Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Under what circumstances, you can take Six Flavor Teapills? Experts urged 3 points, eat wrong will hurt the body

Xiaojiu interviewed a Chinese hospital physician some time ago and he talked about a case.

A young man after 90 years came to consult, saying that some time ago the work is stressful, often insomnia and dreamy, went to the Internet to look up, so this should be kidney deficiency and kidney deficiency, so went to the pharmacy to buy Six Flavor Teapills(Liu Wei Di 1Huang wan), but after eating for a period of time the problem is not solved, on the contrary, also become poor appetite, do not want to eat.

The physician also said that some young people in the clinic come to the clinic because of stomach bloating and indigestion, and when asked about their medical history, more than half of the patients said they were taking Six Flavor Teapills for a long time.

The actual Six Flavor Teapills is suitable for people to use for kidney supplementation? What are the precautions to be taken in the process of using Six Flavor Teapills? We also need to start from the source of Six Flavor Teapills.

First. Six Flavor Teapills was first used for children

The formula of the Six Flavor Teapills was first recorded in a book called “The Straightforward Guide to Pediatric Medicine”, and as the name implies, it is composed of six Chinese herbs. In the beginning, Six Flavor Teapills was not a medicine for adults, but was mainly used for children to treat growth retardation and promote their growth and development.

With the passage of time, Six Flavor Teapills is no longer the exclusive medicine for children, but adults also began to take it to nourish Yin, tonify the kidneys and benefit the spleen. The majority of modern people believe that Six Flavor Teapills is a good hand in health care, can nourish Yin and tonify the kidneys, effective for kidney deficiency, dizziness and tinnitus and other physical weakness.

Second. The Six Flavor Teapills is not a general formula for kidney supplementation

The Six Flavor Teapills is not a generic drug for the kidney, for the kidney yin deficiency tonic, that is, the kidney must first start from their own situation, to distinguish their own kidney is a kidney yang deficiency or kidney yin deficiency situation.

1. How to distinguish between kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency?

Yes, kidney deficiency is also divided into kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency, which is a concept in Chinese medicine. How to distinguish between kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency? In Chinese medicine, it is said that “Yin deficiency produces internal heat, Yang deficiency produces external cold”.

People suffering from kidney yin deficiency often suffer from back pain, dizziness and insomnia, and women may even experience extremely low menstrual flow and poor fertility. Young men, on the other hand, tend to exhibit premature ejaculation and seminal emission. Older people can suffer from severe hair loss, tinnitus, and greatly reduced eye vision.

The other side of the coin is kidney yang deficiency.

In fact, the symptoms of kidney yang deficiency are quite similar to those of kidney yin deficiency, such as fatigue, weakness, back pain and so on. However, the main significant difference between kidney yang deficiency and kidney yin deficiency is that patients with kidney yang deficiency may experience coldness and chills in their limbs, which may be due to their weak yang energy. In addition, men with Kidney-Yang deficiency may experience impotence, and women may have abnormally thin leucorrhea.

Of course, kidney yin deficiency and kidney yang deficiency are not dichotomous, they often exist in a person’s body at the same time, and it is difficult to separate them distinctly, only to determine which side of the body is biased. Therefore, it is difficult for patients to distinguish between them on their own and usually need the help of a specialist.

2. What are the consequences of abusing Lukewarm Dihuang Pills?

If you do not know whether you have a kidney yang deficiency or a kidney yin deficiency, and then abuse Six Flavor Teapills to supplement the kidney, what will be the effect?

The obvious effect is of course negative.

The abuse of Six Flavor Teapills for health care is likely to lead to fire in the body, aggravating internal heat in the body, affecting digestive function and appetite. In addition to Six Flavor Teapills, there are many other drugs that can lead to similar results, such as other kidney tonics, health drugs and foods.

Therefore, we must not supplement indiscriminately and must do so under the guidance of a professional physician.

Third. the Six Flavor Teapills, so use the right

The following precautions should be noted when taking Six Flavor Teapills, do you remember them clearly? The next time you use the medicine do not make a mistake.

1. kidney Yang deficiency body, should not take six flavor Dihuang pill

If it is used on a person with kidney yang deficiency, it may lead to internal heat of fire and other phenomena.

2. People with weak spleen and stomach are not suitable to take Six Flavor Teapills

Therefore, patients with a weak spleen and stomach should not take Six Flavor Teapills without permission, or at least need to first regulate the spleen and stomach, and then consider taking it.

3. Healthy people are not suitable for Six Flavor Teapills

If you are a healthy person, you may experience a loss of appetite and other abnormalities. The actual fact is that if you are not suffering from kidney yin deficiency, you should not take the pill without permission, otherwise you may not be able to nourish your body, but rather harm your own healthy body.

The most important thing is to find out the precautions to take before taking it, in order to avoid endangering your health and playing the role of a tonic.

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