Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Lily flower tea health way [women often drink better efficacy]

When it comes to lilies, many women are familiar with them, her purity, her nobility, just what women like, but lilies also have a unique health benefits, I think we do not know a lot. The way to maximize the health benefits of lilies is to brew them into tea and drink them in the form of a tea, and you will get unexpected health effects. Today I’m going to introduce you to the efficacy and effects of lily of the valley tea.

Lily flower tea is the use of advanced science and technology to lily flower processing and preparation, and maintain the original biological activity of the lily flower, with the original ecological properties.

According to Chinese medicine, lily has the function of moistening the lung, relieving cough, clearing the heart and calming the mind, tonifying the middle and benefiting the qi, which can cure consumption, coughing, spitting, phlegm and blood, false annoyance, palpitation, trance and swelling of the feet. Although lily is a good tonic and famous food, but because of its sweet cold quality moist, where the wind and cold cough, loose stools, spleen and stomach weakness, cold damp long stagnation, kidney Yang decline are contraindicated. What are the efficacy and effects of lily of the valley tea?

The efficacy and role of lily of the valley tea.

1, sedation to improve sleep: lily of the valley tea also has a certain sedative effect, if you sleep restlessly at night, often easily awakened, drinking lily of the valley tea with icing sugar can play a very good effect of sleep;. 

2, clear the heart to remove annoyance: some people have a weak heart, poor spirit, often in a depressed state, a heartbeat, panic, heartburn, red tongue, restlessness, lily has the function of tranquilizing the heart, often drink lily flower tea can relieve the symptoms;.

3, tonic good medicine: lily flower tea contains starch, protein, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B1, B2, C, carotene and other nutrients, but also contains some special nutrients, such as colchicine and other alkaloids. These components act on the human body and have a good tonic effect.

4, lung and cough: drinking lily tea can clear heat and detoxify, soothe cough symptoms, play a good cough effect, especially for people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases as a long-term health tea, conditioning and treatment of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, cough has a very good effect.

5, the treatment of constipation: lily of the valley has poor intestinal function, with constipation patients, often drink lily of the valley tea can not medicine and pass, especially dryness, the effect is better.

The efficacy of lily flower tea has a very good health effect on the body, but because of its sweet cold quality moist, where wind-cold cough, loose stools, spleen and stomach weakness, cold and damp stagnation, kidney Yang recession are contraindicated.

Women often drink lily of the valley tea can beauty and beauty

How to use the lily of the valley to beauty? The easiest way is to make water. Using lily of the valley flowers in water is very good for maintaining the skin’s luster.

The Chinese medicine diagnosis must look at the color of the person, “color” is what, a person looks white, yellow or black, this is all innate, and pigment cells have a relationship. “Ze” represents luster. What is luster? Light and luster means brightness, and brightness means sufficient lung qi. If the lung qi is good, one’s face is shiny. The lily is into the lung meridian, external health and beauty, but also through internal treatment to regulate, so to ensure that the skin gloss, you can choose to use the lily flower infusion to drink, either dried, or fresh can be, have a very good beauty health benefits.

Not only can lily water be drunk, but it can also be used as a make-up water, which also has good effects.

How to use lily water for skin care? It is very simple, in the drink of lily water inside, add more lily flowers can be. For example, ordinary people drink 10 grams of lily of the valley water, if you want to use it externally, it is best to add to 30 grams a day, after boiling in the morning, put a little. Then wash your face, some people are used to shower in the morning. After washing, take this water and gently pat the face, neck, hands and wrists, then you can play a role in removing wrinkles.

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