[Chinese medicine health] Examine the causes and seek the root cause, comprehensive conditioning! What should I do to maintain my spleen and stomach?

[Chinese medicine health] Examine the causes and seek the root cause, comprehensive conditioning! What should I do to maintain my spleen and stomach?

Modern causes of spleen and stomach damage

Spleen deficiency is not only the basis for the pathogenesis of deficiency of the body’s positive energy, physical weakness, reduced function and many childhood, middle-aged and elderly diseases, but also the main cause of modern sub-health states and metabolic diseases such as hyperlipidemia, gout, type II diabetes and non-alcoholic fatty liver.

I. Inappropriate diet

In today’s society, improper diet damages the function of the spleen and stomach, and there are six specific causes as follows.

Excessive food consumption The spleen and stomach are damaged by overload work because they can eat a lot, have a large amount of meals, or snack all day long, or overeat on holidays or when friends and relatives get together.

Preferring fatty food The diet structure is not reasonable, preferring to eat fatty, sweet and greasy animal food or fried and fried food.

Eating a cold diet Not following the principle of eating a cold and warm diet, eating too much cold water and frozen food, or ignoring the cold and hot nature of the diet and one’s own constitution, eating too much milk, green tea, watermelon, and herbal tea, etc., which will damage the yang energy of the spleen and stomach and cause deficiencies in the function of transportation and transformation.

Eating too fast Eating too fast and swallowing too much will not chew enough, which not only increases the burden on the spleen and stomach, but also prevents the full secretion of digestive juices, causing the weakness of the spleen and stomach.

Neglecting breakfast Not eating breakfast affects the secretion of bile, which in the long run will cause the spleen and stomach to become dysfunctional in transportation.

Excessive dinner The amount of food should be relatively reduced as the supply of nutrients is less when sleeping peacefully at night, and an excessive amount of dinner will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach and is not conducive to sleep.

II. Improper medication

Some people take improper medication after illness, resulting in damage to the spleen and stomach, specific drugs can include the following three categories.

Some people take tonic drugs or health care products such as aphrodisiacs and nourishing yin without asking whether they are real or not, resulting in fattening of the body, increase in blood pressure, bloating, dizziness, dizziness, inability to pass stools, increase in head oil and face dirt, and constant acne and sores, and then turn to take drugs for weight loss, pressure reduction, laxative, and purging heat, which often end up harming the spleen and stomach.

The people who work and study at a tight pace are often prone to fire, if coupled with a poor diet and a taste for spicy and stimulating things, it will add fuel to the fire and make it easier to catch fire, mostly manifesting as throat discomfort and pain, dryness and constipation, bitterness and bad breath, mouth sores and acne, which in turn leads to the overuse of herbal teas, medicinal teas, Niuhuang Shangqing Pills, Niuhuang Detoxification Pills, Shuanghuanglian Oral Liquid and other heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs, causing the spleen and stomach to suffer Severe damage to the spleen and stomach.

Antibiotics The side effects of antibiotics are mainly focused on hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity, and impact on digestive function. Antibiotic abuse can damage the function of the spleen and stomach and cause weakness of the spleen and stomach.

III. Other causes

In addition to dietary and medication causes, there are 2 other causes of spleen and stomach damage as follows

According to the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine, the spleen is the master of the muscles and limbs. Sitting for a long time and moving little not only hurts the muscles, causing them to lose nourishment, making them loose and weak, and making the limbs tired and weak, but also hurts the spleen, causing the spleen and stomach to dysfunction in transporting food and water and fluids, resulting in deficiency evidence such as deficiency of qi and actual evidence such as water-dampness and phlegm-drink. Modern research also believes that the muscles and limbs are the most important energy metabolism channels in the body. In contemporary society, it is very common to eat too much and move too little, especially among students and office workers.

Chinese medicine says “movement is Yang”, that is, moderate physical labor and physical exercise can excite Yang, Yang Qi, but also strengthen the spleen, so that the spleen and stomach to produce the source of Qi and blood, the human organs, muscle tissue to nourish, is beneficial to maintain good health.

Unstable emotions can harm the liver and spleen Drastic emotional changes can have many adverse effects on the functions of the internal organs and the operation of qi and blood. The former, such as excessive thinking and entanglement in matters, can lead to stagnation of the qi flow of the spleen and stomach, which can lead to disorders of gastrointestinal digestive function and, in the long run, to deficiencies of qi and blood; the latter, such as depression and anger, can harm the liver, which can lead to loss of drainage of the liver and injury to the spleen from liver disease, which is called “the earth gets wood and reaches” mechanism in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine. The latter, such as depression and anger injuring the liver, causes the liver to lose drainage, and liver disease injuring the spleen, which is called “the earth gets wood and reaches” mechanism disorder, and also causes the spleen and stomach function deficiency.

Examples of spleen and stomach health care methods

The first step in spleen and stomach health care is to correct the cause of its origin, that is, to seriously examine the causes of your own spleen and stomach deficiency, and to intervene at the root, so as to “treat the disease at its root”. The following are two methods for spleen and stomach health care.

I. Medicinal food for health

The following are two medicinal meals that are beneficial to the spleen and stomach for your use.

Hawthorn and malt tea

Ingredients: 10g of hawthorn (raw hawthorn or fried hawthorn are both acceptable), 10g of raw malt, and the right amount of brown sugar.

Directions: Wash hawthorn, put it in a heat preservation cup with malt, pour boiling water into it, cover it with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes, drink it as tea, add water as you drink. You can add brown sugar to taste.

Effect: This tea is suitable for over-eating, chronic gastritis, functional dyspepsia caused by anorexia and nausea, stomach and abdominal distention, hiccups, as well as loose stools, odor and other discomfort treatment.

Egg custard

Ingredients: 15g each of yam, poria, lotus seeds, raw malt, betel nut, 20g of hawthorn, 30g of hen’s nest, eggs, salt, soy sauce, sesame oil, green onion, etc.

Method: The above ingredients, except for the egg and spices, are finely ground together and set aside. Take 5g of the powder each time, add 1 egg, water and salt, mix well and steam in a cage, add soy sauce, sesame oil and green onion to taste after serving.

Efficacy: This remedy is suitable for people with weak digestive function, or patients with chronic gastritis or functional dyspepsia who suffer from fatigue, loss of appetite, stomach and abdomen distention, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea and indigestion.

II. Massage for health

Rubbing the abdomen

Operation: This method should be carried out after meals, take a sitting position or supine position, rub hot hands, two hands overlapping on the abdomen, first with the palm around the umbilicus along the clockwise direction 20 ~ 30 times, and then according to the counterclockwise direction from large to small around the umbilicus 20 ~ 30 times, this is called abdominal massage. If a little more force, the force through the skin and straight through the muscles and gastrointestinal, is called abdominal kneading.

Effect: rubbing the abdomen can not only promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, but also improve the abdominal cavity and its gastrointestinal tract blood circulation, can assist in regulating indigestion, gastrointestinal dysfunction, chronic gastroenteritis, etc.

Rub three parts

Operation: the two hands overlapping in the upper abdomen, the lower end of the sternum as the center, according to the clockwise and counterclockwise direction to knead each 30 ~ 50 times, this is the first part of the kneading; the same method in the navel, that is, around the Shen Que point to knead each 30 ~ 50 times, this is the second part of the kneading; knead the two legs foot San Li point (4 fingers under the outer side of the kneecap, the outer side of the tibia on the depression) 50 ~ 100 times, this is the third part of the kneading. When rubbing the first two parts, can be seated, supine position, rubbing the third part should be sitting on the bed, knee joint natural straight. Every day in the morning, before going to bed.

Efficacy: rubbing the three parts of the body, strengthening the spleen and stomach, regulating the internal organs, balancing yin and yang, etc., suitable for most people to prevent and regulate gastrointestinal diseases.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/medicalguide/chinese-medicine-health-examine-the-causes-and-seek-the-root-cause-comprehensive-conditioning-what-should-i-do-to-maintain-my-spleen-and-stomach.html

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