Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

How do we get started when studying TCM?

1, first of all, learn the direction of life, which is “good”

Throughout history, there have been so many doctors who have made it their lifelong mission to save people, so they have studied and improved their academic skills. This spirit is the first thing we should learn. The first thing we amateurs learn about Chinese medicine is to learn the direction, learn the realm, and set the right goal. We all learn for love, we love our lives and the lives of our families, and we want to help others and ourselves with the knowledge of TCM, and this direction is the first.

Why do I put this first? Because if we lose the direction of “goodness”, when we learn the “art” later on, we will easily deviate from it, or even “go off the rails”. This is true for all disciplines in the world. If you do not have the right direction, you will fall into a state of exploitation, complacency, resentment, etc. Under this kind of aura, you will not be able to keep your health. In the midst of continuously growing resentment, you want to study Chinese medicine to cure the diseases that are born from your resentment, and this is not possible.

Therefore, it is important to regulate your mind.

2, Learn the Chinese medicine view of life

The ancients were concerned with the unity of heaven and man, so they paid special attention to the relationship between man and all things in heaven and earth. Modern people are so arrogant as to stay away from this path because they think they have mastered the secrets of heaven and earth, and they suffer from many places as a result. For example, I know the post-95 children, once they leave their parents, is rarely before 12 o’clock at night to go to bed, because watching cell phones to catch up with the drama, because jerking off to disco, so the yin and yang reversal, in the long run, how can the body without problems?
Similar things, there are many, learn Chinese medicine, an important thing is to learn the ancient view of life. The ancients lived closer to nature, and our ancestors summed up a great deal of wisdom on how to live in harmony with nature and how to live well in nature during the thousands of years of development. Therefore, the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine begins with the relationship between man and nature, and the relationship with the four seasons of time, and this starting pattern is very big. If we understand this truth, and live our lives “in accordance with the law of yin and yang, and in harmony with the arts and figures, eating and drinking in moderation, getting up and living in moderation, and not making delusional efforts”, then of course health is just around the corner.

All diseases are the result of long-term emotional disorders and poor living habits, which accumulate over time. If you don’t adjust your habits, but want to solve the problem with a prescription from a famous doctor, you’re putting the cart before the horse.

3, Learn meridian theory and master some external treatment methods

Meridian theory is the crystallization of ancient Chinese wisdom, meridians are the channels of the body’s qi and blood, all over the body, communicating with the five internal organs. In this, I especially emphasize some external treatment methods, such as moxibustion, if you have a thorough grasp of a moxibustion, I think most of the disease management, will have a very good effect, in the prevention of disease, fitness and body, moxibustion is too big advantage.

The moxibustion method is easy to learn, easy to operate, the people learn, easy to see results. I once saw an enthusiast, moxibustion Guan Yuan point, moxibustion their own uterine fibroids to moxibustion (this kind of cold disease); another enthusiast, encountered a friend because of dyeing hair caused by head sores, head like a toad skin lesions, so moxibustion, the result to moxibustion scalp as good as new. Such examples show that there is too much room for the common people to learn these external treatments.

I often see those desperate people on the Internet seeking medical help, sometimes I really feel that, in the absence of an effective doctor, if you can quietly learn an external treatment, such as moxibustion, gua sha, cupping, persistent conditioning, persistent, the body will also improve ah. Unfortunately, people tend to ignore this, ignore their own role in the conditioning of the body, but everywhere outside to seek, which is very regrettable.

4, learn food therapy

My view is that the Chinese medicine enthusiast, try not to learn to write their own prescriptions first. Because the prescription requires too much professional learning, if the lack of professional learning, it is easy to make mistakes. The good thing is that TCM believes that medicine and food come from the same source, so if you can make the best use of the ingredients in your kitchen, you can basically make a general adjustment.

In principle, for internal diseases, if you have a clear understanding of your constitution, and distinguish whether you are Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency, Qi deficiency, Blood deficiency, Phlegm and Dampness or Blood stasis, you can basically regulate a lot.

What is the difference between a good TCM practitioner and a hobbyist? A good TCM practitioner can be precise and accurate in the right direction, and the prescriptions are directly hitting the disease. This is a summary of the experience of Chinese medicine practitioners, which flavor, which combination, in which type of evidence, for the disease special effect, this is the most subtle place of Chinese medicine. This is the most subtle part of Chinese medicine. Why are many old Chinese medicine practitioners so effective? It is because they have seen a lot, and this summary is more, so they have a high hit rate, and can be cured by covering the cup.

In general, TCM enthusiasts will not have this level of skill. For example, if you have a Yang deficiency, you can use food therapy to warm up the Yang and regulate it. Although it will not be as precise as famous doctors, the general direction is not wrong, so it will not allow the disease to develop, and at the same time, it will give the body a chance to recover. Although, the process is not as fast as the famous doctor’s conditioning, but, step by step, it will also play a very good role.

Some of my friends always say, “I have several body types, how do I regulate them? In fact, you can solve one problem at a time, try to come, I have written about this before, see my previous articles. Overall, it is to solve one is one.

5, learn Chinese medicine

In fact, the prescription is also to learn, learn what? Learn the idea of cubic. The prescriptions that you can see, I introduce to you, are basically famous prescriptions, these prescriptions have the idea of curing the disease, why so combined, so set up the ruler and the minister? All of them have a philosophy of treatment. We can learn from them and master the mystery of body conditioning, which is the more advanced stage of Chinese medicine enthusiasts. And these famous prescriptions, basically have the products of proprietary Chinese medicine, so you can simply use good proprietary Chinese medicine, but also the body can be adjusted out of a rough.

Often go to the pharmacy, look at those lying in the counter inside the proprietary Chinese medicine, and then think, just use these drugs, you can treat a lot of diseases, ah, helpless is that people do not understand just ah. For example, Tong Ren Tang, the production of proprietary Chinese medicine is a great deal, so many good varieties, but the people who really know how to use it, I’m afraid a peculiar minority, which is very unfortunate.

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