Traditional Chinese medicine has advantages in preventing and treating respiratory system diseases. Here are 5 things you should do in spring to prevent them!

Traditional Chinese medicine has advantages in preventing and treating respiratory system diseases with minimal side effects and fast recovery.

Traditional Chinese medicine has advantages in preventing and treating respiratory system diseases. Here are 5 things you should do in spring to prevent them!

In the north, the spring air is dry, the weather changes frequently, and there are large temperature differences between day and night. It is easy to experience symptoms such as fever, cough, and sore throat, or headaches, dizziness, loss of appetite, dry and red eyes, and respiratory diseases such as colds and flu. Traditional Chinese medicine has advantages in preventing and treating respiratory system diseases with minimal side effects and fast recovery.

How to prevent respiratory system diseases with Chinese medicine?

Lianhua Qingwen has a definite effect on influenza, colds, and other illnesses. It can relieve symptoms such as fever, general weakness, muscle soreness, dizziness, runny nose, cough, and phlegm. Lianhua Qingwen contains Forsythia and Honeysuckle, which can dispel wind and heat, clear heat and detoxify the body. It also contains bitter almond, which has a cough-suppressing effect, gypsum, which can clear internal heat, and roasted Ephedra, which can relieve asthma, promote lung function, and relieve surface symptoms. It also contains a precious Chinese medicinal herb, Rhodiola, which can enhance immunity, strengthen disease resistance, and help consolidate overall treatment effects. It should be used as early as possible after respiratory diseases occur to alleviate symptoms such as fever, chills, nasal congestion, runny nose, muscle aches, dry and sore throat, and headaches, and help cure the disease.

How to prevent respiratory diseases in spring?

1. Pay attention to hygiene

Various bacteria and viruses may attach to hands, so you must wash your hands before eating or snacking, preferably with running water and soap, and use the seven-step hand washing method to help remove bacteria and viruses.

2. Get enough sunlight

The ultraviolet rays emitted by sunlight can help synthesize vitamin D3 in the skin, promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines, and enhance immunity, thus strengthening the body.

3. Strengthen nutrition

Maintain regular three meals a day, and do not skip any meals. The diet should be diversified, and different types and colors of food should be eaten. You should eat 500 grams of vegetables and 200 grams of fruit every day. A reasonable ratio of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins should be consumed to ensure balanced nutrition.

4. Exercise more

Moderate exercise can promote blood circulation throughout the body, enhance the function of various organ systems, and make the body stronger, reducing the risk of illness. People with weak physical conditions should choose gentle aerobic exercises such as walking, cycling, and tai chi, and exercise until the body sweats slightly.

5. Get enough sleep

Sleeping for 7 to 8 hours a day can not only eliminate fatigue but also increase resistance to fight against external bacteria or viruses.

Warm Reminder

In spring, you should not take off thick clothes all at once and still keep warm. Creating a good family atmosphere and maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude can help stimulate the vitality of the immune system. Pay attention to the air circulation in the living room, open windows frequently for ventilation, and place a humidifier or a few bowls of water in the room to reduce the amount of pathogenic bacteria in the air and moisturize the lungs.

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