American Ginseng|one of the top ten traditional tonic for health in Chinese medicine

American Ginseng|one of the top ten traditional tonic for health in Chinese medicine

American Ginseng – Introduction

American ginseng is a kind of “cool” ginseng, which is bitter and slightly sweet in taste, cool in nature, and belongs to the lung, heart and spleen meridians. It has the effects of nourishing Yin and replenishing Qi, increasing body fluid and quenching thirst, eliminating irritability, clearing deficiency fire, supporting positive Qi, and fighting fatigue.

American ginseng is also called American ginseng and American ginseng. There are two types of American ginseng available in our market, one is imported from the United States and Canada, and the other is domestically introduced.

American ginseng contains a variety of ginsenosides, volatile oils, sterols, polysaccharides, as well as various vitamins, amino acids and trace elements, etc. It has sedative and anti-inflammatory effects, enhances memory, improves myocardial ischemia, lowers blood lipids, inhibits platelet agglutination, and also improves immune function.

Western ginseng was first seen in the Qing Dynasty Confucian doctor Wang Ang compiled the “Supplementary Figure of the Materia Medica Preparation”, recorded: bitter, sweet and cool, thick taste and thin gas, tonic lung to lower fire, generate fluid, remove tiredness, deficiency and fire is appropriate, out of the Atlantic Franci”.

There are many people who do not suffer from the warm tonic of ginseng, but western ginseng can be used.

Zhang Xichen, a famous doctor in Qing Dynasty, wrote in the book of “Medicine in the Heart of the Ginseng”: “Western ginseng is cool and tonic, anyone who wants to use ginseng but not the warm tonic can use this instead”.

The Materia Medica from the New: “Western ginseng is a tonic for the lungs and fire, generates fluids, removes tiredness, and is suitable for those who are deficient and have fire.”

American ginseng contains a variety of nutrients, and is a food of the same origin as medicine and food, with the effect of nourishing the qi and nourishing the yin, nourishing the stomach and nourishing the body.

American Ginseng – Usage

The best use of American ginseng is to slice it and take it in water alone.

Steaming method: Dry American ginseng over low heat, grind it into fine powder, take 5 grams each time, mix it with 1 egg, and take it after steaming.

Rinse method Drying American ginseng over low heat, grind it into fine powder, take 5 grams in a cup each time, add a small amount of honey, and wash it down with boiling water, cover it with a lid for 5 minutes, and take it in several times, preferably on an empty stomach.

Containing method Put the American ginseng in a casserole and steam it with water to soften it, then cut it into thin slices, put it in a clean small glass bottle or a small magnetic bottle, take 2~4 slices each time before breakfast and after dinner, chew and swallow it carefully.

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