Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

What are the 6 summer health taboos? What’s good to eat in summer?

The three-volt day usually occurs between the small summer and the summer heat, which is the highest temperature in the year and also a humid, hot, and stuffy time.

It is often said that winter nourishes three nines, and summer nourishes three volts. On the day of the ambush, keep in mind these health tips for yourself and your family’s body to strengthen the maintenance, and healthy over the summer!

What are the 6 taboos for health care on the day of three volts?

Experts pointed out that there are six taboos in the three ambrosia day health: avoid eating cold drinks, avoid not opening windows and ventilation, avoid cold wind blowing directly, avoid eating only fruits and vegetables, avoid not sweating, and avoid excessive exercise.

What is good to eat on the day of three volts?

Three volts day should eat three treasures, reasonable diet first treasure: dumplings. As the old saying goes: “The first ambush dumplings, two ambush noodles, the last ambush pancakes rolled eggs”, since ancient times, people have had the habit of eating dumplings in the first ambush. Dumplings are rich in starch, protein, and vitamins, and can provide the body with adequate nutrition. Eat dumplings on the day of the ambush, and then drink a bowl of dumpling soup, so that the body sweats, to help drive away the summer “toxic fire”.

The second treasure: mutton. As the saying goes, “A bowl of mutton soup on the day of the ambush, no need for a doctor to prescribe medicine.” Eat lamb in winter, because of the cold weather, the need to supplement, three days to eat lamb, because often sweat, resulting in overdraft, also need to supplement. Mutton and sheep soup can help the human body discharge the moisture and cold caused by frequent air conditioning, improve immunity, strengthen the body, nourish yin and replenish qi.

The third treasure: bitter melon. Eating bitter on the day of ambrosia is better than tonic. Bitter melon is rich in vitamins and crude fiber, often eaten can get rid of fire, and detoxification, very suitable for hot and humid summer consumption. In addition, bitter melon contains a kind of “bitter melon pigment”, known as a fat killer, which helps lower blood sugar, lower blood fat.

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