Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Do you know the 8 major therapies of Chinese medicine? Take you to reveal them all!

We all know that through Chinese medicine treatment, we can achieve the effect of curing the disease at its root, but most people do not know why Chinese medicine treatment can achieve such an effect. This is directly related to the way TCM identifies the disease and the targeted treatment method. Chinese medicine generally subdivides a type of disease and then treats it symptomatically, which is very helpful in curing the disease at its root.

What are the methods of Chinese medicine treatment?

1. Sweating method

This treatment method is also called the sweating method, mainly by sweating to expel the evil qi from the body, many times the body problems are caused by the invasion of external evil qi on the surface of the body, this situation if not timely treatment, the evil qi will gradually penetrate the body, causing problems in the internal organs. So it is necessary to get rid of the evil qi when it is still in the muscular surface area.

2. Evacuation method

The Evacuation method is a method of treating disease by inducing vomiting, which is mainly for patients who have consumed poison or over-eaten. If you eat poison or improper diet, then it will continue to accumulate in the stomach, absorbed by the body, it will cause more serious effects, it is best to promptly induce vomiting to expel the foreign body, to ensure the health of the body.

3. Tapping method

The tapping method is the treatment method for the lower digestive tract. In Chinese medicine, there are various causes of lower gastrointestinal tract lesions, so it is necessary to specifically target the lower gastrointestinal tract for treatment. The main treatment is to use a laxative or moistening drug to lax the fire.

4. Gentle method

The gentle method is mainly a treatment method to reconcile Shaoyang and regulate the function of internal organs.

5、Warm method

The warm method is mainly for some diseases caused by cold because the disease caused by cold will generally make cold invasions, meridians, and the internal body, then you need to use drugs to achieve the effect of warming the meridians and dispersing cold.

6. Clear method

The clear method is also common in life clear heat treatment method, which is the main treatment method for diseases caused by heat.

7. Dissipation method

The elimination method, also called the dissipation method, is mainly for the treatment of abnormal hard knots or lumps in the body, such as common stone disease or local cysts, can use the elimination method to soften and disperse the treatment of knots.

8. Tonic method

The tonic method is generally the most common in life and is also the majority of the health of the people like the treatment method. Because of the tonic effect of the step method, can supplement the qi, blood, yin, and yang, and can also target the internal organs to supplement, which is a very good maintenance effect on the body treatment methods.

For a variety of internal diseases in Chinese medicine, the main is to rely on these eight methods to treat, but the treatment also needs to be adjusted according to the specific circumstances of the disease medication, so that Chinese medicine can achieve the root cause of the disease.

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