Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Nose, throat and ears vulnerable to fall dryness? Pass on a maintenance tip!

As the weather gradually cools down, the moisture content in the air decreases, and the problem of autumn dryness becomes more pronounced. The nose, ears, and throat are susceptible to damage from autumn dryness, leading to conditions such as allergic rhinitis, tinnitus, and throat discomfort, increasing overall discomfort. To prevent these issues, it’s important to focus on self-care in daily life and avoid external pathogens.

How to care for the nose, throat, and ears?

1. Nose

In the fall, weakened spleen and stomach function, combined with deficiency in lung qi, make it easier for external cold winds to invade the body. This can result in a loss of lung function and the accumulation of bodily fluids, ultimately leading to allergic rhinitis, characterized by runny or itchy nose, nasal congestion, and sneezing. Traditional Chinese medicine principles involve strengthening the spleen, lung, and kidney functions to enhance resistance and eliminate external wind and cold. When experiencing nasal congestion, you can try washing your face with cold water. Here’s how: dip your nose in cold water for 5 seconds, repeating this process three times. This can help constrict nasal blood vessels and alleviate congestion. Washing your nose with clean water in the morning and evening not only cleanses and moisturizes nasal mucosa but also enhances resistance to cold. Massaging your nose by gently pinching the bridge with two fingers and rubbing it up and down with appropriate pressure can improve blood circulation in the nasal passages and alleviate discomfort.

2. Throat

Autumn dryness can harm bodily fluids, leading to dryness in the nose and throat. This affects the ciliary movement of the respiratory tract mucosa, causing its dysfunction and reducing its defensive capabilities. As a result, decreased immunity leaves the body vulnerable to pathogens, resulting in throat itching and a foreign body sensation. It’s advisable to maintain indoor humidity at around 50% to 55% by using a humidifier to moisturize the mucosa, hair follicles, and skin in the throat area. Drink plenty of water, consider honey water or monk fruit tea. Pay attention to a diet that is moist and mild; foods like cucumbers, tomatoes, pears, and lotus roots have moistening and nourishing effects. You can also cook a porridge by adding an appropriate amount of Chinese herbs like Astragalus, American ginseng, and Ophiopogon, which can also moisten and relieve dryness.

3. Ears

Large temperature differences in the morning and evening during autumn can impact normal blood circulation. In particular, poor blood circulation in the ear region can affect ear nerves, leading to tinnitus, dizziness, and even sudden deafness. Therefore, it’s essential to keep your body warm, especially for those with weakened immune systems. Wear a hat when going out in the morning and evening. Drinking 1 to 2 bowls of Sanqi (Panax notoginseng) and Astragalus porridge daily can promote blood circulation and remove stasis.

Helpful Tips

It’s important to recognize that the nose, throat, and ears are interconnected. When one organ is affected, it can have repercussions on the others. Therefore, it’s crucial to seek medical treatment if symptoms like persistent cough, wheezing, or nasal congestion recur; don’t delay seeking help. Maintain a balanced lifestyle by combining work and rest, reduce late-night activities, ensure balanced nutrition, engage in moderate exercise, and do your best to enhance your immune system.

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