Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

TCM: a formula for kidney essence, two herbal infusions, yin and yang with the same tonic, delay aging, prolong life

What about Yin deficiency, Yang deficiency, liver and kidney deficiency? Today we share a recipe with you, just two simple herbs to help you back.

In Chinese medicine, there is an old saying that “essence fills nine orifices and feeds all the bones”, why do you say that? Because the kidney essence represents the energy of our body, the energy of the body’s organs need kidney essence to feed and provide nutrients to the body constantly, if the kidney essence deficiency, our body will appear a variety of pathological phenomena, such as premature aging of the body If the kidney essence is deficient, our body will experience various pathological phenomena, such as premature aging of the body, premature graying of hair, dull yellow face, loose teeth, insomnia and forgetfulness, etc. So what should we do about these problems? Of course, it is necessary to supplement the kidney essence, when is the best time to supplement it? There is an old saying in Chinese medicine that “winter is the right time to nourish the kidneys”, the kidneys are the main reservoir of essence, after entering the winter, it is a good time to supplement the body can store enough nutrients, that is, “essence”, is very conducive to the next year in the body of Yang Qi rise.

Today, I would like to introduce a good and concise formula to nourish the kidney meridian, from “Sheng Ji Zu Lu”, a formula called Er Jing Wan. The formula is composed of two herbs: Chinese wolfberry and yellow essence.

We first look at the wolfberry, wolfberry everyone is familiar with, there is a common saying you should have heard, “people to middle-aged have no choice, insulation cup bubble wolfberry” is said to be wolfberry, wolfberry taste sweet, sexual flat, with nourishing liver and kidney, bright eyes and essence, moisten the lungs and cough effect, its medicinal properties of moderate nature, not only can tonic liver and kidney, but also can supplement the qi of yin and yang.

In the “Shen Nong Ben Cao Jing” records “wolfberry main five internal evil, heat, thirst, long serving firm tendons and bones, light body not old”.

The yellow essence, yellow essence taste sweet, into the spleen, lung, kidney meridian, and wolfberry belong to the nature of the Chinese medicine is particularly mild, has the effect of nourishing the qi and nourishing yin, spleen, lung, nourishing the kidney and fill the essence. It is good for people who suffer from weakness, dullness, loss of resistance and aging due to weakened kidney essence.

In the “Famous Doctor’s Record”, it is recorded that yellow essence “main tonic in the benefit of qi, remove wind and dampness, security of the five organs, a long time to take light body and prolong life.

Finally, let’s make a simple summary, two herbs are good for kidney, for some body premature aging, loose teeth, waist and knee soreness, tinnitus, if you have such people around, you can collect it, find Chinese medicine to identify evidence.

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