Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Acupuncture has the advantage of treating 6 kinds of diseases. Acupuncture nourishes the mind better!

Acupuncture is a common means of treating diseases in Chinese medicine. Through the conduction of meridians and acupuncture points, acupuncture is used to treat diseases throughout the body by applying certain manipulation methods, which can play a role in opening the meridians, harmonizing qi and blood, bringing yin and yang into relative balance, and harmonizing the functions of the internal organs, thus being used to prevent and treat diseases.

What are the advantages of acupuncture in treating diseases?

1. Deafness and tinnitus

Acupuncture plays an important role in the treatment of neurological deafness and tinnitus. In Chinese medicine, sudden deafness and tinnitus generally belong to the liver and gallbladder fire type, and the focus of treatment is to clear the liver and gallbladder and open the ear orifice; chronic deafness generally belongs to the kidney essence deficiency type, and the key point of treatment is to nourish the liver and kidney and calm and tranquilize the mind.

2. Hyperactivity

Pediatric tic disorder and hyperactivity are difficult diseases, which are considered by TCM to be related to the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and spleen, and are treated by using acupuncture to open and awaken acupuncture points and combining herbs according to deficiency.

3. Diseases caused by wind

Facial palsy is caused by external wind; mental and emotional abnormalities caused by internal wind disturbance, epilepsy, headache, stroke, etc. Acupuncture is used to calm the mind, move the qi and tonify the body, combined with Chinese herbs.

4. Pain

Pain is usually caused by qi stagnation, which is closely related to liver qi stagnation, and treatment focuses on draining liver qi and activating blood circulation to remove blood stasis. Through specific experience points combined with meridian-tracing points, proximity points, dialectical selection of milli-needle, fire acupuncture, and bloodletting therapy.

5. Phlegm

Phlegm can block the Qi, blood vessels, and meridians, causing a variety of diseases that are quite difficult to treat. Acupuncture on the Zhonggui, Fenglong, Lijiao and Gongsun points and the Neiguan point, is used to treat mental abnormalities, epilepsy, vertigo, and stroke.

6. Emotional abnormalities

Shen is the external manifestation of the physiological functions and pathological states of the internal organs, and the treatment focuses on stabilizing the spirit and soothing the emotions.

How to nourish the mind through acupuncture?

1. Si Shen Fang

Acupuncture and moxibustion of Baihui, Shenmen, Benshin, Sishencong and Shenting points can have a calming and tranquilizing effect.

2. Si Guan Fang

There is a Tai Chong point and a He Gu point on the left and right sides respectively, which are important points for caring for the eyes, and proper massage can play a role in nourishing the liver and brightening the eyes.

3. Five viscera

Weakness of the five viscera can cause restlessness of the mind, and in turn, the restlessness of the mind can aggravate the weakness of the five viscera. Moxibustion of Spleen Yu, Liver Yu, Kidney Yu, Heart Yu, Lung Yu, and Diaphragm Yu points can benefit the five organs and calm the mind. If it is difficult to find the points, you can also directly press and rub the auricle.

Warm Tips

Although acupuncture can treat many diseases, many small details need attention. Acupuncture is not recommended for patients with bleeding disorders or spontaneous bleeding that is difficult to stop after injury; tumor sites, scarred areas, skin ulcers, and infected areas should not be acupunctured to avoid unexpected hazards.

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