Qi and blood deficiency, easy fatigue of Chinese medicine regimen! Simple and easy to do!

Qi and blood deficiency, easy fatigue of Chinese medicine regimen! Simple and easy to do!

In your spare time, you can stick out your tongue and see if you have teeth marks on your tongue and if the color of the edge of your tongue is very pale white, and if your answer is, “Yes!” Then you might want to read this article.

Nowadays, people’s body problems boil down to two kinds of disorders besides those caused by stress, one is excess, eating too well, phlegm and dampness accumulation, this kind of people, absolutely can not be supplemented, usually need a light diet and need to relax emotionally.

I often say to them, the most suitable diet for you, is radish and cabbage, the most necessary mode of life, is to go running exercise.

There are also some people who, at a glance, know that their energy is obviously low, they feel exhausted, their face has no color, their voice is weak, they don’t need to run, they can’t even walk, their tongue has heavy teeth marks on it, and the tongue, that is, the part of the tongue that is not covered with moss, will be light white in color. Such a person needs nourishment.

Such people with insufficient righteousness are very much in the workplace nowadays, but they (they) are still taking on very heavy workloads, and many of them are exhausted, which is a very abnormal thing to do, and this will cause big problems in the body.

However, we are now taking this abnormality as a normal thing, and in serious words, this is “killing life”. However, such people abound, and it is a sad thing.

At this time, you can rest, but for some people, just rest is not enough, may also need to nourish, this time, a classic formula called “ten whole tonic soup” or “ten whole tonic pill”.

Si Jun Zi Soup

Drug composition: Ginseng, Atractylodes Macrocephala, Poria and Radix et Rhizoma Glycyrrhizae.

Effects: This formula has the effect of tonifying qi. Because of the classics, many later generations of qi tonifying formulae are built on the basis of this formula, so this Si Jun Zi Tang is called the “ancestral formula” for tonifying qi.
Indications: The scope of treatment of this formula is mainly due to deficiency of Qi in the spleen and stomach and weakness of transportation and transformation, such as atrophy of the face, low voice, shortness of breath, loose food and stools, pale tongue with white fur and deficient pulse.

The main treatment is to benefit Qi and strengthen the spleen. If the spleen and stomach are deficient in qi, they are unable to receive and transport, so they eat less; if dampness is generated, the spleen and stomach are not able to transport and transform, so they have loose stools; the spleen is the master of muscles; if the spleen and stomach are deficient in qi, the muscles of the limbs are not endowed, so the limbs are weak.

Insufficient biochemistry of qi and blood, which cannot glory in the face, hence the pale complexion; spleen and earth are the mother of lung and gold, once the spleen and stomach are deficient, the lung qi will be extinguished first, hence the shortness of breath and low voice; the pale tongue with white coating and teeth marks and weak pulse are all signs of qi deficiency.

The idea of the formula: In Si Jun Zi Tang, Ginseng is the ruling herb, which is sweet, warm and beneficial to Qi, strengthens the spleen and nourishes the stomach. The main herb is Atractylodes macrocephala, which strengthens the spleen and dampness, and enhances the power of benefiting qi and helping transportation.

The adjuvant is sweet and light Poria, which strengthens the spleen and permeates dampness, and the pairing of Ling and Shu is effective in strengthening the spleen and dispelling dampness. The enabling drug is roasted licorice, benefitting the qi and the middle, and harmonizing the drugs. The combination of the four herbs together can benefit the qi and strengthen the spleen.

What is the origin of the name of Si Jun Zi Soup?

In ancient times, there was an analogy between the ancient medical practitioners who talked about whether to help the righteous or to expel the evil when the body is sick.

The school of thought that advocates supporting the righteousness first believes that after supporting the righteousness, the body will have enough righteousness and naturally there will be no place for the evil to stay, just like a room full of gentlemen, so the villains will naturally feel they have no place to stay and will slip away on their own.

And this formula, because the medicine is calm and specializing in supporting the righteousness, the four flavors of medicine as four gentlemen, to help people’s righteousness, so called four gentlemen soup.

In later times, many qi tonifying formulas are made by adding flavors to this Four Gentlemen’s Soup.

Siwu Soup

Drug composition: Siwu Tang is a basic formula for nourishing blood and is composed of four herbs, namely Shu Di, Angelica, Paeoniae and Chuan Xiong. It has been called “the first formula in gynecology”, “the legislation on blood” and “the holy medicine for women” by later medical practitioners.

This formula uses the sweet, warm and thick tasting Radix Rehmanniae as the ruler to tonify the kidney, nourish Yin and nourish Blood. The combination of Radix Angelicae Sinensis nourishes Blood and Liver, harmonizes Blood and regulates menstruation; Bai Shao nourishes Blood and harmonizes Ying to enhance the power of Blood tonification; Chuan Xiong invigorates Blood and moves Qi to regulate Qi and Blood.

This formula can nourish Blood without stagnating Blood and harmonize Blood without harming Blood. Therefore, it can be used to nourish Blood for Blood deficiency and invigorate Blood for Blood stasis, which is a common formula to nourish Blood and invigorate Blood to regulate menstruation.

Pat Chun Soup

This formula, later called it is the “ancestral formula” for nourishing blood, because many of the later blood nourishing prescriptions are based on this formula with added flavor.

Then, the spirit of Chinese medicine was once again carried forward, because very often, people will be deficient in both qi and blood (because qi and blood are mutually beneficial, one glory and one loss), then, what to do at this time?

This eight-precious soup is different from the eight-precious cake eaten by Emperor Qianlong. This formula is a double tonic for qi and blood, combining Si Jun Zi Tang and Si Wu Tang, with eight herbs: ginseng, atractylodes, poria, roasted licorice, rehmannia, angelica, white peony, and Chuanxiong, which are often prescribed by Chinese doctors when they need to nourish qi and blood.

Ten Precious Tonic Soup

On the basis of Bajhen Tang, two herbs, Huang Qi and Cinnamon, were added to make the present Ten Perfect Great Tonic Soup, now known as Ten Perfect Great Tonic Pill.

This formula, which is also included in the “Taiping Huimin and Pharmaceutical Bureau Formula”, is used to treat: “men and women deficiencies, five strains and seven injuries, failure to eat and drink, long-standing illnesses, deficiency, tidal fever, gas attacking the bones and spine, constricting pain, night dreams and spermatorrhea, yellowish face, weakness of the feet and knees, all diseases after the gas is not as good as the old, sadness and thoughts hurt blood, coughing and fullness, weakness of the spleen and kidneys, five heart boredom. It is also used to treat all diseases. This medicine is warm and not hot, flat and effective, nourishes the qi and nurtures the spirit, awakens the spleen and stops thirst, smooths the righteousness and wards off evil, warms the spleen and kidneys, and its effects cannot be described.”

According to Chinese medicine, Qi and Blood are the material basis of human survival. If a person is born with a weak constitution, or because of overwork, or after an illness, or because of inappropriate conditioning, or because of excessive blood loss, it can lead to Qi and Blood deficiency and cause various diseases.

At this time, there will be pale or yellow face, dizziness, poor appetite, lack of energy, excessive sweating and aggravation after activity, even panic and shortness of breath, etc. At this time, the tongue will show obvious teeth marks on both sides of the tongue, thin white tongue coating, and the color of the tongue will become light white instead of bright red.

If these conditions occur, this formula can be used. Ten Perfect Tonic Soup can warm the Qi and Blood and improve the above symptoms from the root.

I have seen a lot of cases like this. Nowadays, many white-collar workers are tired of running around and their bodies are in a very bad state of Qi and blood.

I am a person who is very much against indiscriminate supplementation, but now I will increasingly recommend this Ten Perfect Great Tonic Pill, why? The reason is that these white-collar workers, one by one, have insufficient vitality, at this time, if they cannot support the vitality, then there will definitely be problems.

Many of my friends, after taking my recommended Ten Perfect Tonic Pills, have given me feedback that they feel more energetic and their bodies are in better shape.


So, what are the conditions in which this formula should not be taken?

First of all, it should not be used in case of yin deficiency, such as a very red tongue, thin or no tongue coating, and a very fast pulse. This condition should not be taken.

Or if there is actual heat, such as heat from outside, the tongue is yellow and thick, and the tongue is red, it cannot be taken. It is not advisable to take this formula for a very long time. You need to ask your doctor to help you analyze whether you can continue to eat it or not.

In addition, pregnant women should only be used under the guidance of a doctor and should not use drugs easily on their own.

We can now buy this Chinese medicine in many pharmacies, such as Tong Ren Tang’s Ten Perfect Tonic Pills, which can be taken directly with warm water.

However, when taking this formula, there is a secret that can be referred to, in the Song Dynasty, the drug is powdered, water, three slices of ginger, two dates, the same decoction to seven points, no time to take warm.

Therefore, if you feel that you are afraid of cold and lack of yang energy, you can also use three slices of ginger and a few jujubes, boil water, and use this water to take, the effect will be better.

This proprietary Chinese medicine, available in various pharmacies, I think we do not understand, so on the one hand, many friends are in a fatigued state of Qi and blood deficiency and serious weakness, but still insist on working, causing various disorders in the body.

On the other hand, what a pity that this Song Dynasty formula is lying asleep in pharmacies and people have no knowledge of it. Our ancestors, have already figured out the way to regulate us, why don’t we use it? We are full of breath, and then go to work with energy, how good it would be.
This reminds me of how well the word “Huimin” is used in the Song Dynasty formula book, “Taiping Huimin and the Formula”. Chinese medicine can benefit the people, can benefit the people.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/medicalguide/qi-and-blood-deficiency-easy-fatigue-of-chinese-medicine-regimen-simple-and-easy-to-do.html

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