Allergic rhinitis related to the five organs? Chinese medicine teaches you how to regulate!

In summer, you should not stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, and open the window at least once every 2~3 hours to ensure the inflow of fresh air.

Allergic rhinitis related to the five organs? Chinese medicine teaches you how to regulate!

Summer is a high season for allergic rhinitis, which mainly manifests as sneezing, involuntary runny nose, red eyes and easy tearing. Exposure to allergens is the main factor that triggers allergic rhinitis, and allergic rhinitis is also closely related to the five organs.

What is the relationship between allergic rhinitis and the five organs?

1. Lung

The nose’s sense of smell and breathing function are strongly related to the lungs. The lungs are delicate, afraid of cold, heat and dryness. Once the lungs are invaded by cold evil, the main symptoms are sneezing, easy sweating, fear of wind and runny nose; if dry evil invades the lungs, it will cause dry nose, dry and sore throat and dry cough without phlegm; if heat evil invades the lungs, it will cause runny nose, chest tightness and cough.

2. Kidney

Insufficient kidney yang will not be able to warm the lungs and spleen properly, making water dampness in the body move upward, resulting in itchy nose, incessant sneezing, always running a clear nose, fear of cold, increased nocturnal urination and weakness of the waist and knees.

3. Spleen

The spleen is the root of the posterior, which can biochemistry qi and blood and moisten all organs of the body. Once the spleen is deficient, it will affect the biochemistry of qi and blood, and will not be able to nourish the stomach, causing the accumulation of dampness in the nasal cavity, resulting in headache and dizziness, loose stools, sneezing and itching of the nose and eyes.

4. liver

According to Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for the drainage and blood collection. A malfunction in the drainage will cause dampness and heat stagnation in the body, leading to allergic rhinitis. Rhinitis caused by the liver and gallbladder can easily cause distraction, dry mouth and depression.

5. Heart

People with hyperactive heart fire are prone to allergic rhinitis, often accompanied by sores on the mouth and tongue, fondness for cold drinks, irritability and flushing, and increased frequency of urination.

How to relieve allergic rhinitis?

1. Regular work and rest

Staying up late can deplete the blood, so you should ensure that you get enough sleep, 7-8 hours of sleep every night, avoid overwork; keep your mood relaxed, actively regulate bad emotions, and reasonably vent your emotions, which is conducive to a strong positive energy.

2. Adjust the diet

Reasonable arrangement of the three meals a day, each meal only 7 to 8 minutes full; eat less or no cold food, eat more grains and fresh fruits and vegetables.

Warm tips

In summer, you should not stay in the air-conditioned room for a long time, and open the window at least once every 2~3 hours to ensure the inflow of fresh air. The air conditioning temperature should not be lower than 26℃, and the difference between indoor and outdoor temperature should not exceed 7℃. Eat more foods that have the effect of nourishing Yin and generating fluid, such as lily, walnut, red dates and lotus seeds, etc. Stay away from spicy and hot foods. At the same time, you should combine work and rest, avoid overworking yourself; appropriately increase the amount of daily activities to improve your resistance. Avoid contact with allergens, do not go to places with high pollen concentration, and wear a mask when you go out.

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