Chinese medicine speaks wolfberry best with the combination of effectiveness and role

Veteran Chinese medicine expert Lao Guo suggests that you can choose to match with other ingredients smartly. In this way, not only can absorb more nutrients, but also double the efficacy.

Chinese medicine speaks wolfberry best with the combination of effectiveness and role

Goji berry how to eat with a combination of better results

Do you know? Drinking water made of goji berries alone, the medicinal effects of which do not fully play out. Due to the influence of water temperature, soaking time, and other factors, only some of the medicinal ingredients in the wolfberry can be released into the water or soup.

Then what to do? Veteran Chinese medicine expert Lao Guo suggests that you can choose to match with other ingredients smartly. In this way, not only can absorb more nutrients, but also double the efficacy.

1, wolfberry with longan: calm the mind and help sleep

Materials: wolfberry, longan every 20 grams, raisins 50 grams, honey 20 grams, pineapple 200 grams.


(1) wolfberry, longan, raisins, and pineapple rinsed with water.

2) put into a small bowl with honey and the right amount of water, into the steamer for 20 minutes to steam.

Effect: The most prominent effect of this tea is to calm the mind and help sleep, often have insomnia, dreaming and palpitations problems people may wish to drink often, have a very good conditioning effect.

2, Chinese wolfberry with red dates: spleen and stomach, liver, and eyes.

Materials: jujube 10 grams, wolfberry 8 grams.


(1) the dates into the pot with medium heat and stir-fry for about 10 minutes, wait for the color of the dates gradually darken, pour out into a dish, cooled for use, there are more available sealed containers to be packed up later spare;

2) Put the cooled dates, plus the washed wolfberries, into the teapot.

3) add the right amount of rock sugar, then add hot water, and cover the lid of the teapot, for about 5 minutes to smother the taste and pour out to drink.

Efficacy: wolfberry and jujube both have spleen and stomach, liver protection, and brightness, the two with each other, complement each other. And red dates also have the role of nourishing the blood, known as a “natural vitamin pill”.

Winter often drinks wolfberry red dates tea, which both warms the body and can enhance the ability to protect against cold, women often drink, whether it is the tone or skin condition, will be better oh.

3, wolfberry with yam: lower blood sugar, spleen, and stomach.

Practice: yam peeled and washed and cut into small dice, rice washed and poured into a pot with yam, boiled over high heat and then put wolfberry, and then change the small fire slow simmer for about 15 minutes, until the porridge becomes sticky, and then sprinkle some green onions and salt can be.

Efficacy: yam and wolfberry tonic effects have a lot of intersection, both can strengthen the kidneys and fix essence, lower blood sugar, nourish the spleen and protect the stomach. Plus the role of wolfberry flat tonic Yang, a winter drink can also enhance cold tolerance.

4, wolfberry with eggs: prevention and treatment of presbyopia perfect match.

Materials: wolfberry 20 grams, 2 eggs.


1, Chinese wolfberry washed into a bowl of spare.

2, beat the eggs into a bowl, and the wolfberry blend.

3, steamed and ready to eat.

Efficacy: wolfberry and eggs cooked together, in terms of efficacy can play a synergistic effect, and can prevent elderly presbyopia, and dizziness caused by liver and kidney deficiency more tears are also effective.

5, wolfberry with hawthorn: prevention of atherosclerosis.

Practice: fresh hawthorn or dried hawthorn slices can be, and wolfberry together into the teacup, with boiling water for about 15 minutes. The sour taste can be tasty and appetizing, and it is very good to drink as a beverage.

Efficacy: wolfberry hawthorn tea is the most prominent efficacy to lower lipids and protecting blood vessels, for atherosclerosis has a certain preventive effect.

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