3 kinds of spleen and stomach disease are very common, Chinese medicine with you dialectical treatment!

Spleen and stomach disease, a very common disease in Chinese medicine, is also the most important. Only by strengthening the spleen and stomach can we ensure that a person’s constitution does not decline easily.


Since ancient times, Chinese medicine has attached great importance to the spleen and stomach, and many famous herbalists believe that the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases is very important and that the spleen and stomach can affect the overall function. If there are problems with the spleen and stomach, it will directly affect the flow of Qi and blood and the absorption of nutrients, which can easily cause lesions in other parts of the body or internal organs.

What are the types of spleen and stomach diseases in Chinese medicine?

Generally, spleen and stomach diseases can be divided into two main types: one is the rising fire in the bile that rides on the stomach, and the other is the spleen deficiency caused by liver depression and qi stagnation. On top of this, there may be a difference between deficiency and heat due to climate changes and the person’s constitution. Different external factors can lead to different spleen and stomach diseases, each of which has its characteristics and requires evidence before treatment.

What are the common diseases of the spleen and stomach?

1. Chronic gastritis

The most common chronic gastritis in life, chronic gastritis is generally due to long-term damage to the stomach, which may be caused by the presence of sequelae after an acute gastritis attack. There are many types of chronic gastritis, with biliary heat and liver depression being the most common, followed by the spleen and stomach yin deficiency and food accumulation. It is best to treat the cause of chronic gastritis in the early stages of its development, otherwise, it is often more stubborn and difficult to cure, and there is also the possibility of acute illnesses.

2. Gastric prolapse

It is usually affected by the patient’s digestion and is accompanied by significant pain in the stomach. Mild gastric prolapse is relatively easy to cure with recent treatment, but moderate to severe gastric prolapse is more serious and it is difficult to relieve the symptoms with conventional tonic formulas. Some of the prolapsed stomachs will also be accompanied by other complications, for this case also need to treat the complications at the same time to effectively relieve the prolapsed stomach.

3. Peptic ulcer

Peptic ulcers can be divided into two types: spleen and stomach deficiency cold and qi and blood stagnation. These two types represent different diseases. Deficient cold in the spleen and stomach is usually a vague pain in the stomach and epigastrium, while the peptic ulcer of the qi-blood stagnation type will have more pronounced pain, accompanied by severe stabbing pain. For different types, different treatments will be used. Although both are peptic ulcers, there is a big difference in the treatment above.

Spleen and stomach disease, a very common disease in Chinese medicine, is also the most important. Only by strengthening the spleen and stomach can we ensure that a person’s constitution does not decline easily. At the same time, when the disease appears, the first care of the stomach can also ensure the effectiveness of the treatment of other diseases, therefore, the treatment of strengthening the spleen and Qi is often the first choice of treatment.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/3-kinds-of-spleen-and-stomach-disease-are-very-common-chinese-medicine-with-you-dialectical-treatment.html

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