Traditional Chinese Medicine talks about bathing! 2 types of baths to change immediately?

Housing should choose high ground, good ventilation conditions of the environment, and can be placed indoors in the mugwort incense. Daily should drink plenty of water, and adhere to the exercise, every night before going to bed with moxa leaves foot bath, to promote sweat dispersion to discharge dampness. Eat less cold and fatty and greasy food, and eat more with the spleen and stomach effect of red beans, yam, barley, and poria.

Traditional Chinese Medicine talks about bathing! 2 types of baths to change immediately?

The reason why the body temperature can be maintained in a constant state is mainly related to sweating, sweat to dissipate heat and regulate body temperature, in a hot environment, exercise when the body will sweat. Bathing can wash away surface sweat and stains, but the wrong way of bathing can increase the body’s dampness to the point of inducing disease.

Which bathing method will cause heavy dampness?

1. Failure to dry after bathing

After the end of the bath skin surface becomes wet, not timely drying the body can make moisture in the skin stagnation, especially in a humid environment, moisture is easy to accumulate in the skin and gradually penetrate the body.

2. Immediately after sweating bath

Sweat is secreted by sweat glands, discharged through the pores on the skin, when sweating skin pores are in a state of expansion. Immediately after the bath, the hot steam generated by the bathroom through the moisture in the air to generate moisture.

What parts of the body should be massaged after bathing?

The popliteal fossa, elbow, and armpit are easy to accumulate moisture, massage of the following parts of the body can promote the discharge of moisture.

1. Popliteal fossa

Knees in a state of bending, the use of massage stick or finger massage popliteal fossa with the appropriate intensity, clockwise direction massage 5 ~ 10 minutes.

2. Elbow

Arms in a state of bending, the use of fingers gently massage clockwise direction massage for 10 minutes.

3. Armpit

The use of fingers gently beat or massage armpits, each time about 5 minutes on the line.

Reminder, the massage must grasp the strength, not excessive force, so as not to harm the skin. In pregnancy and lactation of women, heart disease patients should consult a medical professional before massage, so as not to cause discomfort or aggravate the symptoms.

What should I pay attention to when taking a bath?

1. Control the time

Bathing time can not be too long, the longest can not be more than 20 minutes, so as not to make the accumulation of moisture in the body, especially for overweight or obese, cardiovascular disease-based patients, and the elderly.

2. Adjust the water temperature

Bathing water temperature close to the body temperature can be, generally 37 ~ 40 ℃, to feel comfortable body as well, not too cool or too hot.

3. Dry immediately

After the bath can not dry, the first time with a dry towel or bath towel to dry the body, to prevent the body surface residual moisture.

4, good ventilation

Try to open all the windows and doors when taking a bath to ensure good ventilation. If there is no window in the bathroom, you may wish to install a dehumidifier or exhaust fan and other equipment.

5. Pay attention to indoor drying

After the bath should be the first time to remove the water in the bathroom, to maintain local dryness and cleanliness.

Warm tips

Housing should choose high ground, good ventilation conditions of the environment, and can be placed indoors in the mugwort incense. Daily should drink plenty of water, and adhere to the exercise, every night before going to bed with moxa leaves foot bath, to promote sweat dispersion to discharge dampness. Eat less cold and fatty and greasy food, and eat more with the spleen and stomach effect of red beans, yam, barley, and poria.

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