Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Why do Chinese doctors recommend eating fish gelatin? Share the real medicinal value!

We usually often say “abalone, ginseng, shark’s fin and belly” in the “belly”, is the fish glue, can also be called gum. Because the gelatin is very rich, so it is named fish glue. It is a valuable tonic, fish glue is not only a traditional Chinese cuisine, it is also very widely used in Chinese medicine.

And in terms of medicinal value, about fish glue, many people who know a little about fish glue will think of pregnant women first, because fish glue is suitable for pregnant women to eat, why?

01 Gynecological sage

The following first introduced a very great Chinese doctor, known as the “gynecological sage”, now many Chinese doctors to open gynecological prescriptions are referred to his experience and prescriptions, he is Fu Qingzheng, also known as Fu Shan. He wrote in “Fu Qingzheng female”, “after the woman pregnant, nausea and vomiting, think of acid to quench thirst, see food abhorrence, sleepy and want to sleep, people say pregnancy evil obstruction, who knows the liver blood is too dry! The liver is the son of the kidneys, and it eats the mother’s energy every day in order to be comfortable, but without the nourishment of fluids, the liver gas is forced to be in the way, and the kidney water cannot respond, so the liver is more anxious, and when the liver is anxious, the fire moves and reverses; since the liver gas reverses, the vomiting and nausea are born.

It probably means that all the reactions in early pregnancy are due to the liver blood being too dry. Kidney water produces liver wood, but after pregnancy, kidney water must moisten the twins, so there is no extra care for liver wood, which is not nourished by water and becomes increasingly dry. The lighter the irritability, the heavier the stomach rebellion and thus vomiting frequently.

And fish glue is flat and sweet, the “Compendium of Materia Medica” records: fish glue can nourish the kidneys and essence, nourish the tendons and veins, can treat kidney deficiency and slippery sperm and postpartum (postpartum food) wind spasms. In other words, fish glue nourishes kidney water, thus there will be enough kidney water to nourish twins as well as liver wood, so that the two harmonize. Moreover, fish gelatin nourishes yin and is tonic but not dry, which is a rare tonic for pregnant women who have to pay close attention to their diet, because many tonic products, although tonic, can be dry, that is, on fire.

02 Other effects of fish gum

Modern Chinese medicine believes that fish gum can also enhance the digestive and absorption functions of the intestines and stomach, improve appetite, which is conducive to the prevention and control of loss of appetite, indigestion, constipation and other symptoms. It can enhance the toughness and elasticity of muscle tissue and eliminate fatigue.

Colla Corii Asini can strengthen brain nerve function, promote growth and development, improve thinking and intelligence, and maintain normal secretion of glands. It can prevent and control slow reaction, pediatric dysplasia, insufficient maternal lactation, and forgetfulness and insomnia in old age.

Gum contains a lot of gum, but also has the effect of blood, blood, stop bleeding, cold and dampness, so it is also very helpful for surgical patients to recover from wounds.

It is also the best choice of collagen for women who love beauty. According to the analysis, 70% of the proteins in human skin are collagen, which is composed of a net-like structure that supports the skin, making it look smooth and full, soft and elastic. As we age, the body’s metabolism weakens and the skin is not replenished and renewed with collagen in time, eventually leading to the loss of elasticity and aging of the skin, sagging, wrinkles, dryness and other phenomena, so timely supplementation of collagen can restore the skin to youthful vitality.

03 Fish gelatin prescription

1, the treatment of kidney water deficiency, Yin deficiency of blood deficiency: fish swim bladder a catty (bran surface fried scorched, grind off the coarse powder, and then fried and then ground), sand Tribulus terrestris four taels, Angelica sinensis four taels (wine wash), Cistanches four taels (remove the scales and nails, wine wash), lotus beard, cuscuta four taels (wine boil). Honey pills, Tongzi big. Each dose of two or three coins. (Buzui Liangfang” fish bladder pill)

2, the treatment of menstrual blood retrograde: fish gum (cut, fried), the new sheep (burned ashes). Each serving of two money, rice drink transfer down. (The “Multi-energy despicable thing”)

3, the treatment of vomiting blood: swim bladder gum eight inches long, two inches wide, sizzling so yellow, scraping two money. Thirty-five with sugar cane knots, take the natural juice to mix down. (Experience Formula)

Note that some of the prescriptions written up just to increase your knowledge of fish glue, not to let you go back to try, laymen look simple, but inside step by step are the details of Chinese medicine, there are major diseases or go directly to the doctor reliable, do not blindly try, so as not to delay the disease.

04 suitable for people


Fish gelatin is rich in supplemental collagen, a good choice to maintain or restore skin elasticity. Collagen plumps up the cells, thus making the skin plump and elastic, it reduces pores and makes the skin delicate and smooth.


Fish gelatin is good for the kidneys and essence, nourishes the blood and strengthens the body, strengthens the body and resists fatigue, and is suitable for both strenuous workers and exerters.

Pregnant women.

As detailed in the previous article, it nourishes itself and the fetus, tonic but not dry. Nourish your child to be fat and white!


Promotes growth and development, improves memory, nourishes the muscles and bones, strengthens the body and improves immunity.

Older people.

Colla Corii Asini can enhance the digestive function of the elderly, thus improving appetite, preventing indigestion, bloating, constipation, etc. It also regulates nerve function, maintains normal secretion of glands, and prevents delayed reaction, forgetfulness, dementia, etc.

Weak people.

Fish gelatin is the most suitable for people with weak body, because fish gelatin is flat and sweet in taste, the tonic for the body is a flat tonic, will not be on fire, do not worry about the deficiency of the tonic situation.

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