Chinese medicine: how to eat wolfberry to maintain health? Talk about the 6 health benefits of goji berries, it is recommended to collect

Chinese medicine: how to eat wolfberry to maintain health? Talk about the 6 health benefits of goji berries, it is recommended to collect

Chinese wolfberry has always been popular among health practitioners, sweet taste, medicinal and food, not warm and not dry. The Chinese Pharmacopoeia records: Chinese wolfberry, nourish the liver and kidney, benefit essence bright eyes. It is used for deficiency of essence, waist and knee pain, dizziness and tinnitus, internal heat and thirst, blood deficiency and atrophy, dimming of the eyes.

However, it does not mean that just grab a handful of water to have the above-mentioned health benefits, today I am here to say.

First, the health benefits of wolfberry

01 eyes: red eyes, tears in the wind

The liver is open to the eye, liver and kidney deficiency, liver blood deficiency, can not be injected in the eye eyes will be sick. At this time, the use of wolfberry tea alone can be, into the medicine can choose wolfberry chrysanthemum pill.

02 deficiency of labor injury

Excessive labor or long term illness depletion of the liver and kidney yin, will appear the state of deficiency labor.

The “Ancient and Modern Recorded Experimental Formula” Qiyi Pill is made of Chinese wolfberry, dried Dihuang, and asparagus together, and refined honey to make a pill to treat deficiency of labor injury.

03 Thirst and frequent urination

Sheng Hui Fang (Sacred Benefit Formula) is based on Fructus Lycii, Astragali, Ginseng, Gui Xin, Radix Angelicae Sinensis and Paeoniae Alba, and is used to treat thirst and frequent urination caused by deficiency of Qi and Yin. Yin deficiency leads to thirst, and kidney deficiency and Qi deficiency leads to frequent urination.

04 Tranquilize the mind and nourish the blood, nourish Yin and strengthen Yang

The secret recipe of “regimen” wolfberry round cream, with wolfberry, longan meat boiling cream. Chinese wolfberry nourishes yin, longan warms yang, the two drugs together, yin and yang double tonic, tranquilize the mind and nourish blood.

05 Premature graying of hair

Seven Treasures Beard Pill is made from Chinese wolfberry, Radix et Rhizoma Polygonati, Poria and Semen Cuscutae to nourish the liver and kidneys and to darken the hair. Insufficient liver and kidney will lead to premature graying of the hair.

06 Back pain

Liver is the main tendon, kidney is the main bone. Chinese wolfberry nourishes the liver and kidney, and is often used in combination with eucommia to treat lumbago caused by deficiency of the liver and kidney.

Second, use note

Chinese wolfberry nourishing and greasy, spleen deficiency with dampness caution. Chinese wolfberry medicinal properties and calm, weak, if you want to cure the root of the disease, but also offline to seek medical advice! Of course also because of the Chinese wolfberry medicinal properties and calm, can be used for both medicine and food, long serving has a health effect.

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