(Chinese medicine health care) Simple and easy to learn to strengthen the kidneys and health care method

(Chinese medicine health care) Simple and easy to learn to strengthen the kidneys and health care method

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the kidney is the source of life, and when the kidney is full, it is energetic, strong, light and agile, but when the kidney is deficient, the yang is weak, the waist and knees are sore and weak, and it is easy to feel wind and cold and have diseases.

There are yin deficiency and yang deficiency in kidney deficiency disease.

For kidney yin deficiency, there are symptoms such as lung heat, dry throat, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, dizziness and tinnitus, and red tongue coating

For kidney yang deficiency, symptoms such as coldness in the limbs, depression, soreness in the back and tinnitus, pale tongue and fat body are common.
Chinese medicine believes that the functional activities of the limbs, including the movement of joints, tendons and other tissues, are governed by the liver and kidneys, so there is a “kidney is the main bone, the bone is the remainder of the kidney”, so adhere to physical exercise to obtain the effect of nourishing the tendons and kidneys, relaxing the tendons and activating the chord, smooth the flow of Qi and enhance their resistance, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the kidneys and body. Walking, jogging, playing ball, doing exercises, practicing boxing and sword dancing, etc., are good exercise programs.

Here are a few simple health care methods that you can try.

Rub the waist eye.

Rub both hands hot and press the waist firmly, rubbing hard 30 times. “The waist is the capital of the kidneys, rubbing the eyes of the waist can unblock the tendons and veins, enhance the function of the kidneys

Rubbing the Dantian.

Both hands rubbed hot, in the abdomen Dantian massage 30 ~ 50 times. The Dantian is the place where the true qi and true essence coalesce and is the essence of human life. This method is commonly used to enhance the immune function of the human body, improve the body’s resistance, so as to achieve the purpose of strengthening the kidneys and strengthening the capital, which is conducive to prolonging life.

Sound “blow”.

“blow” and kidney corresponding, kidney is water, so it has the effect of nourishing kidney water. Repeat 6~9 times.

In addition, the heart corresponds to the “hah” sound, the liver corresponds to the “hush” sound, the spleen corresponds to the “hoo” sound, the lungs correspond to the “s The spleen corresponds to the “hoo” sound, the lung corresponds to the “s” sound, and the Sanjiao corresponds to the “hey” sound. The sound should be pronounced longer and more often.

Health care methods for strengthening the spleen and promoting gastrointestinal Qi

Overlapping hands, clockwise around the navel to rub the abdomen, to pass the main, can promote the smooth flow of gastrointestinal gas, counterclockwise around the navel to rub the abdomen, the main tonic, can play a role in strengthening the spleen, constipation patients, more clockwise rub, spleen deficiency, then add counterclockwise rub, 300 ~ 500 each time, 1 ~ 2 times a day.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/chinese-medicine-health-care-simple-and-easy-to-learn-to-strengthen-the-kidneys-and-health-care-method.html

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