Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Suddenly no more menstruation? Chinese medicine analysis of the 3 major causes of amenorrhea, to help you regulate the symptoms!

Amenorrhea is classified as primary amenorrhea and secondary amenorrhea. Primary amenorrhea is when a woman has not had a period since she was over 16 years old, and secondary amenorrhea is when a woman has not had a period for six months after the onset of menstruation. There are many causes of amenorrhea in women, such as kidney qi deficiency, kidney yang deficiency, etc. Here’s what you need to know about the causes and treatments of amenorrhea in women

What are the causes and treatments of amenorrhea in women?

First. Kidney Qi deficiency

1. Causes

Amenorrhea due to deficiency of kidney qi is usually manifested by late menarche or late menstruation, which gradually turns into amenorrhea, accompanied by frequent urination, light red tongue, thin white tongue coating, and a sunken thin pulse. Because of the deficiency of kidney qi, which is transformed by the essence of the body, the essence in the body will also be deficient. Once the essence is deficient, the blood qi in the Punching and Ren Chakra will be impressed, thus leading to the inability of the menstrual blood in the female uterus to produce in time, thus resulting in late menarche or menstruation becoming less in volume at the later stages, followed by gradual amenorrhea. In addition, a light red tongue, thin white fur and sunken pulse also indicate symptoms of kidney qi deficiency.

2. Treatment

Amenorrhea caused by deficiency of kidney qi can usually be treated with the use of the Great Tonic Decoction with Salvia and Niubizi. If the amenorrhea is prolonged and accompanied by cold extremities, it is necessary to add some cinnamon and Zizyphus and Semen Cuscutae to help the medicine to warm the kidneys and help the yang.

Second. Kidney Yin deficiency

1. Causes

Kidney yin deficiency and kidney qi deficiency menstruation performance is roughly the same, but kidney yin deficiency patients will have symptoms such as heat in the hands and feet, hot flashes and night sweats, unable to sleep at night, irritability, and so on, and kidney yin deficiency patients show a red tongue, no moss or less moss and a fine pulse. Kidney Yin deficiency causes menstrual amenorrhea in the same way as Kidney Qi deficiency, but it is due to the lack of Yin in the body and the excess of Yang, which leads to heat in the hands and feet, while the deficiency heat interferes with the body’s sleep state and leads to restlessness and sleeplessness.

2. Treatment methods

In general, kidney qi deficiency can usually be treated with Zuo Gui Wan, which is usually used to nourish blood and regulate menstruation and nourish kidney qi in the body.

Third. Spleen deficiency

1. Causes

Amenorrhea caused by spleen deficiency usually manifests as amenorrhea for several months, accompanied by loss of appetite, loose stools, fatigue and fatigue. Due to the deficiency of the spleen, the Qi and blood cannot be produced in time, which leads to the deficiency of Qi and blood in the Punching and Ren veins, and thus the sea of blood in the woman’s body cannot be filled, so the menstruation will appear to be closed.

2. Treatment methods

For patients with spleen deficiency, the treatment is usually to strengthen the spleen and benefit the qi, nourish the blood and regulate menstruation. The formula of Ginseng and Atractylodes is used with Angelica sinensis and Radix et Rhizoma Polygonati.

In short, the above three are the causes of amenorrhea in women and its treatment, but of course the causes of amenorrhea in women are far more than these three, such as Qi stagnation and blood stasis, blood deficiency, etc. can also lead to amenorrhea symptoms in women. Clinically, amenorrhea is more common in women and is a difficult to treat condition with a long course, so it must be taken seriously.

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