Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Is too much sweating a weak body? Explain the hidden health knowledge point in sweat!

High-temperature weather sweating more, whether eating, sleeping, or walking will sweat profusely, this is a normal phenomenon. But some people sweat more, even sitting still will sweat all over, which is often considered to be a weak body.

What factors can affect the amount of sweating?

1. Genetics

There are 4 million sweat glands on the body, 75% of which are located on the surface of the body, generally concentrated in the palms of the hands, face, forehead, armpits, and soles of the feet. The sweat glands are more developed and prone to sweating; because the sweat glands are concentrated in different locations, there are differences in sweating areas, some people are prone to sweating on the neck and some people are prone to sweating on the forehead.

2. Environmental temperature

Usually, the body temperature is 36~37℃, the body temperature is too low or too high will affect the health of the body. The body regulates body temperature through the sweat glands, and excessive sweating is caused by regulating body temperature in a hot environment.

3. Special period

During pregnancy, the nervous system changes, and sweat gland function is enhanced, causing excessive sweating, which usually lasts until 1-2 months after delivery. Women in menopause have changes in sex hormone levels and sweat more, along with faster heart rate, red skin, and fever.

4. Emotional state

The sympathetic nerve is abnormally excited when the mind is highly tense and overexcited, resulting in more sweating, especially in the heart of the hands and feet.

5. Fat and thin degree

Obese people have high-fat content in their bodies, and poor thermal conductivity of fat, and the heat generated by metabolism is difficult to dissipate and needs to be dissipated through sweating.

6. Metabolism

Those who have a faster metabolism sweat more, especially children and men, and those who are easy to exercise.

Is sweating too much means that the body is weak?

The answer is no, each person’s physique and environment, physical labor intensity is different, and sweating situation also exists differences.

1. Self-sweating

Excluding sweating caused by hot weather or heavy exercise, sweating is constant even when sitting quietly during the day, or sweating more than others in the same kind of situation. The cause is qi deficiency, common in lung deficiency, kidney deficiency, spleen deficiency, and stomach deficiency, such people have a fat body type and poor immunity. Over time, this can harm yang energy and cause yang deficiency, which is manifested by unformed stools, fear of cold, and fear of cold.

2. Night sweats

Sweating more at night when sleeping is common in yin deficiency, especially kidney yin deficiency or liver and kidney yin deficiency. People who often have night sweats are thin, accompanied by weakness of the waist and knees, headache and dizziness, dry mouth, easy thirst, etc.

Warm Tips

Easy sweating can also be a cause of diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and pheochromocytoma, which should also be taken seriously. People who sweat easily should make a good habit of drinking more water, drinking 150-100 ml of water every half hour, and also drink mint tea, mung bean soup, sour plum soup, or honeysuckle tea as appropriate. After sweating can not immediately blow the air conditioning or blow the fan, timely towel dry, replace dry clothes, and rest 20 ~ 30 minutes before taking a warm shower.

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