Spring and summer health benefits – mulberry

Chinese medicine believes that mulberry is cold and sour, into the heart, liver and kidney meridian. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish the yin and blood, especially for people with liver and kidney deficiency, essence deficiency and blood deficiency.

Spring and summer health benefits - mulberry

Mulberry, also known as mulberry fruit, mulberry, also has the name “blood fruit”, mulberry is not only rich in nutrients, the taste of sweet, to meet the mouth and belly of the food, but also a cure for disease, cool blood, blood, Yin, nourishing the liver and kidney efficacy, so that mulberry is also regarded as – spring and summer health of the good fruit.

Chinese medicine believes that mulberry is cold and sour, into the heart, liver and kidney meridian. It can nourish the liver and kidneys, nourish the yin and blood, especially for people with liver and kidney deficiency, essence deficiency and blood deficiency.

Mulberry has what benefits it.

First, blood nourishing blood

Mulberry has the role of blood nourishing blood, for anemia caused by pale, dizzy, dizzy, dizzy vision, claw nail and other symptoms, in addition to menstruation is too little or too much, a long time without conception, pre-eclampsia abortion, lactation is also particularly suitable for eating mulberry.

Second, the hair of the beard

Chinese medicine believes that mulberry can nourish the kidneys and benefit the essence, research found that mulberry contains aconitin, so it can grow hair, suitable for premature graying of the beard, hair loss, thinning eyebrows and baldness hair withered people eat.

Third, beauty and skin care

Regularly eat mulberry can improve the dry skin, dark circles, wrinkles, early growth, facial pigmentation and other symptoms, have the effect of beauty.

Fourth, kidney and essence

Mulberry has the effect of tonifying the kidney and benefiting the essence, which can improve the symptoms of soreness of the waist and knees, loose teeth, impotence and premature ejaculation, and loss of libido due to kidney deficiency and essence deficiency.

Fifth, laxative and sooth the intestines

Mulberry can moisten dryness, laxative and sooth the intestines, suitable for liver and kidney yin and blood deficiency and the symptoms of intestinal dryness and constipation.

Sixth, tranquilize the heart and mind

Eating mulberry can also improve sleep, can relieve insomnia and dreaminess, palpitations and forgetfulness, restlessness, early awakening, impatience and irritability caused by the lack of essence and blood, the heart lost nourishment and other symptoms.

Although mulberry is delicious, but there are also places that need to be noted when eating.

1, try not to eat on an empty stomach, will affect the absorption of nutrients.

2, eat mulberry too much easily lead to nose bleeding, so pregnant women need to moderate.

3, mulberry is very sweet, high sugar content, so suffering from diabetes is not suitable for consumption.

4, mulberry is cold is not suitable for people with a weak spleen and loose stools eat too much mulberry.

5, mulberry contains more tannic acid, will affect the absorption of iron, calcium, zinc and other substances in the intestinal tract, so children are not suitable to eat too much mulberry.

6, need to boil the mulberry avoid using iron, because the composition of the mulberry is easy to produce a chemical reaction with iron and lead to poisoning.

7, when buying mulberries, the particles are fuller, thicker, firmer quality will be better, the color is purple indicates maturity, the taste is mostly sweet, red mulberries are mostly more acidic.

To introduce you to a very practical cooking method of mulberry.

Chinese wolfberry mulberry porridge.

Efficacy: liver and kidney, strengthen the spleen and stomach, eliminate eye fatigue, enhance physical fitness.

Preparation: mulberry 5 grams, Chinese wolfberry 5 grams, red dates 5, 100 grams of round-grained rice.

Practice: first with water to rinse the wolfberry, blackberry, red dates, round-grained rice wash well soaked water spare, and then the ingredients together into the pot to cook, cooked with sugar to taste.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/medicalguide/spring-and-summer-health-benefits-mulberry.html

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