Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Traditional Chinese Medicine’s Remedy for Insomnia: He Shou Wu

He Shou Wu, also known as Polygonum multiflorum or Fo-Ti, is a commonly used Chinese herbal medicine known for its benefits in nourishing the liver and kidneys, replenishing essence and blood, and strengthening tendons and bones. According to traditional Chinese medicine theory, insomnia is often related to factors such as liver and kidney yin deficiency and insufficient heart blood. He Shou Wu is used to treat insomnia due to its actions in nourishing the liver and kidneys and replenishing essence and blood.

Here is how He Shou Wu is used to treat insomnia:

1. Decoction:

He Shou Wu is decocted along with other herbs that have calming, heart-nourishing, and blood-tonifying properties, such as sour jujube seed, Polygala root, longan fruit, and Chinese angelica (Dang Gui). When preparing the decoction, soak the herbs for 30 minutes, then add an appropriate amount of water, and simmer over low heat for 30-40 minutes. Finally, strain and take the liquid. Typically, it is consumed 1-2 times daily, with each dose being 150-200 milliliters. This method fully utilizes the properties of the various herbs and is effective in improving insomnia symptoms.

2. Tea Infusion:

He Shou Wu is infused into a tea along with other herbs that have calming, heart-nourishing, and blood-tonifying properties. Place the herbs in a teacup or teapot, add boiling water, cover, and let it steep for 10-15 minutes before consumption. Generally, it is consumed 1-2 times daily, with each dose being 150-200 milliliters. This method is simple and convenient, making it suitable for busy modern individuals.

3. Grinding into Powder:

He Shou Wu is ground into a fine powder, and each dose is 3-5 grams, which is taken with warm water. Typically, it is consumed 2-3 times daily. This method is convenient for carrying and storing, making it suitable for travel or when on the go.

It’s important to note that while He Shou Wu has a certain efficacy in treating insomnia, it is not suitable for all individuals with insomnia. Before using He Shou Wu for treating insomnia, it is essential to consult a professional traditional Chinese medicine practitioner to choose the appropriate method and dosage based on individual constitution and condition. Additionally, the treatment of insomnia should also involve adjustments to lifestyle, diet, exercise, and other factors to achieve better therapeutic effects. For instance, maintaining a regular sleep schedule and avoiding staying up late, ensuring a balanced diet with moderate alcohol and caffeine intake, and engaging in regular physical exercise to enhance physical fitness. In summary, a comprehensive approach using multiple methods is required to effectively address insomnia issues.

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