Tumor treatment with Chinese medicine? Chinese medicine adjuvant therapy has these 4 benefits

For tumors, although the treatment is tricky and the patients suffer a lot during the treatment, if it is paired with Chinese medicine, it can achieve better treatment effect, promote the treatment of the disease and prevent recurrence.

Tumor treatment with Chinese medicine? Chinese medicine adjuvant therapy has these 4 benefits

When it comes to tumor, people are more afraid because once it deteriorates, it develops into cancer. Despite the rapid development of medical technology nowadays, there is still a gap in the treatment of cancer and no cure can be found. The treatment will be different depending on the severity of cancer. For some patients with more serious conditions, they need to adopt surgery, and some others need to adopt chemotherapy, but either surgery or chemotherapy will produce some damage to the body, so nowadays, comprehensive treatment is more advocated.

What are the benefits of Chinese medicine adjuvant therapy for tumor patients?

During the treatment of tumor patients, some friends may find that sometimes doctors will add some Chinese medicine for patients to take in addition to chemotherapy drugs. And for the role of Chinese medicine in tumor treatment, many friends may be more confused, what are the benefits of Chinese medicine for tumor patients? It is mainly reflected in 4 aspects.

1, Reducing toxic side effects

For tumor patients, patients with light symptoms need to take some drugs for a long time, but these drugs will have some side effects on the body when taken for a long time, so it is possible to take some Chinese medicine to reduce the damage caused by side effects on the body. In addition to taking drugs, chemotherapy will also have great side effects on the body, patients will experience nausea, vomiting, hair loss and other phenomena, this situation can also choose Chinese medicine for conditioning to reduce side effects.

2, Reduce the appearance of complications

Tumor patients will increase the burden of liver and kidney to a certain extent due to the long-term use of some western medicine, which will affect the normal function of liver and kidney, so they can choose to take some traditional Chinese medicine to prevent the emergence of other complications. Long-term chemotherapy will also cause the patient’s body to become weak, so taking some traditional Chinese medicine can help the patient recover to a better state.

3, Regulate physical constitution to reduce risk

What tumor patients are most afraid of is the further deterioration of the disease and its gradual development into cancer, once it develops into cancer, it will be more difficult to cure. Although some patients have undergone tumor removal surgery, there is also the risk of recurrence, and once the disease recurs, the condition will be more serious. Therefore, for the treatment of tumor, the first thing is to find out the root cause. Chinese medicine treatment is to follow this principle and use the corresponding medicine according to the root cause to change the nature of tumor, adjust the body constitution and reduce the risk of deterioration and recurrence.

4, Improve survival quality

Chemotherapy is the most common treatment for tumor patients, and Chinese medicine can improve the completion rate of chemotherapy to a certain extent, and at the same time can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy, which has a very positive significance for the treatment of tumor. Because chemotherapy can bring great psychological torture as well as physical torture to patients, while the application of traditional Chinese medicine can reduce patients’ pain and improve their survival quality.

For tumors, although the treatment is tricky and the patients suffer a lot during the treatment, if it is paired with Chinese medicine, it can achieve better treatment effect, promote the treatment of the disease and prevent recurrence.

Original article by admin, if reproduced, please cite the source as: https://www.tcmha.com/tcmhealthcare/tumor-treatment-with-chinese-medicine-chinese-medicine-adjuvant-therapy-has-these-4-benefits.html

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