Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Frequent nighttime dreaming and snoring in bed, how should TCM treat them?

What is dreaming? The understanding of dreaming in Chinese medicine

Dreaming is equivalent to human instinct, everyone has dreams, only the difference between more and less, good and bad, remembering and not remembering.

In Chinese medicine, there are two kinds of dreams, one is with external evil, “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” records: “The Yellow Emperor said: I would like to hear about the pandemonium of evil, what? Qibo said: the positive evil attacked from the outside, and there is no fixed house, anti-perverted in the body, can not be fixed place, with the camp and health, and with the soul flying, so that people can not sleep peacefully and happy dream; gas is obscene in the bowels, then there is a surplus in the outside, not enough in the inside; gas is obscene in the body, then there is a surplus in the inside, not enough in the outside.

All diseased qi or bad things are called obscene evil, “panyan” when spreading speaks, this phrase refers to the fact that in daily life will be subject to a variety of external stimuli, after the pressure into the body, there is no fixed place can rely on the existence, with the qi of Ying and Wei wandering around, disturbing the internal organs, causing the soul to fly everywhere, so that people can not sleep peacefully, resulting in dreams.

Generally, for this kind of dreaming caused by external evil, the cause can only be found by seeing the person himself, but it can also be regulated by the method of guiding and pressing the massage.

The second type is without the invasion of external evil, in fact, most people belong to the second type, “Jing Yue Quan Shu” that “no evil and sleepless, must be the deficiency of Ying Qi, Ying main blood, blood deficiency is not to nourish the heart, the heart deficiency is not guarded by the gods.

Excessive dreaming in the absence of external evil invasion is caused by deficiency of heart blood. The symptoms of Blood deficiency are particularly numerous, such as dizziness, palpitations and dreaminess, pale or yellow face, reduced menstrual flow in women, numbness in the hands and feet, etc.

The causes of these blood deficiency symptoms include old age and chronic diseases, postpartum hemorrhage, post-surgical hemorrhage or accidental hemorrhage, and prolonged late nights.

Medical treatment and acupuncture points for excessive dreaming

Blood deficiency: The culprit of blood deficiency is the spleen. Nine and a half out of ten people in modern life have spleen problems because the spleen is equivalent to the minister of logistics and has some power, but the other organs it faces are more powerful than it.

For example, the heart of the sovereign is the boss, it has the say; the kidney of the minister of the household, who is in charge of the silver treasury, is in charge of money; the liver, who is the general, has military power; the lungs are the delicate organs of the princess, who is on high; and the spleen is in charge of the distribution of this work, which is particularly fatal.

Spleen deficiency can be divided into two kinds of people, one is particularly fat, one is particularly thin, and there is also an extremely unattractive face.

Acupuncture point combinations: Tonic Blood Sea, Tonic Neiguan, Tonic Guan Yuan.

  1. Blood Sea Point

Attribution and action: Foot Taiyin Spleen meridian. It nourishes the liver and blood, moisturizes the skin, and improves symptoms such as irregular menstruation and anemia.

Positioning: located on the inner thigh, at the upper corner of the inner kneecap.

How to operate: Gently place the tip of the middle finger on the Blood Sea point, remembering the key points of operation “light, quiet and toward”, with the tip of the middle finger facing the direction of the thigh, for thirty minutes.

  1. Nei Guan point

Attribution and function: The Neiguan point belongs to the Hand Convulsive Yin Pericardium meridian and is used in the Guiding Massage to calm the mind, broaden the chest and stomach, and relieve pain.

Positioning: The horizontal coordinate is the transverse wrist line between the inner palm of the hand and the small arm, near the palm of that one, with the distance of their three fingers (index finger, middle finger and ring finger) in the direction of the arm, the vertical coordinate is the center point of the two tendons on the inner side of the small arm stroking upward, stroking to the position of the three fingers, this intersection is the Nei Guan point.

How to operate: use the middle finger tip gently placed on the point of the Inner Pass, remember the main points of operation “light, quiet, to”, the middle finger tip towards the direction of the finger, the time for thirty minutes.

Dreams of messy things can be combined with the acupuncture point of replenishing the Blood Sea and replenishing the Neiguan, and if you have nightmares, add the Guan Yuan point. Nightmares may be caused by a lack of Zong Qi, so it is important to take into account the supplementation of Zong Qi, and the Guan Yuan point is good for supplementing Zong Qi.

  1. Guan Yuan acupuncture point

Attribution: The Guan Yuan acupoint belongs to the Ren Vessel and is a recruiting point for the Small Intestine meridian.

Positioning: In the lower abdomen, on the front median line, 3 inches below the navel.

How to operate: Gently place the tip of the middle finger on the Guan Yuan point, remembering the key points of “light, quiet and direction”, with the tip of the middle finger facing the direction of the head, for 30 minutes.

What is the problem with snoring in bed?

Modern medicine believes that snoring may be caused by incorrect sleeping posture or collapse and blockage of the airway when lying down, resulting in narrowing of the airway and blockage of the trachea by the small tongue.

Chinese medicine divides snoring into two kinds, one is similar to the view mentioned above, which is caused by insufficient lung qi to support the respiratory tract, and the other is caused by internal obstruction of phlegm and dampness, that is, phlegm in the throat blocking the respiratory tract. A typical example is someone who never snored before, or snored slightly, and then snored after a heavy cold or influenza.

No matter which type of snoring belongs to, it is related to the lungs. This time, the problem has nothing much to do with the heart, but is caused by the lungs, because “the lungs are the master of qi and the division of breathing”. The most urgent task is to replenish lung qi, and the acupuncture point chosen to replenish lung qi is Taiyuan point.

Acupuncture point combination for snoring: tonic hand three li and tonic taiyuan.

  1. Hand San Li

Attribution: hand Yangming large intestine meridian.

Hand Sanli is chosen mainly to make use of the clearing and descending function of the large intestine meridian, which can benefit the intestines and bowels, open the meridians and channels, reduce swelling and pain, and mainly treat upper limb disorders, arm weakness, diarrhea, toothache, etc. For example, if there is phlegm and dampness stagnation in the upper jiao, use the clearing and descending function to descend by tonic hand san li.

How to do it: Use your middle finger to gently place it on Hand San Li in the direction of your elbow for thirty minutes. Some people feel that their meridians are not very smooth, they can drain first and then tonic.

  1. Taiyuan

All the points with the word “Tai” in front of them are critical points, such as Tai Chong, Tai Xi and Tai Yuan. In addition, there is a key phrase: the lungs are facing the hundred channels, and the channels will meet at Tai Yuan, which is also one of the eight rendezvous points. Tai Yuan can regulate cough, asthma, joint swelling, chest paralysis, pulselessness and so on.

Attribution: Hand Taiyin Lung meridian.

Positioning: on the radial side of the transverse wrist palm line, where the radial artery pulsates.

Manipulation: Gently place the tip of the middle finger on the Taiyuan point in the direction of the finger, that is, with the tip of the middle finger facing the finger, for thirty minutes.

The order of operation of the two acupoints is to first tonic the Hand San Li and then the Tai Yuan, each for thirty minutes. If the meridians are not open, the Hand San Li can be drained for ten to fifteen minutes and then tonic for fifteen to twenty minutes.

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