in the type 2 diabetic patients, 80% are waist circumference exceeds the standard. Moreover, the longer the excess time, the greater the chance of developing diabetes.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as:

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