The liver is the body! Eat more 6 kinds of natural “liver” food, disease or away from

The liver is the body! Eat more 6 kinds of natural "liver" food, disease or away from

The liver is particularly important to the body, it is an important detoxification organ, can also help excrete toxins, and in recent years too much toxin accumulation in the liver, resulting in liver cell damage, liver function continues to decline, leading to a variety of problems, so many people want to take measures to protect the liver, but do not know how to do, in fact, take Chinese medicine diet therapy in a certain degree to protect the liver, especially eat more of these foods.

Prevention of liver disease, it is recommended to eat more than 6 kinds of natural “liver” food

1, pig liver

Pig liver is the liver of the pig, it contains more iron and vitamin A, not only to improve the body’s hematopoietic system, but also to maintain the normal growth of the body. In addition, it can also promote liver circulation, protect the eyes, play the role of nourishing the eyes and liver.

2, green beans

The nutritional value of green beans is high, containing more protein than eggs, and the taste is fresh and sweet, and contains a large amount of calcium, green beans can clear heat and relieve the summer heat, in the summer more green bean soup can increase nutrition, and can prevent a variety of viruses into the liver after the stay, to help discharge toxins.

3, Carrot

Carrots are also known as carrots, it has a large amount of carotene in the liver to brighten the role of the body into the body can be converted into vitamin A, help the eyes to replenish the elements and nourish the eyes, and the liver is connected to the eyes, the eyes are nourished and repaired, liver cells will follow the repair.

4, Loofah

Loofah contains twice as much protein as other melons, and also contains fatty oils and lingzhi, these nutrients have great benefits for the body, and can help remove toxins from the liver.

5, Cucumber

Cucumber has fiber to promote food discharge in the intestine and lower cholesterol, more vitamin E can help delay aging, but also to remove free radicals in the liver, to prevent free radicals on the liver cells to corrode.

6, Asparagus

Asparagus is also known as lobster, it has a fresh sweet taste, can enhance appetite to help digestion, is currently known as one of the best vegetables, it has a full range of nutritional benefits, contains more dietary fiber, can promote gastrointestinal motility, to help eliminate toxins.

How to nourish the liver in Chinese medicine?

1, pay attention to rest

For people with a bad liver, it is important to rest more, so that the liver cells can be repaired, especially to have enough sleep.

2, abstain from anger

Keep your emotions relaxed. Let yourself be stable, not too depressed, irritable, anxious, learn to put down a calm mind.

3, appropriate exercise

Exercise can promote bodily functions, let the liver qi unblocked, keep a happy mood to protect the liver.

In general, it is important to protect the liver. Only by taking good measures to unblock the liver qi can we protect our functions so that the liver is not affected and has problems, and at the same time with the dietary treatment methods, so that the liver continues to be healthy.

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