Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

After the summer careful “liver”, Chinese medicine experts three moves to ensure peace!

Did you know that you have such a laborious organ inside you?

The several burgers and fried chicken you eat.

The goji berries you make in your thermos.

The countless nights you stay up with dark circles under your eyes.


It is needed to complete the metabolic and detoxification work in the body non-stop.

This is our liver!

As an important detoxification and metabolism organ of the body, the liver plays a vital role in the health of the body. If the liver metabolism is not normal, the body does not have a timely supply of nutrients needed, the organs are difficult to function properly.

The liver is so important, we must take care of it, so that the body can be great!

And it is recommended that you act immediately, immediately, because after the beginning of summer, this is the season of the gradual growth of Yang, according to the principle of Chinese medicine “spring and summer nourish Yang”, is a key period to maintain the liver.

The three tricks to teach you how to care for your liver on a daily basis.

The first move: liver food therapy to light

The key to liver diet is to go greasy, after the fat into the body, many of the metabolic process to go through the liver, Chinese medicine, there are “paste beam thick taste, foot born big ding”, that is, excessive greasy food, easy to lead to disease.

Therefore, the main food for the liver is to be light.

In addition, in the five elements “five colors with five organs”, green into the liver, so eat green food is better for the liver. For example, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, etc., rich in high fiber and vitamins, the liver has a relatively good nutritional effect.

Second trick: liver points often massage

The most commonly used acupuncture point for the liver is the Taichong point, which belongs to the liver meridian and is the original point of the liver meridian, located in front of the combination of the first big toe and the end of the second big toe of the foot.

Regular massage to stimulate the Taichong point, can be a good way to mobilize the liver meridian of vital energy, regulate the liver’s drainage function.

Image daily health care massage can be used in two ways.

The first method: do counterclockwise kneading at the Taichong point.

The second method: press from the Tai Chong point, and then push forward, all the way to the line between points, that is, a point in front of the Tai Chong, located on the first big toe and the second big toe seam.

The third trick: nourishing the liver emotional management is important

The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine writes: “All diseases are born in Qi”, in the relationship between the five elements and the five organs, and emphasizes the point: “anger hurts the liver”.

So the issue of emotional management is very important for people who have to take care of their liver.

If one is chronically irritable, this can lead to liver qi stagnation, which can affect the blood supply to the liver and cause liver cells to die from lack of blood.

Good emotional management requires us to have good personal cultivation and to be calm in everything. To pay attention to the regulation of emotions, emotions are well adjusted, the first to benefit our liver, gas smooth hundred pass, only then the liver gas can relax, in order to facilitate the maintenance of the liver.

In addition, at this time of the year to enhance the body’s immune function, will also be beneficial to the regulation of the liver. People with strong immunity are not only able to defend themselves against external viral invasion, but also promote liver cell repair.

Chinese medical research has proven that many herbs have the effect of improving the immune function of the body, such as astragalus, angelica, wolfberry, epimedium, yam, etc. all have the effect of improving the immune function of the body.

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