Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Body fluid changes determine the health of the body

The five fluids refer to sweat, snot, tears, saliva and saliva. The Suwen – Xuanming Five Qi Chapter says: “The five organs transform fluids: heart for sweat, lungs for snot, liver for tears, spleen for saliva, and kidneys for saliva, which are called the five fluids.” In clinical practice, if the secretion of the five organs is abnormal, it can reflect the pathology of the internal organs.

Sweat: the fluid of the heart

For example, when a person feels cold, the hair orifice is closed but no sweat; when exercising or feeling hot with thick clothing, the hair orifice opens wide and there is more sweat.

There are two main types of sweating: spontaneous sweating and night sweating. Spontaneous sweating is the natural sweating that does not occur due to strenuous activities, hot weather, overly warm clothing and taking dispersing drugs; while night sweating is the abnormal sweating that occurs after sleeping. Insufficient heart yang and deficient heart qi, which cannot “guard” the heart fluid, will result in spontaneous sweating, which should be supplemented with qi and yang. Yang deficiency patients are mostly cold and afraid of cold, so they are easily infected with wind and cold, so the room temperature should be warm, and they should also be warmed and toned. Patients with Qi deficiency should pay attention to rest. It is recommended that 5 jujubes, 30 grams of black beans, 60 grams of astragalus, 150 ml of decoction be taken orally twice a day, while paying attention to normal living.

Snot: the fluid of lung

Nasal snot is a barrier to protect the body: it prevents the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity from drying out, makes it moisten the inhaled air, and sticks to the dust, pollen and microorganisms inhaled from the air, so that they do not irritate the respiratory tract or cause infections. The lungs are open to the nose, and the fluid of the lungs is full, and out of the nasal orifice is snot. The nasal snot can moisten the nasal orifices and keep them open to ensure normal breathing and olfactory functions. The pathological changes of lung can be seen from the abnormal performance of nasal discharge. If lung Yin deficiency can be manifested as dry nose without snot, it is recommended to turn down the room temperature and keep a certain humidity. Use 50 grams of silver fungus, 30 grams of lily of the valley, 30 grams of sage and one spoon of honey, stew for half an hour on a warm fire, decoct 150 ml of soup and take it orally twice a day. Avoid spicy and fried foods. People with yellow turbid nasal discharge should clear the lungs and drain heat. Chinese herbs should be taken cold or slightly warm, and eat more clear and tonic meals and pay attention to ensure the smooth flow of the nose.

Tears: the fluid of the liver

There are lacrimal glands above the outer part of the eye, and the fluid secreted is tears. Tears are made of blood and processed by the tear glands. After draining from the lacrimal gland, the tears enter the tear sac, which is located in the conjunctiva. It then drains into the tear duct. The liver is open to the eyes, and the liver blood and the fluid of the liver is full and overflows in the eye orifice for tears. Tears nourish the eyes, and if the liver is diseased, it will be manifested by the abnormalities of tears. Tears and dry eyes are liver yin and blood deficiency, so nourish the liver and blood. Avoid irritation and anger, it is advisable to clear the tonic. Tears in the wind and itching in both eyes are caused by wind in the liver meridian, so you should use your eyes less and keep them clean. Tears hot and sticky, both eyes aversion to light for pain, for the liver meridian has heat, use cotton swabs with water, wipe the tear sac, several times a day. Avoid spicy and irritating food, and keep the bowels open so that the heat has a way to go down. Older people with weak qi and blood, liver and kidney yin deficiency, often have more than tears. It is recommended to nourish the liver and kidney, nourish the qi and blood, strengthen nutrition and abstain from sexual intercourse.

Saliva: the fluid of the kidney

Saliva is a colorless and thin liquid, commonly known as saliva, although in ancient times it was called “Jin Jin Yu Liquid”, but modern times have always given people a sense of impurity and indecency. Kidney energy is strong, the yin essence of the kidney is filled in the mouth as saliva, which has the role of moistening the mouth and dissolving food.

Abnormal changes in saliva can reflect the pathology of the kidney. Bitter mouth and dry mouth with little fluid, weakness of the waist and knees are liver and kidney yin deficiency, and can be taken with a decoction of Chinese wolfberry and sage. At the same time, regulate the mood, pay attention to rest, avoid spicy and stimulating food, avoid smoking and alcohol. More saliva or saliva clear and cold more should warm Yang and promote water. It is recommended to be cautious in living, prevent external sensation, keep the skin clean, and eat more light and easily digestible food.

Saliva: the fluid of the spleen

Saliva is one of the five fluids, and is commonly known as “saliva”, which is one of the more dilute saliva. The spleen’s meridians are connected to the tongue, and the saliva is produced by the overflow of fluid in the mouth, so the spleen’s fluid is saliva. Saliva is to protect and clean the mouth, moisten and dissolve food, so that it is easy to swallow and digestion operations. The so-called spleen in the fluid as saliva means that human saliva is mainly supervised by the spleen qi. Saliva is the thicker texture of saliva. The kidney’s meridian is held on the root of the tongue and passes under the tongue, and saliva is made of kidney essence, so the kidney is in the liquid for saliva. Saliva has the function of dissolving food to facilitate swallowing and protecting and moistening the mouth.

The spleen is open to the mouth, and the spleen’s yin essence is distributed in the mouth, then it is saliva, which is mainly used to dissolve food and help digestion.

A weak spleen and stomach may manifest as a light and tasteless mouth, nausea and much saliva, which should warm the middle and strengthen the spleen. Avoid cold, more hot food, to the stomach and epigastric hot compress, can also take ginger soup or glutinous rice porridge with a few red dates to eat. Stomach fire can be manifested as dry mouth and saliva, these people avoid eating spicy and stimulating products, to eat more fruits, fresh vegetables, cool drinks, etc., can also be used maitake, sage decoction water to take.

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