Traditional Chinese Medicine Ha

Do you know the effects of licorice?

Licorice is a very widely used drug in clinical practice, known as the country’s old, warm qi, clearing heat and detoxification, harmonizing drugs, detoxification, and other effects. Licorice has a light and sweet taste and is a calm medicine. It is mainly used to treat sore throats, peptic ulcers and food poisoning.

Clinical pharmacology has shown that licorice also has hepatoprotective and transaminase-lowering properties, and it is also used clinically to treat a range of immune disorders such as eczema.

As a traditional Chinese medicine, licorice is also known as the king of many medicines.

Traditional Chinese medicine has shown that licorice has the ability to open the meridians, promote blood circulation, clear heat and detoxify the body, stop bleeding and resolve phlegm, tonify the spleen and stomach, harmonize all medicines and nourish the blood. Recent studies have found that licorice has anti-metamorphic, anti-ulcer, anti-inflammatory, antiviral hepatitis, hyperlipidemia, anti-cancer, anti-diuretic, anti-interferon inducer, and cellular immunomodulatory effects.

Efficacy of licorice

One, clearing heat and detoxifying, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

For the treatment of wart ulcers and sore throat, licorice is an anti-inflammatory and can be used alone, for external or internal use, or in combination with other drugs. Wart ulcers are often used together with honeysuckle and forsythia. Often used together with orris for sore throats.

Two, Tonifying the spleen and benefiting the qi

It can be used to treat deficiency of heart qi, palpitation, and palpitation, as well as deficiency of spleen and stomach qi and tiredness. It is often used together with Gui Zhi in treating Qi deficiency in the spleen and stomach, and with Dang Shen and Bai Zhu in treating tiredness and fatigue.

Three, expectorant cough

Licorice has the function of reducing phlegm and relieving cough, used for bronchitis, emphysema, and other diseases caused by cough phlegm, asthma, and other diseases. Licorice can be used alone or in combination with asthma cough. Licorice is often used in wind-heat cough, wind-cold cough, and hot phlegm cough.

Four, slow pain relief

Treatment of stomachache and abdominal pain often used together with peony, can significantly enhance the treatment of the clonus acute pain effect.

Five, harmonizing drug intensity

Licorice can be used to temper the intensity of medicines, such as rhubarb, the purging effects of Glauber’s glass, and gastrointestinal irritation.

Six, protect the liver

Licorice acid and other active ingredients contained in glycyrrhizin tablets can inhibit the complement to prevent liver cell damage, thus playing a role in protecting the liver, and preventing the virus from entering liver cells by changing the permeability of cell membrane, thus achieving the antiviral effect.

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