Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Women love to anger, the skin will become worse, you must be alert!

As we all know, all diseases are born in gas, and if you love to get angry, you will easily get sick. There are many women who love to get angry in daily life, and the negative consequences will be shown on the skin, which leads to many skin problems and makes the skin condition very bad. Therefore, women want to maintain good skin, in ordinary times should be less angry, when angry to think about the consequences of anger.

What skin problems can occur when women are angry?

1, The color becomes worse

Human gastrointestinal digestion will be affected by emotions, this is because our gastrointestinal is very sensitive, once a person’s mood is low, the gastrointestinal absorption will be affected, the digestion of food also takes longer, thus appearing liver qi stagnation. The person’s nutrition can not reach the surface of the skin, the tone will also become worse.

2, Long spots

When people are in a bad mood, they will suffer from liver depression, and liver depression will affect the spleen, and when the spleen is affected, it will produce a series of reactions, including long spots. In addition, if there is a situation of liver depression and spleen deficiency, women will also grow chloasma.

What foods do women usually eat when they are angry?

1, Radish

Radish is a cold food, women can play the effect of heat detoxification after eating through the absorption of the intestines. If a woman has a situation of gas and fire and phlegm, she can improve by eating radish.

2, Lotus root

The lotus root has many high quality nutrients and high medicinal value, women can eat it to clear heat and stop cough, eliminate blood stasis and cool the blood.

3, Hawthorn

Hawthorn tastes sour, not only can play a stomach and spleen, blood circulation and blood stasis effect, but also can help people to remove the microorganisms in the gastrointestinal, discharge toxins and garbage. It is recommended that women who are often angry and fire, have anxiety and depression, eat more hawthorn, can play the effect of smooth gas and pain.

4, Chen Pi

Chen Pi is a common Chinese herbal medicine, although the taste is very bitter, but its medicinal properties are very mild, women usually drink water with Chen Pi, can help the body to cool down the fire, but also to relieve the liver fire caused by anger.

5, Green beans

Green beans are a common fire food, women in angry liver fire will become very strong, then may wish to drink a bowl of green bean soup to let their bodies to reduce the fire.

6, Chrysanthemum tea

Chrysanthemum tea is a kind of fire medicine, women can usually drink more chrysanthemum tea to help their bodies clear heat and reduce fire, often drink chrysanthemum tea can also play a certain health effect.

If women are often angry, it will not only cause skin problems, and at the same time will also have a certain impact on the liver function, if not timely care, there may be harm to other organs, causing a serious blow to the body. So it is recommended that women should usually be less angry, and learn to divert their attention when they want to get angry.

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