Asthma attack has 3 symptoms, 7 major meals to prevent the onset

Winter is another period of a high incidence of respiratory diseases, and asthma is most likely to develop during this period, so what are the symptoms of the onset of asthma? The clinical manifestation of asthma varies according to the severity of the disease.

Asthma attack has 3 symptoms, 7 major meals to prevent the onset

Winter is another period of a high incidence of respiratory diseases, and asthma is most likely to develop during this period, so what are the symptoms of the onset of asthma? The clinical manifestation of asthma varies according to the severity of the disease.

1. When the disease first develops: patients will feel the cough, chest tightness, allergic rhinitis, or cold, which usually lasts for several hours or days, but generally patients do not notice such a phenomenon, and more people treat it as a cold and cough.

2. When the condition continues to develop, bronchial asthma enters the middle stage, when the patient feels a high-pitched wheezing sound, accelerated breathing frequency, and difficulty in breathing, which can be manifested as open mouth breathing, nasal flapping, dry cough, and coughing up white mucus-like sputum. In severe attacks, it may be manifested as irritability, cyanosis, pallor, and cold sweat.

3. When the disease is serious: the disease will suddenly attack, there are other complications, most patients have serious injuries to the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, inflammation spread to the lungs, inducing diseases such as emphysema.

So how to take care of asthma in this high season? Here are 7 meals for you to prevent the onset of asthma in winter.

1. Pepper pot pork belly: pepper 10, 120 grams of pork belly, water appropriate amount of soup, salt, and oil to taste, drink soup, and eat meat.

Indications: This recipe is used to treat the evidence of deficiency cold of stomach gas during the remission period of asthma. When you have reduced meals, vague pain in the upper abdomen, gas rushing upward from the stomach, long sound, coldness in the body, and acid reflux in the stomach, you can take this recipe.

2. Ginseng Mealybug San: 2.5 grams of Jilin ginseng, 1 pair of mealybug, 75 grams of purple river carp, grind into fine powder in this proportion, bottle and set aside, take 1~3 times a day, 1.5~3 grams each time.

Indications: Treatment of lung and kidney yin deficiency during the remission period of asthma. This formula can be taken when you have symptoms such as accelerated and superficial breathing, aggravated by movement, fatigue, and laziness, sweating during both activities and at rest, sweating when sleeping and stopping when waking up, as well as soreness and weakness of the waist and knees.

3. Cordyceps stewed quail: 5 grams of Cordyceps, quail 2, 3 slices of ginger, 3 dates, 200 ml of water, add oil and salt to taste, stew for two hours with a gentle fire, drink soup, and eat meat.

Indications: Take this formula for the treatment of lung yin deficiency during asthma, when there is shallow and fast breathing, or even feeling breathless, breathless, not enough air, while coughing not much, with no phlegm, red tongue with little coating, etc.

4. Sword flower boiled pig lung: 20 grams of dried sword flower, 250 grams of pig lung, an appropriate amount of water, boiled with a gentle fire for 2 hours, seasoning for consumption.

Indications: Treatment of lung-heat cough during the remission period of asthma. Take this recipe when you have symptoms such as dry mouth, bitter mouth, and white and sticky sputum that is difficult to cough up.

5. Cordyceps stewed with black chicken: 5 grams of Cordyceps, 75 grams of black chicken, 3 slices of ginger, 1 honey date, 180 ml of water, stewed with a gentle fire for two hours, drink the soup and eat the meat.

Indications: All patients with bronchial asthma.

6. White fruit almond raw chicken soup: take one raw chicken item, remove the viscera and skin, add 15 white fruit, 10 grams of almonds, 3 grams of peel, sewn with thread, boil with water, eat meat and drink soup.

Indications: All patients with bronchial asthma.

7. Fish glue lean meat wormwood soup: 10 grams of cordyceps, lean pork 10 grams, cooked in water, add less salt. Eat twice a week, persistently, and long is effective.

Indications: All patients with bronchial asthma. People suffering from this disease in their home life can boil this soup to regulate it.

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