Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Spring is the high season for children’s diseases. Chinese medicine health care to maintain children’s health!

The weather during the spring season is unpredictable, and the sudden cold and hot weather makes it impossible for children with weak resistance to withstand it, and they will get sick if they are not careful. Spring is a time of high prevalence of many infectious diseases, and since schools are crowded, if one child suffers from an infectious disease, everyone around him or her will not be spared and will be prone to cross-infection, so you should actively take precautions and take care of yourself through Chinese medicine, which is effective and has few side effects.

How to do a good job of Chinese medicine health care?

1. Cold and fever

Children should not rush to use the medicine after a cold, first determine whether the cold is wind-cold or wind-heat. The way to determine is relatively simple. A wind-cold cold is characterized by a runny nose, cold hands, and feet, cold limbs, etc. A wind-heat cold is characterized by a yellow runny nose and a cough with phlegm, usually with thick yellow phlegm, accompanied by a headache. Usually, there is no need to use medicine in the early stage of a wind-cold cold, and children can be chiropractic or drink ginger water. Cold and heat easily cause fever, yellow urine, bad breath, etc. You can use pediatric cold and flu pellets as prescribed by the doctor, which can help to relieve the wind, promote the lung and relieve the symptoms.

2. Pneumonia

Pneumonia in children starts quickly but is difficult to be recognized, mainly manifested as fever, shortness of breath and cough, etc. In this case, early medical attention should be sought. Pulmonary fever cough is characterized by coughing up no phlegm or spitting up yellow thick phlegm, accompanied by a dry and painful throat, in which case Chinese medicine with coughing and phlegm-removing effects should be used to moisten the lungs.

3. Acute tonsillitis

Acute tonsillitis is characterized by difficulty in breathing, runny nose, cough, and sore throat, especially when swallowing food, the symptoms of sore throat increase. In this case, you can use pediatric pharyngeal flat granules, which contain Chinese herbs such as maitake, eugenol, and golden fruit olive, which can clear heat and benefit the throat.

4. Anorexia

Most children like to eat snacks or drink cold drinks but are picky when eating regular meals, and irregular meals three times a day, thus damaging the spleen and stomach, manifested as abdominal distension, abnormal bowel movements, abdominal pain, etc. Some children have a poor appetite, are not interested in any food, and have a yellowish face and a lusterless complexion. At this time, they should focus on regulating the spleen and stomach, and can choose herbal treatment or massage. If children have a poor appetite and often have abdominal distension and pain, they may choose Chinese medicine with appetite-eliminating effects, such as spleen-awakening and stomach-opening granules; or help children to knead the spine, press and rub the foot three li points, massage the abdomen, etc.

Warm Tips

When children use Chinese medicine or proprietary Chinese medicine, they must be treated under the guidance of a Chinese medicine practitioner, not blindly, so as not to aggravate the disease and increase the burden on the liver and kidneys. All diseases occur due to poor resistance, so children should be encouraged to do outdoor activities, with no less than one hour of exercise per day; to diversify their diet and correct bad habits of picky or partial eating; to reduce their study load and have enough sleep every day.

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