Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

If you want Chinese medicine to regulate your body and not panic when you get sick, don’t miss this article

Good morning, friends!

Some time ago, the Chinese medicine doctor saw a story “11 fish”, very interesting, very classic, can help you understand what is Chinese medicine thinking, share it with you.

It says that there is a fish pond with 11 fish, each fish has a different job, such as cleaning garbage, making nutrients, and so on.

Daily life is to eat and sleep, sleep and eat, so relaxed. The only requirement is that the water must be clean and not have the slightest impurity.

One day, the scheduled time to put the feed machine malfunctioned, more to the fish pond to throw a little feed.

Because the 11 fish can not eat much, so the extra part of the slowly settled in the fish pond, the impurities are too small and too little reason, no one even found that the water quality has changed, not in time to deal with, so the serious consequences appeared.

Slowly, the fish began to get sick, sickly, no life at all. What do you do at this point?

To solve the fish pond problem, the technician gave 3 methods.

Sprinkle the fish pond with medicine for the sick fish.

Throwing away the sick fish.

Replace the sick fish with healthy ones.

If it were you, how would you choose?

I believe that most people will choose one of the above three methods, but Chinese medicine doctors believe that a small number of people will choose to do so.

First definitely look at which fish is sick and give the corresponding treatment medicine.

Then look at what caused the fish to get sick, oh, the water is not clean, so give the medicine to remove impurities.

And then found that the impurity removal medicine is harmful to other fish, what to do? Don’t worry, finally give the medicine to protect the other fish.

This is the difference between the thinking of most people in dealing with diseases, most people want to solve the problem when they see it, never thinking about the cause of the problem and other additional problems brought about by the problem itself.

In fact, our internal organs also follow the same 11 fish.

If the internal organs are sick, in Western medicine, it is to treat where the disease is, either by medication or surgery, regardless of the other parts.

In Chinese medicine, it is different.

First of all, we will see which internal organs are sick and give the medicine for treatment.

Then see if it is due to restraint or insufficient biochemical causes or other reasons, and give the medicine to regulate it.

Finally, if these medicines are harmful to other internal organs, then give the medicine to protect them.

Therefore, Chinese medicine treats the five internal organs with 3 kinds of medicine: therapeutic medicine + regulating medicine + protective medicine.

Only when these 3 medicines are taken together can we get rid of the disease and evil at the root and restore the balance of yin and yang in the body.

So, in fact, the thinking of Chinese medicine in regulating illnesses is: treatment + conditioning + protection.

It is a holistic view, is to see certain small symptoms should be extrapolated to the general direction of meridians, internal organs, qi and blood, fluids and their interconnection.

To give you another example.

If a patient has a cough with phlegm, you can consider that there is something wrong with the lungs (Jin), or you can consider that there is too much fire in the heart, or not enough water in the kidneys.

Because Fire (Heart) is overpowering Gold (Lung), Heart Fire is overpowering Lung Gold and causing interference with its operation. And gold (lung) produces water (kidney), gold produces water homologous relationship, the two coordinate to regulate water metabolism and respiratory movement, one cannot be without the other.

Of course, sickness can not only have a symptom, or according to the detailed disease to see, here is just a simple example of Chinese medicine thinking you give, do not copy and copy, must be flexible.

It is because of this holistic view, most Chinese doctors prefer to say that it is conditioning, rather than treatment.

In fact, this thinking is not only for the regulation of disease, but also for daily health care.

For example, if a food therapy recipe is too cold, you need to add warm ones; if a food therapy recipe is too hot, you need to add cold ones to calm the effectiveness of the recipe.

Similarly, if people use moxibustion and gua sha, this is the same thinking, first treat the phenomenon of the disease, in conditioning the ‘disease mechanism’ that caused it, and finally protect or consolidate the effect.

It is because of this thinking that Chinese medicine has a long span of time to regulate the disease, taking more herbs and using more methods.

Finally, Chinese medicine doctors here caution that it is not the understanding of what is Chinese medicine thinking even if you master the Chinese medicine conditioning method, a habit of thinking, a way of thinking must be developed only after a long period of training.

We should have a holistic view in the face of disease, more from the causes and consequences, the five elements and other aspects of the consideration, after the habit will make it easier to understand Chinese medicine, the road to Chinese medicine with half the effort!

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