Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Why will always snore? Chinese medicine helps you analyze the 2 major causes!

From the Chinese medical point of view, snoring may be a sign of certain diseases, so snoring should not be ignored. The lungs are the main respirator and open to the nose, so the nose is the bridge between the body and the weather and outside climate. If snoring is too loud and has seriously affected your normal life, it means that there may be a problem with your lungs. Many inadvertent actions and behaviors in life can easily damage the lungs, so let’s look at the dangers of snoring next.

How is snoring caused?

1. Caused by cold

Usually snoring is caused by the external cold attack on the lungs, such as daily wear exposure makes some important points exposed, or as now commonly used air conditioning, long-term use of cold air will enter the body. The function of the lungs will be abnormal, and snoring is often the case. Sometimes it may also be due to environmental reasons, or due to disease factors will cause. For example, some people will have snoring symptoms after a certain shower and cold.

2. Caused by phlegm and dampness

There is also a typical snoring situation that occurs in obese people. This is because fat people have more phlegm dampness, that is to say, this is the phlegm gathered, in the diet of long-term large fish and meat led to the production of fire phlegm performance. At this time, the digestive function of the spleen and stomach is reduced, and phlegm dampness is formed. When phlegm-dampness is heavy, the lungs will function abnormally, and under the poor qi flow, it is easy to have chest tightness and shortness of breath, and then the air is blocked in the airway, and snoring occurs.

How does TCM deal with snoring?

For common snoring caused by cold, we can consider using foods that are warm and pungent for adjustment. Since lung into the pungent taste plus warmth is helpful for cold, this food therapy method gives effective relief from snoring symptoms and plays a role in dispelling cold and driving away cold to support Yang. For snoring with heavy phlegm and dampness, we can then consider weaning from the diet, eliminating large fish and meat, eating more vegetables, then carrying out lung promotion treatment to expel phlegm, eating something that helps the function of the spleen and stomach, enhancing the function of the spleen and stomach, which can also help dissolve phlegm and dampness.

The lung is the internal organ that governs qi, and to treat the lung effectively, one should first start with qi. Next, you can consider your diet or lifestyle habits. Most smokers experience symptoms such as phlegm and cough. This is when you need to consciously quit smoking and adjust your diet to restore your health as the primary goal.

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