Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

How to clear the stool? Try these good methods of Chinese medicine

Lodging stool mainly refers to some waste accumulated in the body for a long time. As long as some feces are discharged in time, it can prevent the side effects of toxins to the body. In fact, lodging stool can be removed by the method of traditional Chinese medicine.

What are the methods of traditional Chinese medicine to clear a stool?

1. Eat more foods that contain gelatin

Foods that contain gelatin include nori and kelp, which not only help with defecation but also allow some of the radiation in the body to follow the stool out of the body. Nori and kelp belong to alkaline food, with the effect of purifying the blood while containing a large number of glial black fungus, can also reduce cholesterol, has the function of cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, can be left in the digestive system of impurities and dust adsorption and discharge. In addition, you can eat more corn, yam, sweet potato, buckwheat, and other coarse grains, because it contains a large number of minerals and vitamins, can regulate the gastrointestinal environment in the human body, maintain the patency of stool, prevent the retention of toxins in the intestine.

2. Scraping(Gua sa)

The method of scraping can be used to help the discharge of stool. The large intestine of our human body is mainly distributed on the outside of the arm. A scraping plate is often used for the scraping of the large intestine, which has the effect of discharging stool and cleaning the intestine. The specific method is to use a scraping board, starting from the upper part of the shoulder and then scraping along the large intestine to the root of the index finger fingernail. Try to scrape away from the clothes, keep the local area slightly hot, and also scrape directly on the skin. But scraping can not be excessive, otherwise, it will consume healthy qi. After scraping, you should drink a cup of hot water, which can replenish the water needed in the body and promote the discharge of metabolic products. After sitting for an hour, you should stand up and stretch. Eat more fruits containing fiber, such as bananas and dragon fruit, which can help regulate the stomach and improve constipation.

3. Lard honey paste

Need 100 grams of honey and lard, respectively use a small fire to boil, and cool after the two are mixed evenly can be taken twice a day, each time taking 10 ml, which has the effect of moistening the intestine, nourishing Yin and nourishing blood, especially suitable for constipation caused by insufficient Yin and blood.

4. Honey sesame oil soup

Need 30 grams of honey, 5 grams of sesame oil, and 100 milliliters of plain water, put the sesame oil and honey in the bowl and mix evenly, finally add warm boiling water can, every morning after waking up to drink a cup, has the beneficial effect of Qi moisten intestine, suitable for constipation caused by Qi Yin two deficiency.

5. Souma porridge

Need 15 grams of hemp seed, Su Zi, and the right amount of glutinous rice, put all the materials in the pot and add the right amount of water to boil into porridge, take a small bowl every morning and evening, has the effect of constipation, suitable for constipation caused by qi stagnation.

Warm Tips

Do not use some so-called health care products, the main component of which is laxative, long-term use will bring some harm to the body, as far as possible choose the method of traditional Chinese medicine to clear the stool, not only effective and no side effects to the body, usually to develop a good habit of regularly stretching the stool.

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