Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Spleen deficiency needs to be regulated, these 7 small herbal remedies can help you!

Spleen deficiency refers to the phenomenon of cases of malfunction of the physiological functions of the spleen associated with the deficiency of the spleen, mostly due to dietary disorders and excessive exertion. The term spleen deficiency is actually a term used in Chinese medicine, so it is only appropriate to use herbs to regulate it. So, let’s take a look at a few remedies that can treat spleen deficiency together.

These 7 small herbal remedies can help you with spleen deficiency!

1. Red dates and walnut wine

First of all, we need to prepare 1500ml of white wine, 36g of fatty red dates and pecan meat, 26g of angelica and Bai Shu, 25g of five plus skin, 20g of roasted licorice, and Yun Fu Ling, 18g of fried white peony, 15g of ginseng and raw earth, and 10g of Chuanxiong. Then, the appealed herbs were washed with water and then ground into a coarse powder, and put into a gauze bag. Finally, put the gauze bag into a white wine jar, seal it in a cool and dry place for half a month, and then open the lid to drink.

2. Pu Huang decoction wine

First, take 9g each of soybeans, pinto beans, and Pu Huang, plus an appropriate amount of white wine. Then, put the beans, pinto beans, and Pu Huang into the pot together. Finally, pour white wine into the pot and make a decoction. When the medicine is ready, take the right amount of wine and drink it.

3. Chen Pi Bai Shu tea

Prepare 3g of each flower tea and Chen Pi, and 5g of Bai Shu, pour them into boiling water, steep for 10 minutes, and then drink.

4. Dates longan honey soup

First, we need to prepare 250g each of honey, dates, and longan meat, as well as the appropriate amount of fresh ginger juice. Then, wash the dates and longan into a pot and add the right amount of water to simmer. Finally, when the dates and longan are almost cooked, add the ginger juice and honey, stir well, and heat until cooked and rotten.

5. Ginger Mix

First, take 10g each of cooked mugwort and dried ginger, as well as an appropriate amount of white flour. Then, grind the cooked mugwort and dried ginger into a fine powder, mix them with white flour, and add the right amount of water to make a chaotic skin. Finally, use this Chinese herbal medicine to wrap up the chaos and eat it.

6. Shen Qu Han Xia Jujube Pills

Take 5g each of Shen Qu and Han Xia, mix them and grind them into powder. Then, pound the appropriate amount of red dates, remove the core and use to blend the powder to make a pill of about 1g.

7. Shuang Huang angelica drink

Take 1g each of licorice, angelica, Scutellaria, Gui Xin, ephedra, aster, almond, and peel, put them into a pot, and pour 5 bowls of water into it for decoction. When the 5 bowls of water are boiled down to about 1 bowl of water, turn off the heat and let cool down to drink.

Warm Tips

Spleen deficiency is a common symptom that also seriously affects human health. Therefore, patients with spleen deficiency must be promptly adjusted to do so. It is also recommended that you must pay attention to your daily eating habits to avoid the appearance of spleen deficiency symptoms.

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