Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

The TCM doctor recommended six tricks to stop hiccups, which can be useful when you have hiccups!

Hiccups are a common bodily reaction in life. Hiccups can be caused by shock, or they can be caused by eating too fast, try to control the speed of eating when eating, if problems arise you can pinch and press your middle finger, which can effectively relieve hiccups, the breath-holding method can also help relieve hiccups, how can Chinese medicine relieve the phenomenon of hiccups?

The TCM doctor recommended six tricks to stop the hiccups

1. Pinch and press the middle finger: Use your right and left fingers respectively, pinch the top of the middle finger with force and stay there for about two minutes, and the hiccups will be stopped.

2. Hold your breath: hold your breath for about 30 seconds to effectively relieve hiccups and stop them immediately, or use clean chopsticks in your mouth to gently stimulate the back 1/3 of your palate.

3. Scrape the eyebrow prism bone: press both thumbs on both sides of the temple, and use the side of the bent index finger to scrape from the inside to the outside of the eyebrow bone, slightly harder to a slight pain sensation is better.

4. Press the Shaoshang point: hiccups can be used when the finger pressed the Shaoshang point, and hiccups can stop, preferably for about 30 seconds.

5. Drink water and bend over method: If you have hiccups, try to drink a few mouthfuls of warm water and swallow it slowly, preferably with a bending motion.

6. Stretching and pulling the tongue method: When you have hiccups, use a clean gauze pad on your tongue, pinch your fingers and stretch your tongue outward, you will feel the gas rise in your abdomen and the hiccups will disappear naturally.

What to eat to effectively relieve hiccups

1. Lotus root has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea and can promote the digestion and absorption of food, which can play a role in appetizing and strengthening the middle, which is beneficial for poor appetite and can improve the loss of appetite, which is beneficial for the recovery of the body, and the ingredients contained in lotus root have a very good antidiarrheal effect, which can make food digestion faster and reduce gas production.

2. Radish has the effect of stomach and gas and the effect of clearing heat and eliminating phlegm, for gas friends to eat more raw radishes, radish soup has the effect on the stomach and gas, and can be good to relieve gas, and can relieve the role of cough, gastrointestinal indigestion can often eat some radish, preferably raw radish effect is better.

3. Yam is good for spleen and stomach digestion and has a relatively high medicinal value, can improve the stomach Yin deficiency and spleen Yang deficiency, can effectively improve the phenomenon of the weakness of the spleen and stomach, can enhance physical fitness, can improve the body’s immune function, often eat yam for the human body has many benefits, we must clean before eating yam.

The hiccups can be particularly uncomfortable, and the causes of hiccups are complex, so take the right measures to effectively improve the hiccups problem, sour radish has the role of smooth gas, and can be good to relieve hiccups, and yam has the role of strengthening the spleen and stomach can relieve hiccups, if the problem of hiccups can be eaten raw radish, not only can relieve hiccups but also has the role of promoting food digestion.

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