Don’t ignore hyperuricemia, Chinese medicine treatment is effective

Don't ignore hyperuricemia, Chinese medicine treatment is effective

A patient asks what should I do if I am worried about hyperuricemia, which was detected during my physical examination? What should I do if I don’t want to go to a Western doctor? Is there any good solution for Chinese medicine?

According to western medicine, hyperuric acid means that one produces too much uric acid, or excrete less metabolism, metabolism does not go out, stay in the body, usually like to eat some fatty and fatty food, nothing to drink some wine, eat some hot pot, jerk skewers and so on. Some of their own poor health may develop, such as gout, the attack up painful, so we must pay attention to early detection, early conditioning. Some people say, I also drink all day long, eat seafood, hot pot how all right? The body quality is different between people, some strong, some weak, strong may be fine, weak may not pay attention to the disease, so we must pay attention to their own body, the body is their own, no body is equal to nothing.

Chinese medicine believes that such slow patients are generally heavy dampness, and heat in the body, such as emotional impatience and depression, can produce liver fire. Irregular diet, like fatty, sweet and greasy can produce stomach fire, damp and fire combined into a damp-heat fight, which is the cause of this evidence.

If dampness and heat are in contact with each other for a long time and cannot be cleared out in time, then serious diseases such as gout, cardiovascular disease, acute and chronic kidney disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia, etc. may arise.

So how to treat it? Very simple, clear heat and dampness

Some people say that Chinese medicine is very difficult and profound, but in fact it is not difficult, when you understand the fundamentals of Chinese medicine, it will all be clear.

Since the idea is clear, let’s prescribe medicine, right?

The 15 grams of Yin Chen, 10 grams of bitter ginseng, 10 grams of angelica, 12 grams of party ginseng, 20 grams of fried atractylodes, 15 grams of atractylodes, 15 grams of poria, 20 grams of zedoary, 10 grams of scutellaria, 3 grams of Huang Lian, 10 grams of cypress, 20 grams of kudzu, 15 grams of qiangwu, 15 grams of fu ling, 25 grams of carthamus seed, 25 grams of motherwort, 25 grams of turbinarium, 20 grams of bupleurum, 20 grams of lonicera, 10 grams of cyperus.

Some people are afraid to take it after reading the formula, feeling very bitter and cold, in fact, do not worry, you will not worry after reading our explanation.

The formula: party ginseng strengthens the spleen and nourishes the middle, neutralizing the bitter cold medicine, fried atractylodes, why use fried it, fried atractylodes is slightly milder, not as dry as raw, more suitable for nourishing the spleen. The atractylodes strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, angelica, motherwort, bupleurum and cyperus are mainly to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, dispel dampness and promote water circulation, Huanglian, scutellaria and cyperus, which are the famous three yellow, bitter cold and clear heat very well, bitter ginseng, as soon as you hear the name, you know it is very bitter, bitter cold medicine can generally clear heat, Yin Chen, poria, zedoary, psyllium, clear heat and dispel dampness, kudzu root generates spleen and stomach yang energy. The Qiangwu, Tu Fu Ling, dispel wind and dampness, Turbinicarpus, Lonicera, clear heat and activate blood, disperse blood stasis and reduce swelling.

Patients who have changed their illnesses eat medicine at the same time to control the mouth, open the legs, all diseases have mouth, in fact, there is some truth to it.

This formula is eaten for about half a month, after eating it can go to the hospital to do a checkup, well after not eating. After all, it is a bitter cold medicine.

Note: The prescription is for reference only, each person’s constitution and other reasons are different, if you need to use the medicine, please consult your local Chinese medicine practitioner.

Wish the world good health.

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