Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Why do many TCM practitioners live into their 90s?

1. Chinese medicine does not rely on techniques, but on the heart

The medical skill of a TCM doctor must be proportional to the medical ethics. A TCM doctor does not rely on techniques to treat people, but on the heart. When the heart method is right, even a very common prescription will be useful in his hands, and his “righteousness” will make the patient have a sense of trust, which will enhance the effectiveness of the medicine.

In fact, to judge a good or bad TCM practitioner, it is very clear to look at his thinking on healing in a few words. Chinese medicine has always emphasized that disease is not simply a virus or inflammation, but only a result and a symptom, and that disease is the cause behind these symptoms, such as pain and inflammation.

Some doctors separate the disease from the cause (emotions), thinking that the disease is a substance that exists separately from the body, for example, when someone develops a disease, they can’t wait to remove the tumor, thinking that the disease will be cured, which is actually a very narrow concept.

Unfortunately, this narrow concept is also the view of the body and disease that many people have today. But in fact, the cause of disease is apparently a physical problem, but in fact it is a psychological problem. Especially in the case of difficult illnesses, that is life gone wrong.

Therefore, if there is no mind, no sense of Qi, playing Taijiquan is just Taiji gymnastics.

2. not Chinese medicine is not scientific, but you do not understand science

Modern industry has alienated people. Ford said, I obviously employed two hands, how to stand behind a man? On the basis of a series of simplifications and assumptions, Newtonian physics was produced, and another world view was produced: everything can be standardized, process-oriented, and systematic.

It is in the midst of this historical process that modern Western medicine arose, which saw man as a rational, cold mass. The operational logic of the working class was applied to medicine.

One of the reasons many people criticize Chinese medicine is that it has made little progress over thousands of years, while Western medicine has continued to evolve.

But in fact science has proven that species change in millions of years and that the human body has not changed essentially in 3,000 or even 10,000 years. What has really changed is human life rather than life.

For example, nowadays, when people do not worry about food and clothing, there are more body reserves, obesity, diabetes, myocardial infarction, cerebral thrombosis …… So I think it is entirely possible that the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine had reached a very high level of understanding of the body 3,000 years ago.

There is a view that advances in technology have come at the expense of harming human instincts. For example, once upon a time people were able to drive their cars home from their units independently, as they should, but since the advent of GPS, many people have slowly lost the ability to get home on their own.

In fact, we used to have many abilities, but they are lost in the “progress”. The significance of Chinese medicine is to help you get rid of the GPS and drive the car home.

3. you superstitious western medicine, in fact, you do not understand

Many people criticize Chinese medicine is not scientific, because they simply do not know the latest discoveries of Western medicine. In the last decade Western medicine has gone beyond the traditional linear, mechanistic medical model and is moving towards energy medicine and consciousness medicine.

Two days ago I experienced something amazing: the technology developed by Soviet scientists to do medical examinations for cosmonauts can produce a detailed medical report for you in 15 minutes based on your photos, and the results of this report are actually the same as the results of our medical examinations in hospitals, after a set of complicated instruments.

The principle of its operation is to find the image you left in the fourth dimension, with different colors for different energy areas.

Taiwan’s Professor Wang Wei Gong is also doing research in this area, and he is applying for a U.S. patent: using meridian energy to detect diabetes, without breaking your fingers, and even blindly, based on the vibrational frequency relationship of the meridians in Chinese medicine.

He told me that Harvard Medical School is now introducing the Eastern view of energy medicine to look at the body again and to plan the Western medical thinking model.

A group of Stanford post-docs once told me that after studying genetics, you have to believe that there is a possible God in this world. Sit quietly without moving, and after twenty minutes you can feel your breath and heartbeat. Life is very simple, one breath in and one breath out, and the “qi” flows in between.

Buddhists say that when the two sperms meet, one’s heavenly destiny is decided. Why does the moment of birth have an impact on a person’s life? Before birth, your qi is given by your mother, and after birth, when you take your first breath in order to fight against atmospheric pressure, the whole blood circulation begins to start and the neurons toward the brain begin to build.

In this instant, all the planets, all the changes of orientation, all the changes of weather, it all forms a common magnetic field in this split second.

This magnetic field determines how your neurons are built, and that determines how you think.

So yeah, there is no problem talking about the difference between Chinese medicine and Western medicine, just like two teams heading towards Everest from the south and north slopes respectively, obviously the paths are different, but the people from the south slope are talking about the north slope and the people from the north slope are talking about the south slope. What is there to argue about? After a few more years of summit rendezvous, it will be understood.

4. What is the wisdom of Chinese medicine?

The wisdom given to you by my teachers and the elders who study Chinese medicine is something very simple: energy is always turning and constant. When you are with a wise elder, you don’t have to ask him to teach you anything, you can learn a lot by seeing his expression.

If you want to be rich, be with the richest person; if you want to be fashionable, be with the most fashionable person; if you want to live longer, be with more elders; if you want to be wise, be with a wise person.

The wisdom of Chinese medicine is in “essence, qi and spirit”, “essence” is material, “qi” is energy, “spirit” is information and consciousness.

In life, we often see that some “good people” have serious illnesses, why? Because he is only trying to be a good person, although his actions are good, but his heart is not good, his consciousness is not good. The inner entanglement has caused his illness.

After you have the wisdom to understand this truth, you have to admit to yourself that if I can’t be a good person
I would rather be a real, not bad person, which is the wisdom of Chinese medicine.

5. The best healer is yourself

The best TCM practitioner is himself. Why do many TCM doctors live to be ninety years old? Because he is open, not distorted, not deformed, not tossing himself.

The source of health is not in the body, but in the mind. For example, if you hate a person, the healthy way is to go around him.

It’s not because I have a certain social status and options that I can do that, I know many people at the bottom who also live happy lives. It’s important to understand that getting angry is the stupid thing to do so you don’t get angry, and doing that is half the battle of being healthy.

In short, the most reliable way to get well is to be as naive as possible.

I remember a wise man said that there is a “god” inside our body, which in foreign language is called God, and in Chinese language is called “God”.
In Chinese language, it is called “spirit”, in psychological language, it is called “subconscious”, and in Buddhist language, it is called “Rudra”.

It is always loving us, and if we obey it, we will live a better life; if we do not obey it, it will remind us and give us a little trouble, and these little troubles are to remind us to come back from our mistakes.

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