Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Fire cupping, Gua Sha, hyperventilation? These 6 simple TCM first-aid methods are amazing

Many people think of Western medicine when they have an acute illness because Western medicine has more standardized first aid measures. TCM treatment can also be used for emergency treatment, which is a treatment method to determine the disease in a short period and treat the symptoms according to TCM evidence, which is not only fast but also can play a better treatment effect.

What are the first-aid treatment methods in Chinese medicine?

1. General acupuncture treatment

General acupuncture treatment is mainly the use of needles to take first aid methods, acupuncture is also aimed at various acupuncture points for acupuncture stimulation, to achieve the therapeutic effect. For patients with hypertension or severe coma, acupuncture therapy has good efficacy. Chinese medicine acupuncture is not so simple, if the acupuncture points do not know too well, it is best not to use them, some acupuncture points with haphazard stimulation, which will cause a variety of diseases.

2. Fire cupping

Fire cupping treatment is very common in life, and some people even do fire cupping as a daily health program. Mainly because the fire cupping adsorbed in the skin, can play a local, promote the role of blood flow, and also get rid of evil. Fire cupping for sprains and contusions or local blood stasis symptoms can play a very good effect and can be relieved in a short period.

3. Bloodletting therapy

Bloodletting is the most common method of first aid in Chinese medicine, mainly for some thin skin areas to needle bloodletting, to achieve the effect of first aid. However, this method is often not accepted by people, because it will produce local trauma and bleeding. Usually, it is used to bleed the fingertips or other acupuncture points, which can treat heat stroke and epilepsy.

4. Nose sniffing method

This method is also often used in TCM first aid, and then a part of the drug is blown into the mucous membrane of the nose, to stimulate the meridians to make the unconscious patient wake up quickly. This method is generally effective in a short time and can effectively ensure the patient’s respiratory function.

5. Evacuation

Emesis is also a common method of first aid in Chinese medicine, mainly after the accidental ingestion of toxic substances, immediately using drugs, or some special methods to induce vomiting in patients. Usually, the drug is “guatisan”, but if the body is weak patients, it is best not to use this drug.

6. Scraping

The fact is that you can find a lot of people who have been in the business for a long time. The main reason is that Gua Sha can promote the local qi and blood to run and gradually improve the body’s resistance.

Now with the recognition of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine first aid is also very common in the clinic, generally according to the specific situation to choose the method to rescue.

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