Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Your body is always tired and lack of energy? How to cope with the onslaught of “fall fatigue”?

After a few days of heavy rainfall, the weather gradually turned from hot to cool, many people and friends also feel the “autumn”, has said that recently it is easy to fatigue, lack of concentration and so on this is often referred to as the “autumn fatigue”.

What is fall fatigue?

As the saying goes, “A summer without disease, three false”. From the Chinese medicine point of view, the summer weather is hot, and the human body sweats a lot, even if there is no serious illness, the body will have a few points of weakness. After the change from summer to fall, the body has not recovered from the loss of Yin and Jin in summer. Yin and yang are insufficient, so people often feel tired, tiredness, and limb weakness, which is the origin of the “fall”. Western medicine believes that in the hot summer, the human body sweats are caused by a large number of water and salt metabolism disorders, the gastrointestinal function is weakened, the burden on the cardiovascular system is increased, and the human body is in the stage of overconsumption.

How do you know that you are “tired in the fall”?

① Do not want to wake up from a dream in the morning, such as plaster and bed stick together;

② get up a long time after the spirit, sleepy eyes, slow action;

③ Starting the day’s work, but always feeling physically tired and do not want to do more action or talk;

④ Temperament grows and you are never happy;

⑤ Severe drowsiness after lunch, even the head cannot be lifted;

⑥ dry throat, dry mouth, dry nose, thinking ability to decline, sometimes accompanied by headaches.

Experts point out that sleep is only one of the triggers of fall fever, more is the life and diet habits trigger discomfort. Patients who experience “autumn fatigue” are mostly due to excessive intake of cold food in the summer, resulting in damage to the spleen and stomach function. In addition, excessive dampness and heat in an individual’s body is also major cause of fatigue and drowsiness.

How to relieve “Autumn Fatigue”?

“Autumn fatigue” is a natural physiological reaction of the human body in different seasons. After a period of adjustment, the phenomenon of autumn fatigue will be eliminated naturally. You can relieve the fatigue brought about by the “autumn fatigue” in the following ways.

1. Sleep: to ensure adequate sleep, and strive to go to bed before 10:30 at night, because after 11:00 every organ of the human body begins to decline in function, they also need to rest. In addition, an appropriate lunch break is the best to ensure that 7-8 hours of sleep every day.

2. Diet: light mainly, refuse greasy, cold food. It is recommended to supplement barley, soybeans, patchouli, pelargonium, and other spleen-healthy and dehumidifying foods and medicines. Eating more vegetables and fruits, and drinking more water is conducive to refreshing the brain. This is because the vitamins in fruits and vegetables as coenzymes can assist the liver to the human body fatigue metabolites accumulated as soon as possible, while vegetables and fruits for alkaline food, their metabolites can neutralize muscle fatigue produced by the acid, so that people eliminate fatigue. For office workers, if you feel tired in the fall, you can drink some green tea. Green tea the prevention of “autumn fatigue” at the same time can also play a role in preventing “autumn dryness”.

3. Sports: appropriate exercise to supplement physical fitness, to overcome the discomfort of the body at the time of the change of seasons. Can participate in aerobic exercise, so that the brain gets enough oxygen, and relieve brain fatigue. You can choose square dancing, jogging, walking, playing ball, tai chi, etc., but the amount of exercise can not be too large, otherwise, it will lead to excessive sweating, depletion of yang, and aggravated physical fatigue. Often sedentary office workers can stand up and stretch, so that they can stretch the waist, the activities of the muscles, so that the spine gets a certain amount of relaxation, because the limbs in the activities of the brain can put more blood supply.

4. Plants: “Autumn” and lack of oxygen has a certain relationship, therefore, indoor suitable for placing can absorb carbon dioxide and other exhaust gas flowers, such as citrus, orchids, zebra-leaf oak tree, mangosteen, greenery, and so on.

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