Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Chinese medicine dream interpretation, more reliable than “Zhou Gong”!

Chinese medicine has a complete theory about the relationship between dreams and diseases. Dreams that can foretell the pathology of the human body are called “dream evidence” in Chinese medicine, and are caused by the imbalance of the five elements of yin and yang in the human body.

1. External stimuli.
The influence of the four seasons and climate, excessive emotional stimulation can become external evil invade the body, and then run with the blood in the body, causing the soul to fly, so that people sleep and sleep restlessly and dream.

2. Disorder of internal organs.
Huang Di Nei Jing believes that the qi and blood, internal organs are important in the harmonization of yin and yang, the qi and blood is out of order, the five organs and six internal organs are in balance and out of balance, may cause dreaming.

3. Body condition.
There are parasites in the body or too hungry, too full different states will trigger different dreams.

Regarding the relationship between dreams and diseases, Chinese medicine has a complete theory. Dreams that can foretell human pathologies are called “dream evidence” in Chinese medicine, and are caused by the imbalance of the five elements of yin and yang in the human body. Based on the dream state, we can deduce which part of the human body is not in harmony and treat it with evidence, which is a very traditional diagnosis method in Chinese medicine.

According to Chinese medicine, people and nature are one, and changes in the environment will cause the induction of the internal organs of the body, which will be reflected through dreams. Although dream images are the activities of the mind and soul, the changes of the soul are inseparable from the physical body, so that we can understand the changes of the internal organs, yin, yang, qi and blood, and then the changes of the tissues of the whole body.

The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine is the first medical book that explores diseases from dream images. It points out that because the five organs, five sounds, five tones, five colors, and five elements are compatible, the physiological and pathological causes of dreams can be deduced, and it elaborates the essence and characteristics of dreams.

It is said in the “Thousand Gold Essentials” that “those who are good at diagnosis can also think deeply about the meaning of dreams, and then they will be perfect.” The theoretical basis of dream omen identification is that dream omen corresponds to the Tibetan image, and the tool of its reasoning and deduction is the doctrine of yin and yang and the five elements, according to which dream omen are analyzed and summarized to deduce the relationship between dream omen and the surplus and deficiency of qi and blood in the internal organs.
Qing Dynasty scholar Xiong Bolong believes that women’s dreams during pregnancy are related to the birth of a male or a female: “the birth of a male Yang Qi is strong, Yang is hot intestines, so the dream is just things; the birth of a female Yin Qi is strong, Yin is cold intestines, so the dream is soft.”

Dreaming about the trivial things of life that happen during the day

The first case of excessive dreaming is dreaming about things that happen during the day, and the storyline is nothing outlandish and normal, just those trivial things. It means that these people are not in deep sleep and the consciousness level is still active.


People who have such dreams have poor digestion, that is, poor stomach function, and poor absorption of the spleen.

This kind of person also shows drooling during sleep, which is also a sign of poor spleen function.


For this kind of excessive dreaming caused by poor digestion, we should improve our digestion and absorption function, that is, improve prana, so that he does not have to disturb his soul when digesting food at night, and the dream will be less.

While conditioning the spleen and stomach, avoid ingesting sour and cold foods (including mountain dregs, lemons, oranges, vinegar, lettuce, kimchi, etc.) that impair the function of the spleen and stomach, high-fiber vegetables that are difficult to digest (such as leeks, celery, etc.) and high-fat foods are not advisable (such as chocolate, fried foods, etc.).

The food that can supplement the spleen and stomach include lotus seeds, yam, lentils, purple rice, red dates, pork belly, barley, etc. The most representative food is the four gods pork belly (small intestine), yam ribs, etc.

Dreams of inexplicable and bizarre events

The second kind of dream is always dreaming, and always dreaming some bizarre dreams, this kind of dream has nothing to do with their own lives, dreaming of things that even they feel inexplicable, this kind of dream we call it “outside of things, the soul is not attached to the body”.


This kind of dream has something to do with the function of the liver. “The liver collects blood, and the blood regulates the soul”, and the soul rests well inside. But these people just can’t collect blood and hide the soul.


In this case we usually use something to nourish the liver and blood to help him collect the soul and sleep at ease. There is a famous formula in Chinese medicine called “sour date soup”, which is sour for dates, but not sour for date seeds.

We usually fry the sour date seeds and use them to make a decoction and boil water, plus some counter-supportive drugs to make up a formula. One of the drugs we often use is Poring, Poring is also called Fu Shen, itself has a calming effect on the mind.

Nightmares of falling from a high place and being chased

The third condition of sleeping a lot is to have strange dreams and nightmares, dreaming that they fall down from a high building, or being chased, or dreaming of some bloody scenes, or being bitten by a dog or snake, and they keep dreaming of some dead people, or dreaming that they fall into a dirty place.


This condition is considered by Chinese medicine to be a problem of the kidneys, which are the main body of fright and fear. If a person’s kidney energy or kidney essence is damaged, they will often have some more frightening dreams. Usually people who have these dreams have had some loss of essence or frightening experiences, or some changes in the family or between relatives.


For these people, first we have to help them get rid of the yin-cold information, energy or substances in their bodies that stimulate them, such as stagnant blood and cold phlegm, and with these material bases in place, evil qi will be generated, causing the person to have nightmares while they are asleep.

We usually use hot medicines to get rid of these cold phlegm and stagnant blood, and in addition we add some mineral medicines. Chinese medicine believes that mineral medicine is heavier and can dispel timidity, which means that one’s timidity, fear in the heart and other feelings are eliminated.

Usually we choose mineral medicine such as dragon bone, oyster, and magnet. If the dream is particularly frightening, we will use some vermilion, but vermilion has heavy metals in it, so we must be careful when using it, and the content should be small when the disease is stopped. When the cold, phlegm and blood stasis are removed, these dreams will disappear naturally.

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